- 1
- 0
2024-07-23 01:51.03: New job: Build using windows-1809-x86_64 in [ (69dbd0eda2e75b7085cff45755111c73a7a42d1a)] 2024-07-23 01:51.03: Will push staging image to ocurrent/opam-staging:windows-mingw-ltsc2019-opam-amd64 Dockerfile: # escape=` # Autogenerated by OCaml-Dockerfile scripts FROM as winget-builder USER ContainerAdministrator ADD [ "", "C:\\TEMP\\" ] RUN powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -LiteralPath C:\TEMP\ -DestinationPath C:\TEMP\winget-cli -Force" RUN ren C:\TEMP\winget-cli\AppInstaller_x64.msix RUN powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -LiteralPath C:\TEMP\winget-cli\ -DestinationPath C:\TEMP\winget-cli\ -Force" RUN mkdir "C:\Program Files\winget-cli" && ` move "C:\TEMP\winget-cli\\winget.exe" "C:\Program Files\winget-cli\" && ` move "C:\TEMP\winget-cli\\WindowsPackageManager.dll" "C:\Program Files\winget-cli\" && ` move "C:\TEMP\winget-cli\\resources.pri" "C:\Program Files\winget-cli\" FROM as opam-builder USER ContainerAdministrator RUN for /f "tokens=1,2,*" %a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path ^| findstr /r "\\$"') do ` for /f "delims=" %l in ('cmd /v:on /c "set v=%c&& echo !v:~0,-1!"') do ` reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "%l" ENV CYGWIN="nodosfilewarning winsymlinks:native" RUN for /f "tokens=1,2,*" %a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path ^| findstr /r "^[^H]"') do ` reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "C:\cygwin64\bin;%c" ADD [ "", "C:\\cygwin64\\setup-x86_64.exe" ] RUN mkdir C:\cygwin64\lib\cygsympathy && mkdir C:\cygwin64\etc\postinstall ADD [ "", "C:\\cygwin64\\lib\\cygsympathy\\" ] ADD [ "", "C:\\cygwin64\\lib\\cygsympathy\\cygsympathy" ] RUN mklink C:\cygwin64\etc\postinstall\ C:\cygwin64\lib\cygsympathy\cygsympathy RUN C:\cygwin64\setup-x86_64.exe --quiet-mode --no-shortcuts --no-startmenu --no-desktop --only-site --local-package-dir C:\TEMP\cache --root C:\cygwin64 --site --symlink-type=native --packages diffutils,git,make,mingw64-i686-gcc-g++,mingw64-x86_64-gcc-core,mingw64-x86_64-gcc-g++,patch && ` powershell -Command "Remove-Item 'C:\TEMP' -Recurse" RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\peflags -d0 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygwin1.dll RUN awk -i inplace "/(^#)|(^$)/{print;next}{$4=""noacl,""$4; print}" C:\cygwin64\etc\fstab ENV HOME="C:\cygwin64\home\opam" RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "git config --global '' && git config --global 'Docker' && git config --system core.longpaths true && git config --global --add /tmp/opam-sources" RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "git clone /tmp/opam && cd /tmp/opam && git checkout a1c9c34417735687fd9310e7dc5c4c177e020441 && make compiler " RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "git clone /tmp/opam /tmp/opam-build-2.2 && cd /tmp/opam-build-2.2 && git config --global --add /tmp/opam-build-2.2 && git checkout 56a53060b8933fa098cdb84894e853bbc16565c5" RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "cd /tmp/opam-build-2.2 && env PATH="/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin:$PATH" ./configure --enable-cold-check --with-private-runtime --with-vendored-deps --with-0install-solver && env PATH="/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin:$PATH" make && make install && mv /usr/local/bin/opam.exe /usr/local/bin/opam-2.2.exe" RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "git clone /tmp/opam /tmp/opam-build-master && cd /tmp/opam-build-master && git config --global --add /tmp/opam-build-master && git checkout a1c9c34417735687fd9310e7dc5c4c177e020441" RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "cd /tmp/opam-build-master && env PATH="/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin:$PATH" ./configure --enable-cold-check --with-private-runtime --with-vendored-deps --with-0install-solver && env PATH="/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin:$PATH" make && make install && mv /usr/local/bin/opam.exe /usr/local/bin/opam-master.exe" FROM USER ContainerAdministrator LABEL distro_style="windows" USER ContainerAdministrator RUN for /f "tokens=1,2,*" %a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path ^| findstr /r "\\$"') do ` for /f "delims=" %l in ('cmd /v:on /c "set v=%c&& echo !v:~0,-1!"') do ` reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "%l" ADD [ "", "C:\\TEMP\\" ] RUN C:\TEMP\vc_redist.x64.exe /install /passive /norestart /log C:\TEMP\vc_redist.log && ` powershell -Command "Remove-Item 'C:\TEMP' -Recurse" COPY --from=winget-builder [ "C:\\Program Files\\winget-cli", "C:\\Program Files\\winget-cli" ] RUN for /f "tokens=1,2,*" %a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path ^| findstr /r "^[^H]"') do ` reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "C:\Program Files\winget-cli;%c" RUN powershell -Command "$path=(Join-Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA 'Packages\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState'); New-Item $path -ItemType Directory -Force; '{ """"$schema"""": """""""", """"telemetry"""": { """"disable"""": """"true"""" } }' | Out-File -encoding ASCII (Join-Path $path 'settings.json')" ENV CYGWIN="nodosfilewarning winsymlinks:native" RUN for /f "tokens=1,2,*" %a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path ^| findstr /r "^[^H]"') do ` reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "C:\cygwin64\bin;%c" ADD [ "", "C:\\cygwin64\\setup-x86_64.exe" ] RUN mkdir C:\cygwin64\lib\cygsympathy && mkdir C:\cygwin64\etc\postinstall ADD [ "", "C:\\cygwin64\\lib\\cygsympathy\\" ] ADD [ "", "C:\\cygwin64\\lib\\cygsympathy\\cygsympathy" ] RUN mklink C:\cygwin64\etc\postinstall\ C:\cygwin64\lib\cygsympathy\cygsympathy RUN C:\cygwin64\setup-x86_64.exe --quiet-mode --no-shortcuts --no-startmenu --no-desktop --only-site --local-package-dir C:\TEMP\cache --root C:\cygwin64 --site --symlink-type=native --packages curl,diffutils,git,m4,make,mingw64-x86_64-gcc-core,patch,perl,rsync,unzip && ` powershell -Command "Remove-Item 'C:\TEMP' -Recurse" RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\peflags -d0 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygwin1.dll RUN awk -i inplace "/(^#)|(^$)/{print;next}{$4=""noacl,""$4; print}" C:\cygwin64\etc\fstab ADD [ "", "C:\\TEMP\\" ] RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "cd /tmp && tar -xf /cygdrive/c/TEMP/opam64.tar.xz && ./opam64/ --prefix=/usr && rm -rf opam64 opam64.tar.xz" COPY --from=opam-builder [ "C:\\cygwin64\\usr\\local\\bin\\opam-2.2.exe", "C:\\opam-2.2.exe" ] RUN move C:\opam-2.2.exe C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin COPY --from=opam-builder [ "C:\\cygwin64\\usr\\local\\bin\\opam-master.exe", "C:\\opam-dev.exe" ] RUN move C:\opam-dev.exe C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin WORKDIR C:\cygwin64\home\opam ENV HOME="C:\cygwin64\home\opam" RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "git config --global '' && git config --global 'Docker' && git config --system core.longpaths true && git config --global --add /home/opam/opam-repository" COPY [ ".", "C:\\cygwin64\\home\\opam\\opam-repository" ] ENV OPAMROOT="C:\opam\.opam" RUN opam init -k local -a "C:\cygwin64\home\opam\opam-repository" --bare --disable-sandboxing RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "rm -rf /cygdrive/c/opam/.opam/repo/default/.git" COPY [ "Dockerfile", "/Dockerfile.opam" ] 2024-07-23 01:51.03: Using cache hint "opam-windows-mingw-ltsc2019" 2024-07-23 01:51.03: Waiting for resource in pool OCluster 2024-07-23 01:51.03: Waiting for worker… 2024-07-24 01:31.55: Got resource from pool OCluster Building on ltsc2019-1 All commits already cached HEAD is now at 69dbd0eda Merge pull request #21 from dra27/changes-b530f3bbd2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROBOCOPY :: Robust File Copy for Windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Started : Wednesday, July 24, 2024 4:12:33 AM Source : c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\ Dest : c:\state\tmp\build-context-7574c3\.git\ Files : *.* Options : *.* /S /E /DCOPY:T /COPY:DATSO /R:0 /W:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New Dir 6 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\ New File 294 config 100% New File 73 description 100% New File 1674 FETCH_HEAD 100% New File 23 HEAD 100% New File 4.2 m index 11% 23% 34% 46% 58% 69% 81% 93% 100% New File 41 ORIG_HEAD 100% New Dir 14 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\hooks\ New File 478 applypatch-msg.sample 100% New File 896 commit-msg.sample 100% New File 4726 fsmonitor-watchman.sample 100% New File 189 post-update.sample 100% New File 424 pre-applypatch.sample 100% New File 1643 pre-commit.sample 100% New File 416 pre-merge-commit.sample 100% New File 1374 pre-push.sample 100% New File 4898 pre-rebase.sample 100% New File 544 pre-receive.sample 100% New File 1492 prepare-commit-msg.sample 100% New File 2783 push-to-checkout.sample 100% New File 2308 sendemail-validate.sample 100% New File 3650 update.sample 100% New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\info\ New File 240 exclude 100% New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\logs\ New File 1098 HEAD 100% New Dir 0 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\logs\refs\ New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\logs\refs\heads\ New File 183 master 100% New Dir 0 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\logs\refs\remotes\ New Dir 2 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\logs\refs\remotes\origin\ New File 196 opam2 100% New File 196 sunset 100% New Dir 0 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\logs\refs\remotes\pull\ New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\logs\refs\remotes\pull\1\ New File 195 head 100% New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\logs\refs\remotes\pull\12\ New File 195 head 100% New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\logs\refs\remotes\pull\13\ New File 195 head 100% New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\logs\refs\remotes\pull\2\ New File 195 head 100% New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\logs\refs\remotes\pull\20\ New File 195 head 100% New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\logs\refs\remotes\pull\21\ New File 195 head 100% New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\logs\refs\remotes\pull\3\ New File 195 head 100% New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\logs\refs\remotes\pull\4\ New File 195 head 100% New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\logs\refs\remotes\pull\5\ New File 195 head 100% New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\logs\refs\remotes\pull\8\ New File 195 head 100% New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\logs\refs\remotes\pull\9\ New File 195 head 100% New Dir 0 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\objects\ New Dir 0 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\objects\info\ New Dir 3 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\objects\pack\ New File 5.9 m pack-6784f930b7e18d43c7e272afc6eefb8154abf3a4.idx 8.4% 16.8% 25.3% 33.7% 42.1% 50.6% 59.0% 67.4% 75.9% 84.3% 92.7% 100% New File 33.4 m pack-6784f930b7e18d43c7e272afc6eefb8154abf3a4.pack 2.9% 5.9% 8.9% 11.9% 14.9% 17.9% 20.9% 23.9% 26.8% 29.8% 32.8% 35.8% 38.8% 41.8% 44.8% 47.8% 50.8% 53.7% 56.7% 59.7% 62.7% 65.7% 68.7% 71.7% 74.7% 77.6% 80.6% 83.6% 86.6% 89.6% 92.6% 95.6% 98.6% 100% New File 887852 pack-6784f930b7e18d43c7e272afc6eefb8154abf3a4.rev 29% 59% 88% 100% New Dir 0 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\refs\ New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\refs\heads\ New File 41 master 100% New Dir 0 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\refs\remotes\ New Dir 2 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\refs\remotes\origin\ New File 41 opam2 100% New File 41 sunset 100% New Dir 0 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\refs\remotes\pull\ New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\refs\remotes\pull\1\ New File 41 head 100% New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\refs\remotes\pull\12\ New File 41 head 100% New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\refs\remotes\pull\13\ New File 41 head 100% New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\refs\remotes\pull\2\ New File 41 head 100% New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\refs\remotes\pull\20\ New File 41 head 100% New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\refs\remotes\pull\21\ New File 41 head 100% New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\refs\remotes\pull\3\ New File 41 head 100% New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\refs\remotes\pull\4\ New File 41 head 100% New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\refs\remotes\pull\5\ New File 41 head 100% New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\refs\remotes\pull\8\ New File 41 head 100% New Dir 1 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\refs\remotes\pull\9\ New File 41 head 100% New Dir 0 c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\refs\tags\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Copied Skipped Mismatch FAILED Extras Dirs : 40 40 0 0 0 0 Files : 53 53 0 0 0 0 Bytes : 44.56 m 44.56 m 0 0 0 0 Times : 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00 Speed : 133143772 Bytes/sec. Speed : 7618.547 MegaBytes/min. Ended : Wednesday, July 24, 2024 4:12:33 AM Sending build context to Docker daemon 134.6MB Step 1/61 : FROM as winget-builder 10.0.17763.6054: Pulling from windows Digest: sha256:d73b1d59869965123148077be9cb06df4e706aea55bbc0dc5e28f0ce35b52676 Status: Downloaded newer image for ---> 6df6740e93d4 Step 2/61 : USER ContainerAdministrator ---> Running in a8375cf835b1 Removing intermediate container a8375cf835b1 ---> 64170310618a Step 3/61 : ADD [ "", "C:\\TEMP\\" ] ---> 016b4fc6965c Step 4/61 : RUN powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -LiteralPath C:\TEMP\ -DestinationPath C:\TEMP\winget-cli -Force" ---> Running in cc571876648f Removing intermediate container cc571876648f ---> d45bacb2b20a Step 5/61 : RUN ren C:\TEMP\winget-cli\AppInstaller_x64.msix ---> Running in 6f81a01a9d76 Removing intermediate container 6f81a01a9d76 ---> a801585c50c4 Step 6/61 : RUN powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -LiteralPath C:\TEMP\winget-cli\ -DestinationPath C:\TEMP\winget-cli\ -Force" ---> Running in af181411c18d Removing intermediate container af181411c18d ---> d1f07f173ab7 Step 7/61 : RUN mkdir "C:\Program Files\winget-cli" && move "C:\TEMP\winget-cli\\winget.exe" "C:\Program Files\winget-cli\" && move "C:\TEMP\winget-cli\\WindowsPackageManager.dll" "C:\Program Files\winget-cli\" && move "C:\TEMP\winget-cli\\resources.pri" "C:\Program Files\winget-cli\" ---> Running in 43dfe3bef3a7 1 file(s) moved. 1 file(s) moved. 1 file(s) moved. Removing intermediate container 43dfe3bef3a7 ---> a21553e82d7c Step 8/61 : FROM as opam-builder 10.0.17763.6054: Pulling from windows Digest: sha256:d73b1d59869965123148077be9cb06df4e706aea55bbc0dc5e28f0ce35b52676 Status: Image is up to date for ---> 6df6740e93d4 Step 9/61 : USER ContainerAdministrator ---> Using cache ---> 64170310618a Step 10/61 : RUN for /f "tokens=1,2,*" %a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path ^| findstr /r "\\$"') do for /f "delims=" %l in ('cmd /v:on /c "set v=%c&& echo !v:~0,-1!"') do reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "%l" ---> Running in 21aa865879f5 C:\>for /F "delims=" %l in ('cmd /v:on /c "set v=%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\OpenSSH\&& echo !v:~0,-1!"') do reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "%l" C:\>reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH" The operation completed successfully. Removing intermediate container 21aa865879f5 ---> 2ead7ba4fd22 Step 11/61 : ENV CYGWIN="nodosfilewarning winsymlinks:native" ---> Running in ad903ef785d5 Removing intermediate container ad903ef785d5 ---> edf8077d701f Step 12/61 : RUN for /f "tokens=1,2,*" %a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path ^| findstr /r "^[^H]"') do reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "C:\cygwin64\bin;%c" ---> Running in d6f05060ecd7 C:\>reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "C:\cygwin64\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH" The operation completed successfully. Removing intermediate container d6f05060ecd7 ---> f6457e4cbda4 Step 13/61 : ADD [ "", "C:\\cygwin64\\setup-x86_64.exe" ] ---> e6118510af1f Step 14/61 : RUN mkdir C:\cygwin64\lib\cygsympathy && mkdir C:\cygwin64\etc\postinstall ---> Running in b919c9e036c9 Removing intermediate container b919c9e036c9 ---> f7a254b2832d Step 15/61 : ADD [ "", "C:\\cygwin64\\lib\\cygsympathy\\" ] ---> 934f14c2b2db Step 16/61 : ADD [ "", "C:\\cygwin64\\lib\\cygsympathy\\cygsympathy" ] ---> b8f14308e4ae Step 17/61 : RUN mklink C:\cygwin64\etc\postinstall\ C:\cygwin64\lib\cygsympathy\cygsympathy ---> Running in 5fdf4fb7c3d5 symbolic link created for C:\cygwin64\etc\postinstall\ <<===>> C:\cygwin64\lib\cygsympathy\cygsympathy Removing intermediate container 5fdf4fb7c3d5 ---> 044423cbe217 Step 18/61 : RUN C:\cygwin64\setup-x86_64.exe --quiet-mode --no-shortcuts --no-startmenu --no-desktop --only-site --local-package-dir C:\TEMP\cache --root C:\cygwin64 --site --symlink-type=native --packages diffutils,git,make,mingw64-i686-gcc-g++,mingw64-x86_64-gcc-core,mingw64-x86_64-gcc-g++,patch && powershell -Command "Remove-Item 'C:\TEMP' -Recurse" ---> Running in 2eb945342068 Starting cygwin install, version 2.932 User has backup/restore rights User has symlink creation right io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/setup.rc) failed 2 No such file or directory Current Directory: C:\TEMP\cache root: C:\cygwin64 system Changing gid to Administrators Selected local directory: C:\TEMP\cache net: Preconfig site: io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/timestamp) failed 2 No such file or directory io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/installed.db) failed 2 No such file or directory solving: 44 tasks, update: no, use test packages: no solving: 138 tasks, update: no, use test packages: no Augmented Transaction List: 0 install libgsasl-common 2.2.1-1 1 install libpopt-common 1.19-1 2 install mingw64-i686-windows-default-manifest 6.4-1 3 install mingw64-i686-winpthreads 12.0.0-1 4 install mingw64-x86_64-windows-default-manifest 6.4-1 5 install mingw64-x86_64-winpthreads 12.0.0-1 6 install publicsuffix-list-dafsa 20240531-1 7 install terminfo 6.5+20240427-1 8 install tzdata 2024a-1 9 install mingw64-i686-headers 12.0.0-1 10 install mingw64-x86_64-headers 12.0.0-1 11 install cygwin 3.5.3-1 12 install libiconv2 1.17-1 13 install libintl8 0.22.4-1 14 install mingw64-i686-runtime 12.0.0-1 15 install mingw64-x86_64-runtime 12.0.0-1 16 install libncursesw10 6.5+20240427-1 17 install libreadline7 8.2-2 18 install bash 5.2.21-1 19 install libgcc1 12.4.0-2 20 install crypto-policies 20190218-1 21 install base-cygwin 3.8-2 22 install libzstd1 1.5.6-1 23 install zlib0 1.3.1-1 24 install which 2.20-2 25 install vim-minimal 9.0.2155-2 26 install tzcode 2024a-1 27 install sed 4.9-1 28 install run 1.3.4-2 29 install ncurses 6.5+20240427-1 30 install mintty 3.7.4-1 31 install mingw64-x86_64-binutils 2.42-1 32 install mingw64-i686-binutils 2.42-1 33 install login 1.13-1 34 install libxxhash0 0.8.2-1 35 install libuuid1 2.39.3-2 36 install libunistring5 1.2-1 37 install libtasn1_6 4.14-1 38 install libstdc++6 12.4.0-2 39 install libsmartcols1 2.39.3-2 40 install libpopt0 1.19-1 41 install libpipeline1 1.5.6-1 42 install libpcre2_8_0 10.44-1 43 install libpcre1 8.45-1 44 install libntlm0 1.4-1 45 install libnghttp2_14 1.61.0-1 46 install liblzma5 5.6.2-1 47 install liblz4_1 1.9.4-1 48 install libkrb5support0 1.15.2-2 49 install libidn2_0 2.3.7-1 50 install libidn12 1.42-1 51 install libgpg-error0 1.50-2 52 install libgmp10 6.3.0-1 53 install libgdbm6 1.18.1-1 54 install libgc1 8.2.6-1 55 install libffi8 3.4.6-1 56 install libffi6 3.2.1-2 57 install libexpat1 2.6.2-1 58 install libedit0 20221030-4 59 install libcrypt2 4.4.20-1 60 install libcom_err2 1.44.5-1 61 install libbz2_1 1.0.8-1 62 install libbrotlicommon1 1.1.0-1 63 install libblkid1 2.39.3-2 64 install libattr1 2.5.1-1.20.g0981a7bfe487 65 install libargp 20230708-2 66 install ipc-utils 1.1-1 67 install hostname 3.13-1 68 install gzip 1.13-1 69 install gettext 0.22.4-1 70 install editrights 1.04-1 71 install diffutils 3.10-1 72 install dash 0.5.12-5 73 install cygrunsrv 1.64-1 74 install alternatives 1.26-1 75 install libuchardet0 0.0.8-1 76 install libdb5.3 5.3.28-2 77 install cygutils 1.4.17-1 78 install grep 3.11-1 79 install less 643-1 80 install xz 5.6.2-1 81 install zstd 1.5.6-1 82 install libk5crypto3 1.15.2-2 83 install libpsl5 0.21.5-1 84 install libgcrypt20 1.11.0-1 85 install libmpfr6 4.2.1-1 86 install libisl23 0.26-1 87 install libgdbm_compat4 1.18.1-1 88 install libp11-kit0 0.23.20-1 89 install perl_base 5.36.3-1 90 install libguile3.0_1 3.0.9-3 91 install file 5.44-1 92 install bzip2 1.0.8-1 93 install libbrotlidec1 1.1.0-1 94 install libfdisk1 2.39.3-2 95 install patch 2.7.6-17 96 install coreutils 9.0-1 97 install getent 2.18.90-5 98 install rebase 4.6.6-1 99 install info 7.1-1 100 install _autorebase 001091-1 101 install groff 1.23.0-1 102 install libkrb5_3 1.15.2-2 103 install libmpc3 1.3.1-1 104 install gawk 5.3.0-1 105 install p11-kit-trust 0.23.20-1 106 install p11-kit 0.23.20-1 107 install perl 5.36.3-1 108 install make 4.4.1-2 109 install tar 1.35-2 110 install util-linux 2.39.3-2 111 install findutils 4.10.0-1 112 install libgssapi_krb5_2 1.15.2-2 113 install mingw64-x86_64-gcc-core 11.5.0-1 114 install mingw64-i686-gcc-core 11.5.0-1 115 install csih 0.9.14-1 116 install ca-certificates 2024.2.66_v8.0.302-1 117 install perl-JSON-PP 4.16-2 118 install man-db 2.12.1-1 119 install base-files 4.3-3 120 install libgsasl18 2.2.1-1 121 install mingw64-x86_64-gcc-g++ 11.5.0-1 122 install mingw64-i686-gcc-g++ 11.5.0-1 123 install libssl3 3.0.14-1 124 install libssl1.1 1.1.1w-1 125 install perl_autorebase 5.36.3-1 126 install openssl 3.0.14-1 127 install rsync 3.3.0-1 128 install libssh2_1 1.11.0-1 129 install libsasl2_3 2.1.27-1 130 install libfido2 1.12.0-1 131 install perl-TermReadKey 2.38-4 132 install perl-Error 0.17029-3 133 install libopenldap2 2.6.8-1 134 install openssh 9.8p1-1 135 install libopenldap2_4_2 2.6.8-1 136 install libcurl4 8.8.0-1 137 install git 2.45.1-1 Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Registry value set: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cygwin\setup\rootdir = "C:\cygwin64" Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ running: C:\cygwin64\bin\dash.exe "/etc/postinstall/0p_000_autorebase.dash" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\dash.exe "/etc/postinstall/0p_update-info-dir.dash" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" can't run /etc/postinstall/ No such file running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\dash.exe "/etc/postinstall/zp_man-db-update-index.dash" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" Ending cygwin install Removing intermediate container 2eb945342068 ---> 3053aca1f8e3 Step 19/61 : RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\peflags -d0 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygwin1.dll ---> Running in db43764205f6 Removing intermediate container db43764205f6 ---> 29c398887955 Step 20/61 : RUN awk -i inplace "/(^#)|(^$)/{print;next}{$4=""noacl,""$4; print}" C:\cygwin64\etc\fstab ---> Running in 3d6a9ac7a566 Removing intermediate container 3d6a9ac7a566 ---> 9b1c9070a039 Step 21/61 : ENV HOME="C:\cygwin64\home\opam" ---> Running in 26e2b29cc520 Removing intermediate container 26e2b29cc520 ---> 6c4f19e35929 Step 22/61 : RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "git config --global '' && git config --global 'Docker' && git config --system core.longpaths true && git config --global --add /tmp/opam-sources" ---> Running in 45fc60c34106 Copying skeleton files. These files are for the users to personalise their cygwin experience. They will never be overwritten nor automatically updated. './.bashrc' -> '/home/opam//.bashrc' './.bash_profile' -> '/home/opam//.bash_profile' './.inputrc' -> '/home/opam//.inputrc' './.profile' -> '/home/opam//.profile' tzset: can't find matching POSIX timezone for Windows timezone "" Removing intermediate container 45fc60c34106 ---> 0fc9ba9d6291 Step 23/61 : RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "git clone /tmp/opam && cd /tmp/opam && git checkout a1c9c34417735687fd9310e7dc5c4c177e020441 && make compiler " ---> Running in 2a2203f2b893 tzset: can't find matching POSIX timezone for Windows timezone "" Cloning into '/tmp/opam'... Note: switching to 'a1c9c34417735687fd9310e7dc5c4c177e020441'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: git switch -c <new-branch-name> Or undo this operation with: git switch - Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false HEAD is now at a1c9c3441 Merge pull request #6018 from kit-ty-kate/ocp-indent-no-unindented-else env MAKE=make BOOTSTRAP_EXTRA_OPTS= BOOTSTRAP_TARGETS=world.opt BOOTSTRAP_ROOT=.. BOOTSTRAP_DIR=bootstrap ./shell/ auto configure: Configuring OCaml version 4.14.2 checking build system type... x86_64-pc-cygwin checking host system type... x86_64-w64-mingw32 checking target system type... x86_64-w64-mingw32 checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld... x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld checking how to print strings... printf checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc... x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.exe checking for suffix of executables... .exe checking whether we are cross compiling... yes checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc accepts -g... yes checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E checking for fgrep... /usr/bin/grep -F checking for ld used by x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc... x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld checking if the linker (x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld) is GNU ld... yes checking for BSD- or MS-compatible name lister (nm)... /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-nm -B checking the name lister (/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-nm -B) interface... BSD nm checking whether ln -s works... yes checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 8192 checking how to convert x86_64-pc-cygwin file names to x86_64-w64-mingw32 format... func_convert_file_cygwin_to_w32 checking how to convert x86_64-pc-cygwin file names to toolchain format... func_convert_file_noop checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld option to reload object files... -r checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-objdump... x86_64-w64-mingw32-objdump checking how to recognize dependent libraries... file_magic ^x86 archive import|^x86 DLL checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-dlltool... x86_64-w64-mingw32-dlltool checking how to associate runtime and link libraries... func_cygming_dll_for_implib checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-ar... x86_64-w64-mingw32-ar checking for archiver @FILE support... @ checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip... x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-ranlib... x86_64-w64-mingw32-ranlib checking for gawk... gawk checking command to parse /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-nm -B output from x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc object... ok checking for sysroot... no checking for a working dd... /usr/bin/dd checking how to truncate binary pipes... /usr/bin/dd bs=4096 count=1 checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-mt... no checking for mt... no checking if : is a manifest tool... no checking how to run the C preprocessor... x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -E checking for ANSI C header files... yes checking for sys/types.h... yes checking for sys/stat.h... yes checking for stdlib.h... yes checking for string.h... yes checking for memory.h... yes checking for strings.h... yes checking for inttypes.h... yes checking for stdint.h... yes checking for unistd.h... yes checking for dlfcn.h... no checking for objdir... .libs checking if x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... no checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc option to produce PIC... -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC checking if x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc PIC flag -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC works... yes checking if x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc static flag -static works... yes checking if x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc supports -c -o file.o... yes checking if x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes checking whether the x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc linker (x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld) supports shared libraries... yes checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... yes checking dynamic linker characteristics... Win32 ld.exe checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes checking whether to build shared libraries... yes checking whether to build static libraries... yes checking C compiler vendor... gcc-11-5 checking whether host executables can be run in the build... yes checking whether #! works in shell scripts... yes checking for flexdll sources... $(ROOTDIR)/flexdll checking for flexlink... no checking flexdll.h usability... yes checking flexdll.h presence... yes checking for flexdll.h... yes checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking for cos in -lm... yes checking math.h usability... yes checking math.h presence... yes checking for math.h... yes checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes checking for stdint.h... (cached) yes checking for dirent.h... yes checking for sys/select.h... no checking for off_t... yes checking size of int... 4 checking size of long... 4 checking size of long *... 8 checking size of short... 2 checking size of long long... 8 configure: Target is a 64 bits architecture checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... no checking alignment of double... 8 checking alignment of long... 4 checking alignment of long long... 8 checking whether the C compiler supports -fno-tree-vrp... yes checking whether the C compiler supports __attribute__((aligned(n)))... yes checking whether the C compiler supports __attribute__((optimize("tree-vectorize")))... yes checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld... x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld checking for rlwrap... no configure: checking semantics of signal handlers checking for sigaction... no checking for sigprocmask... no configure: assuming signals have the System V semantics. checking for expm1... yes checking for log1p... yes checking for hypot... yes checking for fma... yes checking for exp2... yes checking for log2... yes checking for cbrt... yes checking for acosh... yes checking for asinh... yes checking for atanh... yes checking for erf... yes checking for erfc... yes checking for trunc... yes checking for round... yes checking for copysign... yes checking whether round works... no configure: WARNING: round does not work; emulation enabled checking whether fma works... no configure: WARNING: fma does not work; emulation enabled checking for getrusage... no checking for times... no checking for secure_getenv... no checking for __secure_getenv... no checking for issetugid... no checking for library containing clock_gettime... none required checking for library containing socket... -lws2_32 checking for socketpair... no checking for socklen_t... yes checking for inet_aton... no checking for afunix.h... yes checking for struct sockaddr_in6... yes checking for getaddrinfo... yes checking for getnameinfo... yes checking for inet_pton... yes checking for inet_ntop... yes checking for rewinddir... yes checking for lockf... no checking for mkfifo... no checking for getcwd... yes checking whether system is declared... yes checking for utimes... no checking for fchmod... no checking for truncate... yes checking for ftruncate... yes checking for select... yes checking for fd_set... no checking for nanosleep... yes checking for symlink... no checking for realpath... no checking for waitpid... no checking for wait4... no checking for getgroups... no checking for setgroups... no checking for initgroups... no checking termios.h usability... no checking termios.h presence... no checking for termios.h... no checking for setitimer... no checking sys/utsname.h usability... no checking sys/utsname.h presence... no checking for sys/utsname.h... no checking for gettimeofday... yes checking for mktime... yes checking for putenv... yes checking for setenv... no checking locale.h usability... yes checking locale.h presence... yes checking for locale.h... yes checking for newlocale... no checking xlocale.h usability... no checking xlocale.h presence... no checking for xlocale.h... no checking for strtod_l... no configure: Dynamic loading of shared libraries is supported. checking sys/mman.h usability... no checking sys/mman.h presence... no checking for sys/mman.h... no checking for pwrite... no checking for struct stat.st_atim.tv_nsec... no configure: stat supports nanosecond precision checking how many arguments gethostbyname_r() takes... can't tell checking how many arguments gethostbyaddr_r() takes... can't tell checking for mkstemp... yes checking for nice... no checking for dup3... no checking for pipe2... no checking for accept4... no checking for getauxval... no checking sys/shm.h usability... no checking sys/shm.h presence... no checking for sys/shm.h... no checking for execvpe... yes checking spawn.h usability... no checking spawn.h presence... no checking for spawn.h... no checking for ffs... no checking whether _BitScanForward is declared... no configure: replay debugger supported checking whether stack overflows can be detected... no configure: the Win32 threads library is supported configure: not using frame pointers checking whether mmap supports huge pages... no assumed configure: No support for function sections on x86_64-w64-mingw32. configure: Disabling function sections. configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile.build_config config.status: creating Makefile.config config.status: creating stdlib/ config.status: creating manual/src/version.tex config.status: creating manual/src/html_processing/src/ config.status: creating tools/eventlog_metadata config.status: creating runtime/caml/m.h config.status: creating runtime/caml/s.h config.status: creating runtime/caml/version.h config.status: executing libtool commands make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' make -C runtime sak.exe make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/runtime' x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o sak.o sak.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -municode -o sak.exe sak.o make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/runtime' make coldstart make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' make -C runtime ocamlruns.exe make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/runtime' cp primitives tr -d '\r' < caml/instruct.h | \ sed -e '/\/\*/d' \ -e '/^#/d' \ -e 's/enum /static char * names_of_/' \ -e 's/{$/[] = {/' \ -e 's/\([[:upper:]][[:upper:]_0-9]*\)/"\1"/g' > caml/opnames.h tr -d '\r' < caml/instruct.h | \ sed -n -e '/^ /s/ \([A-Z]\)/ \&\&lbl_\1/gp' \ -e '/^}/q' > caml/jumptbl.h echo '/* This file is generated from ../Makefile.config */' > build_config.h echo '#define OCAML_STDLIB_DIR L"C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml"' >> build_config.h export LC_ALL=C; \ (echo '#include "caml/config.h"'; \ echo 'typedef intnat value;'; \ echo 'typedef value (*c_primitive)(void);'; \ echo; \ sed -e 's/.*/extern value &(void);/' primitives; \ echo; \ echo 'c_primitive caml_builtin_cprim[] = {'; \ sed -e 's/.*/ &,/' primitives; \ echo ' 0 };'; \ echo; \ echo 'char * caml_names_of_builtin_cprim[] = {'; \ sed -e 's/.*/ "&",/' primitives; \ echo ' 0 };') > prims.c echo '#define HOST "x86_64-w64-mingw32"' >> build_config.h x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o interp.b.o interp.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o misc.b.o misc.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o stacks.b.o stacks.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o fix_code.b.o fix_code.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o startup_aux.b.o startup_aux.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o startup_byt.b.o startup_byt.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o freelist.b.o freelist.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o major_gc.b.o major_gc.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o minor_gc.b.o minor_gc.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o memory.b.o memory.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o alloc.b.o alloc.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o roots_byt.b.o roots_byt.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o globroots.b.o globroots.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o fail_byt.b.o fail_byt.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o signals.b.o signals.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o signals_byt.b.o signals_byt.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o printexc.b.o printexc.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o backtrace_byt.b.o backtrace_byt.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o backtrace.b.o backtrace.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o compare.b.o compare.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o ints.b.o ints.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o eventlog.b.o eventlog.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o floats.b.o floats.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o str.b.o str.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o array.b.o array.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o io.b.o io.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o extern.b.o extern.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o intern.b.o intern.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o hash.b.o hash.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o sys.b.o sys.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o meta.b.o meta.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o parsing.b.o parsing.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o gc_ctrl.b.o gc_ctrl.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o md5.b.o md5.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o obj.b.o obj.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o lexing.b.o lexing.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o callback.b.o callback.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o debugger.b.o debugger.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o weak.b.o weak.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o compact.b.o compact.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o finalise.b.o finalise.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o custom.b.o custom.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll 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-absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Map.cmi -c map.mli ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Stack.cmi -c stack.mli ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Queue.cmi -c queue.mli ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Stream.cmi -c stream.mli ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -w +A \ -o stdlib__Buffer.cmi -c buffer.mli 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stdlib__Digest.cmi -c digest.mli ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Random.cmi -c random.mli ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Hashtbl.cmi -c hashtbl.mli ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -w +A -w -fragile-match \ -o stdlib__Format.cmi -c format.mli ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -w +A -w -fragile-match \ -o stdlib__Scanf.cmi -c scanf.mli ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Callback.cmi -c callback.mli ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Genlex.cmi -c genlex.mli ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Ephemeron.cmi -c ephemeron.mli ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Filename.cmi -c filename.mli ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Complex.cmi -c complex.mli 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+a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Atomic.cmo -c ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Fun.cmo -c ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Gc.cmi -c gc.mli ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Digest.cmo -c ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Random.cmo -c ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Hashtbl.cmo -c ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Weak.cmi -c weak.mli ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -w +A -w -fragile-match \ -o stdlib__Format.cmo -c ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -w +A -w -fragile-match \ -o stdlib__Scanf.cmo -c ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Callback.cmo -c ../boot/ocamlruns.exe 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+a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Option.cmo -c ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Result.cmo -c ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Parsing.cmo -c ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -w +A -w -fragile-match -c ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -w +A -w -fragile-match \ -o stdlib__Printf.cmo -c ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence 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../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -o flexlink.exe -cclib "version_res.o" make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/flexdll' mv flexdll/flexlink.exe boot/flexlink.byte.exe cp flexdll/flexdll_mingw64.o flexdll/flexdll_initer_mingw64.o boot/ make -C runtime FLEXLINK_CMD="../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/flexlink.byte.exe" all make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/runtime' echo "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/stublibs" > ld.conf echo "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml" >> ld.conf x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -o win32.b.o win32.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused 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-fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DCAML_INSTR -o bigarray.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DCAML_INSTR -o main.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DCAML_INSTR -o memprof.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DCAML_INSTR -o domain.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DCAML_INSTR -o skiplist.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DCAML_INSTR -o codefrag.c rm -f libcamlrun.a && x86_64-w64-mingw32-ar rc libcamlrun.a interp.b.o misc.b.o stacks.b.o fix_code.b.o startup_aux.b.o startup_byt.b.o freelist.b.o major_gc.b.o minor_gc.b.o memory.b.o alloc.b.o roots_byt.b.o globroots.b.o fail_byt.b.o signals.b.o signals_byt.b.o printexc.b.o backtrace_byt.b.o backtrace.b.o compare.b.o ints.b.o eventlog.b.o floats.b.o str.b.o array.b.o io.b.o extern.b.o intern.b.o hash.b.o sys.b.o meta.b.o parsing.b.o gc_ctrl.b.o md5.b.o obj.b.o lexing.b.o callback.b.o debugger.b.o weak.b.o compact.b.o finalise.b.o custom.b.o dynlink.b.o afl.b.o win32.b.o bigarray.b.o main.b.o memprof.b.o domain.b.o skiplist.b.o codefrag.b.o rm -f libcamlrund.a && x86_64-w64-mingw32-ar rc libcamlrund.a rm -f libcamlruni.a && x86_64-w64-mingw32-ar rc libcamlruni.a ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/flexlink.byte.exe -chain mingw64 -stack 33554432 -exe -link "-municode" -o ocamlrun.exe prims.o libcamlrun.a -lws2_32 -lversion ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/flexlink.byte.exe -chain mingw64 -stack 33554432 -exe -link "-municode" -link -g -o ocamlrund.exe prims.o libcamlrund.a -lws2_32 -lversion ../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/flexlink.byte.exe -chain mingw64 -stack 33554432 -exe -link "-municode" -o ocamlruni.exe prims.o libcamlruni.a -lws2_32 -lversion make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/runtime' cp runtime/ocamlrun.exe boot/ocamlrun.exe cd boot; rm -f stdlib.cma std_exit.cmo *.cmi camlheader cd stdlib; cp stdlib.cma std_exit.cmo *.cmi camlheader ../boot cd boot; cp ../runtime/libcamlrun.a . make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' make opt.opt make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' make checkstack make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'checkstack'. make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' make coreall make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' make -C runtime FLEXLINK_CMD="../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/flexlink.byte.exe" all mkdir -p stdlib/flexdll cp flexdll/flexdll_mingw64.o stdlib/flexdll/flexdll_mingw64.o make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/runtime' cp flexdll/flexdll_initer_mingw64.o stdlib/flexdll/flexdll_initer_mingw64.o make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'. make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/runtime' cd stdlib; cp ../runtime/libcamlrun.a . make ocamlc make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/warnings.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/longident.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/build_path_prefix_map.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/identifiable.mli 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-absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/config.mli make[5]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/utils' ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/arg_helper.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/profile.mli sed -e 's!%%AFL_INSTRUMENT%%!false!' \ -e 's!%%ARCH%%!amd64!' \ -e 's!%%ARCMD%%!x86_64-w64-mingw32-ar!' \ -e 's!%%ASM%%!x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c!' \ -e 's!%%ASM_CFI_SUPPORTED%%!false!' \ -e 's!%%BYTECCLIBS%%!-lws2_32 -lversion!' \ -e 's!%%CC%%!x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc!' \ -e 's!%%CCOMPTYPE%%!cc!' \ -e 's!%%OUTPUTOBJ%%!-o !' \ -e 's!%%EXT_ASM%%!.s!' \ -e 's!%%EXT_DLL%%!.dll!' \ -e 's!%%EXE%%!.exe!' \ -e 's!%%EXT_LIB%%!.a!' \ -e 's!%%EXT_OBJ%%!.o!' \ -e 's!%%FLAMBDA%%!false!' \ -e 's!%%WITH_FLAMBDA_INVARIANTS%%!false!' \ -e 's!%%WITH_CMM_INVARIANTS%%!false!' \ -e 's!%%FLEXLINK_FLAGS%%!-chain mingw64 -stack 33554432!' \ -e 's!%%FLEXDLL_DIR%%!"+flexdll"!' \ -e 's!%%HOST%%!x86_64-w64-mingw32!' \ -e 's!%%BINDIR%%!C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin!' \ -e 's!%%LIBDIR%%!C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml!' \ -e 's!%%MKDLL%%!flexlink -chain mingw64 -stack 33554432!' \ -e 's!%%MKEXE%%!flexlink -chain mingw64 -stack 33554432 -exe -link \\"-municode\\"!' \ -e 's!%%FLEXLINK_LDFLAGS%%! -link \\"-municode\\"!' \ -e 's!%%FLEXLINK_DLL_LDFLAGS%%!!' \ -e 's!%%MKMAINDLL%%!flexlink -chain mingw64 -stack 33554432 -maindll!' \ -e 's!%%MODEL%%!default!' \ -e 's!%%NATIVECCLIBS%%!-lws2_32 -lversion!' \ -e 's!%%OCAMLC_CFLAGS%%!-O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields !' \ -e 's!%%OCAMLC_CPPFLAGS%%!!' \ -e 's!%%OCAMLOPT_CFLAGS%%!-O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields !' \ -e 's!%%OCAMLOPT_CPPFLAGS%%!!' \ -e 's!%%PACKLD%%!x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld -r -o !' \ -e 's!%%PROFINFO_WIDTH%%!0!' \ -e 's!%%RPATH%%!!' \ -e 's!%%MKSHAREDLIBRPATH%%!!' \ -e 's!%%FORCE_SAFE_STRING%%!true!' \ -e 's!%%DEFAULT_SAFE_STRING%%!true!' \ -e 's!%%WINDOWS_UNICODE%%!1!' \ -e 's!%%NAKED_POINTERS%%!true!' \ -e 's!%%SUPPORTS_SHARED_LIBRARIES%%!true!' \ -e 's!%%SYSTEM%%!mingw64!' \ -e 's!%%SYSTHREAD_SUPPORT%%!true!' \ -e 's!%%TARGET%%!x86_64-w64-mingw32!' \ -e 's!%%WITH_FRAME_POINTERS%%!false!' \ -e 's!%%WITH_PROFINFO%%!false!' \ -e 's!%%FLAT_FLOAT_ARRAY%%!true!' \ -e 's!%%FUNCTION_SECTIONS%%!false!' \ -e 's!%%CC_HAS_DEBUG_PREFIX_MAP%%!false!' \ -e 's!%%AS_HAS_DEBUG_PREFIX_MAP%%!false!' \ config.mlp > ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/local_store.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/terminfo.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ccomp.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/strongly_connected_components.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/targetint.mli make[5]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/utils' ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/int_replace_polymorphic_compare.mli x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -E -I runtime/caml utils/ > utils/ x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -E -I runtime/caml utils/domainstate.mli.c > utils/domainstate.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/binutils.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/lazy_backtrack.mli cp boot/menhir/ parsing/ echo '[@@@ocaml.warning "-67"]' > parsing/camlinternalMenhirLib.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamllex -q parsing/lexer.mll cat boot/menhir/menhirLib.mli >> parsing/camlinternalMenhirLib.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/switch.mli lambda/ runtime/caml/fail.h runtime/primitives > lambda/ ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/runtimedef.mli make -C tools make_opcodes ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytesections.mli make[5]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/tools' ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/dll.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/main_args.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/makedepend.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytelibrarian.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/errors.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/maindriver.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/location.mli ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamllex -q make_opcodes.mll ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/misc.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ident.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/linkage_name.mli ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -o make_opcodes.exe ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/tag.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/static_exception.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/numbers.mli make[5]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/tools' ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c file_formats/cmxs_format.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/clflags.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/consistbl.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils 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-warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/domainstate.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/diffing.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ -I parsing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ -I parsing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/syntaxerr.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/camlinternalMenhirLib.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./runtime/ocamlrun.exe tools/make_opcodes.exe -opcodes < runtime/caml/instruct.h > bytecomp/ ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/ -I bytecomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/ -I bytecomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/compenv.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/ -I driver ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/ -I driver ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string 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-I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I 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typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/shape.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/debuginfo.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/set_of_closures_id.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/export_id.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/docstrings.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/pprintast.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot 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+a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/depend.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/opcodes.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/pparse.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/type_immediacy.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/set_of_closures_origin.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives 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middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ -I parsing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ -I parsing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ -I parsing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot 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-strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/parser.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I 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runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/lexer.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I 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middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/datarepr.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/errortrace.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/signature_group.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I 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middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ -I parsing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c file_formats/ -I file_formats ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/persistent_env.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/env.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/lambda.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string 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middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/printlambda.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/matching.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/translobj.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/translattribute.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a 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+a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/printtyped.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/includeclass.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c file_formats/ -I file_formats ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c 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+a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/includemod_errorprinter.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c 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-w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typedecl_immediacy.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typedecl_separability.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/meta.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I 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-I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/variable.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/clambda.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I 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-I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -I../runtime \ -o reader.o reader.c ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/ -I middle_end x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -I../runtime \ -o skeleton.o skeleton.c ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w 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-I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/flambda_iterators.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/flambda_utils.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I 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-warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/un_anf.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/flambda_to_clambda.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I 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-I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/simplify_boxed_integer_ops_intf.mli make[5]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/stdlib' ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/ -I middle_end ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I 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./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/ -I middle_end/flambda/base_types ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/ -I middle_end/flambda/base_types ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/ -I middle_end/flambda/base_types ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal 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middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -nopervasives -no-alias-deps -w -49 -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" -c stdlib.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/ -I middle_end ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/closure/ -I middle_end/closure ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/closure/ -I middle_end/closure ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -nopervasives -c make[5]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/yacc' ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -nopervasives -c ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -nopervasives -no-alias-deps -w -49 -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" -c ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I 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-strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Either.cmi -c either.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/simplify_boxed_integer_ops.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_stats.mli ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Sys.cmi -c sys.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Nativeint.cmi -c nativeint.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda make -C lex all ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Int32.cmi -c int32.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inline_and_simplify_aux.mli make[5]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/lex' ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -c camlinternalLazy.mli ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot cset.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ../yacc/ocamlyacc.exe -v parser.mly ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 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-bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_transforms.mli ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot lexgen.mli ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Char.cmi -c char.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I 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+a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot lexer.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe 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\ -o stdlib__Float.cmi -c float.mli ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims 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stdlib__Int32.cmo -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - ../runtime/ocamlrun.exe make_opcodes.exe -opnames < ../runtime/caml/instruct.h > 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-I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o stripdebug.exe ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma stripdebug.cmo ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o cmpbyt.exe ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma cmpbyt.cmo ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I 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+a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Atomic.cmi -c atomic.mli ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Printexc.cmi -c printexc.mli ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Fun.cmi -c fun.mli ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Gc.cmi -c gc.mli ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Digest.cmi -c digest.mli make[5]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/tools' ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Random.cmi -c random.mli ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Hashtbl.cmi -c hashtbl.mli ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -w +A -w -fragile-match \ -o stdlib__Format.cmi -c format.mli ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -w +A -w -fragile-match \ -o stdlib__Scanf.cmi -c scanf.mli ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Callback.cmi -c callback.mli ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Genlex.cmi -c genlex.mli ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Ephemeron.cmi -c ephemeron.mli ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Filename.cmi -c filename.mli ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Complex.cmi -c complex.mli 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-bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/ -I toplevel ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/ -I toplevel ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/byte/ -I toplevel/byte ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/byte/ -I toplevel/byte ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/byte/ -I toplevel/byte 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-Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_mingw64 -o startup_aux.n.o startup_aux.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_mingw64 -o startup_nat.n.o startup_nat.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_mingw64 -o main.n.o main.c 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-DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_mingw64 -o signals.n.o signals.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_mingw64 -o signals_nat.n.o signals_nat.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_mingw64 -o misc.n.o misc.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 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-g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_mingw64 -o memory.n.o memory.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_mingw64 -o alloc.n.o alloc.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_mingw64 -o compare.n.o compare.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall 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-fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_mingw64 -o bigarray.n.o bigarray.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_mingw64 -o memprof.n.o memprof.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_mingw64 -o domain.n.o domain.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv 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Check your assembler, or";\ echo "try producing amd64.o by hand.";\ exit 2; } x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_mingw64 -DDEBUG -o startup_aux.nd.o startup_aux.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_mingw64 -DDEBUG -o startup_nat.nd.o startup_nat.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll 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-fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_mingw64 -DCAML_INSTR -o domain.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_mingw64 -DCAML_INSTR -o skiplist.c x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields -Wno-unused -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fexcess-precision=standard -fno-tree-vrp -g -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=0 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_mingw64 -DCAML_INSTR -o codefrag.c rm -f libasmrun.a && x86_64-w64-mingw32-ar rc libasmrun.a 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-use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/linscan.mli cd asmcomp; cp amd64/ . cd asmcomp; cp amd64/ . make -C tools cvt_emit ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/asmlink.mli make[5]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/tools' ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/asmlibrarian.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/asmpackager.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/opterrors.mli ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamllex -q cvt_emit.mll ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/optcompile.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I 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../file_formats -I ../lambda - ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/x86_dsl.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/x86_gas.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/x86_masm.mli ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -o cvt_emit.exe cvt_emit.cmo ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/printcmm.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/reg.mli make[5]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/tools' ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/afl_instrument.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/strmatch.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmmgen_state.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmmgen.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmm_invariants.mli echo \# 1 \"amd64/emit.mlp\" > asmcomp/ ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/ -I driver ./boot/ocamlrun.exe tools/cvt_emit.exe < asmcomp/amd64/emit.mlp >> asmcomp/ \ || { rm -f asmcomp/; exit 2; } ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/ -I driver ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/mach.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmm_helpers.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/interval.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I 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runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/interf.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/reloadgen.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/reload.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/deadcode.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/linear.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/proc.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string 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-I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c file_formats/linear_format.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/schedgen.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/scheduling.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/emitenv.mli ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot 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-warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Obj.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -afl-inst-ratio 0 -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Callback.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Lazy.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Seq.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Option.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Result.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__List.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Bytes.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Array.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Map.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Queue.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -nolabels -no-alias-deps \ -o stdlib__ListLabels.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -nolabels -no-alias-deps \ -o stdlib__BytesLabels.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Bigarray.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__String.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Marshal.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -nolabels -no-alias-deps \ -o stdlib__Float.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Set.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Stack.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Stream.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -inline 3 \ -o stdlib__Buffer.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Digest.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -inline 0 -afl-inst-ratio 0 -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -nolabels -no-alias-deps \ -o stdlib__ArrayLabels.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -nolabels -no-alias-deps \ -o stdlib__StringLabels.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Lexing.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Random.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Oo.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -nolabels -no-alias-deps \ -o stdlib__StdLabels.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Parsing.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Hashtbl.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Weak.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Genlex.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Ephemeron.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -nolabels -no-alias-deps \ -o stdlib__MoreLabels.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Printf.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Format.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Arg.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Printexc.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -inline 9 \ -o stdlib__Scanf.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Filename.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Fun.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Gc.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__In_channel.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats \ -o stdlib__Out_channel.cmx -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -a -o stdlib.cmxa camlinternalFormatBasics.cmx camlinternalAtomic.cmx stdlib.cmx stdlib__Pervasives.cmx stdlib__Either.cmx stdlib__Sys.cmx stdlib__Obj.cmx camlinternalLazy.cmx stdlib__Lazy.cmx stdlib__Seq.cmx stdlib__Option.cmx stdlib__Result.cmx stdlib__Bool.cmx stdlib__Char.cmx stdlib__Uchar.cmx stdlib__List.cmx stdlib__Int.cmx stdlib__Bytes.cmx stdlib__String.cmx stdlib__Unit.cmx stdlib__Marshal.cmx stdlib__Array.cmx stdlib__Float.cmx stdlib__Int32.cmx stdlib__Int64.cmx stdlib__Nativeint.cmx stdlib__Lexing.cmx stdlib__Parsing.cmx stdlib__Set.cmx stdlib__Map.cmx stdlib__Stack.cmx stdlib__Queue.cmx stdlib__Stream.cmx stdlib__Buffer.cmx camlinternalFormat.cmx stdlib__Printf.cmx stdlib__Arg.cmx stdlib__Atomic.cmx stdlib__Printexc.cmx stdlib__Fun.cmx stdlib__Gc.cmx stdlib__Digest.cmx stdlib__Random.cmx stdlib__Hashtbl.cmx stdlib__Weak.cmx stdlib__Format.cmx stdlib__Scanf.cmx stdlib__Callback.cmx camlinternalOO.cmx stdlib__Oo.cmx camlinternalMod.cmx stdlib__Genlex.cmx stdlib__Ephemeron.cmx stdlib__Filename.cmx stdlib__Complex.cmx stdlib__ArrayLabels.cmx stdlib__ListLabels.cmx stdlib__BytesLabels.cmx stdlib__StringLabels.cmx stdlib__MoreLabels.cmx stdlib__StdLabels.cmx stdlib__Bigarray.cmx stdlib__In_channel.cmx stdlib__Out_channel.cmx make[5]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/stdlib' make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' make flexlink.opt.exe make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' make -C flexdll MSVC_DETECT=0 OCAML_CONFIG_FILE=../Makefile.config CHAINS=mingw64 ROOTDIR=.. \ OCAML_FLEXLINK='$(ROOTDIR)/boot/ocamlrun$(EXE) $(ROOTDIR)/boot/flexlink.byte.exe' \ OCAMLOPT="../runtime/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib" flexlink.exe make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/flexdll' Building flexlink.exe with TOOLCHAIN=mingw for OCaml 4.14.2 rm -f flexlink.exe ../runtime/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -o flexlink.exe -cclib "-link version_res.o" make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/flexdll' mv flexdll/flexlink.exe flexlink.opt.exe make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' make ocamlc.opt make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ -I parsing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/ -I bytecomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/ -I bytecomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ -I parsing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/ -I bytecomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ -I utils ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ -I parsing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ -I parsing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ -I parsing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ -I parsing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ -I parsing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ -I parsing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/ -I driver ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/ -I driver ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ -I parsing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ -I parsing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ -I parsing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/ -I driver ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ -I parsing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ -I parsing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ -I parsing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c file_formats/ -I file_formats ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ -I parsing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/ -I bytecomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ -I parsing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/ -I bytecomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ -I parsing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c file_formats/ -I file_formats ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/ -I bytecomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/ -I driver ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/ -I bytecomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/ -I driver ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ -I typing ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/ -I lambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/ -I bytecomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I 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-warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/ -I driver ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -a -o compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cmxa bytecomp/instruct.cmx bytecomp/bytegen.cmx bytecomp/printinstr.cmx bytecomp/emitcode.cmx bytecomp/bytelink.cmx bytecomp/bytelibrarian.cmx bytecomp/bytepackager.cmx driver/errors.cmx driver/compile.cmx driver/maindriver.cmx ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/ -I driver OCAML_FLEXLINK="./flexlink.opt.exe -I ./stdlib/flexdll" ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -o ocamlc.opt.exe compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cmxa compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cmxa driver/main.cmx make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' make otherlibraries ocamldebugger ocamldoc \ make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' make -C yacc FLEXLINK_CMD="../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/flexlink.byte.exe" all make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/yacc' make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'. make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/yacc' make -C lex all make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/lex' make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'. make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/lex' make -C tools all make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/tools' make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'. 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dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/longident.cmo dynlink_compilerlibs/ ../../ocamlc.opt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -for-pack Dynlink_compilerlibs -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I byte \ -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/asttypes.cmi dynlink_compilerlibs/asttypes.mli ../../ocamlc.opt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -for-pack Dynlink_compilerlibs -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I byte \ -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/syntaxerr.cmi dynlink_compilerlibs/syntaxerr.mli ../../ocamlc.opt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -for-pack Dynlink_compilerlibs -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I byte \ -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/path.cmi 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parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/ -I middle_end/flambda/base_types ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/ -I middle_end ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/ -I middle_end/flambda/base_types ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/ -I middle_end/flambda/base_types ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/ -I middle_end/flambda/base_types ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/ -I middle_end/flambda/base_types ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/ -I middle_end/flambda/base_types ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c file_formats/ -I file_formats ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/ -I middle_end ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/closure/ -I middle_end/closure ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ -I middle_end/flambda ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/ -I asmcomp ./boot/ocamlrun.exe 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middle_end/flambda/flambda_middle_end.cmx ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot make -C yacc FLEXLINK_CMD="../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/flexlink.byte.exe" all ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -c - ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/native/tophooks.mli cp toplevel/topeval.cmi toplevel/topeval.mli toplevel/native cp toplevel/trace.cmi toplevel/trace.mli toplevel/native make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/yacc' cp toplevel/topmain.cmi toplevel/topmain.mli toplevel/native ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/ -I toplevel ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/native/ -I toplevel/native make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'. make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/yacc' make -C lex all make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/tools' make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/lex' make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'. make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/lex' make -C ocamldoc opt.opt ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/ocamldoc' ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/ -I toplevel ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot 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-I ../bytecomp -I ../toplevel -I ../stdlib -I ../compilerlibs -I ../otherlibs/str -I ../otherlibs/dynlink -I ../otherlibs/dynlink/native -I ../otherlibs/win32unix -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot -principal -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot ../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../driver -I ../bytecomp -I ../toplevel -I ../stdlib -I ../compilerlibs -I ../otherlibs/str -I ../otherlibs/dynlink -I ../otherlibs/dynlink/native -I ../otherlibs/win32unix -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot -principal -c ../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../driver -I ../bytecomp -I ../toplevel -I ../stdlib -I ../compilerlibs -I 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../otherlibs/win32unix -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot -principal -c ../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../driver -I ../bytecomp -I ../toplevel -I ../stdlib -I ../compilerlibs -I ../otherlibs/str -I ../otherlibs/dynlink -I ../otherlibs/dynlink/native -I ../otherlibs/win32unix -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot -principal -c OCAML_FLEXLINK="./flexlink.opt.exe -I ./stdlib/flexdll" ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -I toplevel/native -c toplevel/ ../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../driver -I ../bytecomp -I ../toplevel -I ../stdlib -I ../compilerlibs -I ../otherlibs/str -I ../otherlibs/dynlink -I ../otherlibs/dynlink/native -I ../otherlibs/win32unix -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot -principal -c ../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../driver -I ../bytecomp -I ../toplevel -I ../stdlib -I ../compilerlibs -I ../otherlibs/str -I ../otherlibs/dynlink -I ../otherlibs/dynlink/native -I ../otherlibs/win32unix -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot -principal -c ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot ../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I 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../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o cmpbyt.opt.exe ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cmxa ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cmxa cmpbyt.cmx ../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../driver -I ../bytecomp -I ../toplevel -I ../stdlib -I ../compilerlibs -I ../otherlibs/str -I ../otherlibs/dynlink -I ../otherlibs/dynlink/native -I ../otherlibs/win32unix -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot -principal -c OCAML_FLEXLINK="../flexlink.opt.exe -I ../stdlib/flexdll" ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o dumpobj.opt.exe ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cmxa ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cmxa opnames.cmx dumpobj.cmx OCAML_FLEXLINK="../flexlink.opt.exe -I ../stdlib/flexdll" ../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -shared -o generators/odoc_todo.cmxs -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../driver -I ../bytecomp -I ../toplevel -I ../stdlib -I ../compilerlibs -I ../otherlibs/str -I ../otherlibs/dynlink -I ../otherlibs/dynlink/native -I ../otherlibs/win32unix -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot -principal generators/ OCAML_FLEXLINK="../flexlink.opt.exe -I ../stdlib/flexdll" ../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -shared -o generators/odoc_literate.cmxs -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../driver -I ../bytecomp -I ../toplevel -I ../stdlib -I ../compilerlibs -I ../otherlibs/str -I ../otherlibs/dynlink -I ../otherlibs/dynlink/native -I ../otherlibs/win32unix -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot -principal generators/ OCAML_FLEXLINK="../flexlink.opt.exe -I ../stdlib/flexdll" ../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -o ../ocamldoc/ocamldoc.opt.exe -linkall -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../driver -I ../bytecomp -I ../toplevel -I ../stdlib -I ../compilerlibs -I ../otherlibs/str -I ../otherlibs/dynlink -I ../otherlibs/dynlink/native -I ../otherlibs/win32unix -nostdlib ocamlcommon.cmxa unix.cmxa str.cmxa dynlink.cmxa odoc_config.cmx odoc_messages.cmx odoc_global.cmx odoc_types.cmx odoc_misc.cmx odoc_text_parser.cmx odoc_text_lexer.cmx odoc_text.cmx odoc_name.cmx odoc_parameter.cmx odoc_value.cmx odoc_type.cmx odoc_extension.cmx odoc_exception.cmx odoc_class.cmx odoc_module.cmx odoc_print.cmx odoc_str.cmx odoc_comments_global.cmx odoc_parser.cmx odoc_lexer.cmx odoc_see_lexer.cmx odoc_env.cmx odoc_merge.cmx odoc_sig.cmx odoc_ast.cmx odoc_control.cmx odoc_inherit.cmx odoc_search.cmx odoc_scan.cmx odoc_cross.cmx odoc_comments.cmx odoc_dep.cmx odoc_analyse.cmx odoc_info.cmx odoc_dag2html.cmx odoc_to_text.cmx odoc_ocamlhtml.cmx odoc_html.cmx odoc_man.cmx odoc_latex_style.cmx odoc_latex.cmx odoc_texi.cmx odoc_dot.cmx odoc_gen.cmx odoc_args.cmx odoc.cmx make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/tools' make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/ocamldoc' make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin" mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml" mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/stublibs" mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs" mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/share/doc/ocaml" make -C runtime install make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/runtime' /usr/bin/install -c -p ocamlrun.exe ocamlrund.exe ocamlruni.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 ld.conf libcamlrun.a libcamlrund.a libcamlruni.a "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml" mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/caml" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 caml/domain_state.tbl caml/*.h "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/caml" make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/runtime' /usr/bin/install -c -p ocaml.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin" /usr/bin/install -c -p ocamlc.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin/ocamlc.byte.exe" make -C stdlib install make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/stdlib' stale=""; \ if test -n "$stale" ; then \ echo "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml contains stale stdlib artefacts"; \ echo "Please rm C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/stdlib__*.cm* and re-run make install"; \ exit 1; \ fi /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ stdlib.cma std_exit.cmo *.cmi camlheader_ur \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ *.cmt *.cmti *.mli *.ml \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 target_camlheader "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/camlheader" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 target_camlheaderd "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/camlheaderd" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 target_camlheaderi "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/camlheaderi" make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/stdlib' /usr/bin/install -c -p lex/ocamllex.exe \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin/ocamllex.byte.exe" /usr/bin/install -c -p yacc/ocamlyacc.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ utils/*.cmi \ parsing/*.cmi \ typing/*.cmi \ bytecomp/*.cmi \ file_formats/*.cmi \ lambda/*.cmi \ driver/*.cmi \ toplevel/*.cmi \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ toplevel/byte/*.cmi \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ utils/*.cmt utils/*.cmti utils/*.mli \ parsing/*.cmt parsing/*.cmti parsing/*.mli \ typing/*.cmt typing/*.cmti typing/*.mli \ file_formats/*.cmt file_formats/*.cmti file_formats/*.mli \ lambda/*.cmt lambda/*.cmti lambda/*.mli \ bytecomp/*.cmt bytecomp/*.cmti bytecomp/*.mli \ driver/*.cmt driver/*.cmti driver/*.mli \ toplevel/*.cmt toplevel/*.cmti toplevel/*.mli \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ toplevel/byte/*.cmt \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ compilerlibs/*.cma \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ driver/main.cmo toplevel/topstart.cmo \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs" /usr/bin/install -c -p expunge.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ toplevel/topdirs.cmi \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ toplevel/topdirs.cmt \ toplevel/topdirs.cmti toplevel/topdirs.mli \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml" make -C tools install make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/tools' /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ profiling.cmi profiling.cmo \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ profiling.cmt profiling.cmti \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml" for i in ocamldep ocamlprof ocamlcp ocamloptp ocamlmklib ocamlmktop ocamlobjinfo; \ do \ /usr/bin/install -c -p "$i.exe" "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin/$i.byte.exe"; \ if test -f "$i".opt.exe; then \ /usr/bin/install -c -p "$i.opt.exe" "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin" && \ (cd "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin" && cp -pf "$i.opt.exe" "$i.exe"); \ else \ (cd "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin" && cp -pf "$i.byte.exe" "$i.exe"); \ fi; \ done if test -f ocamlcmt.opt.exe; then \ /usr/bin/install -c -p\ ocamlcmt.opt.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin/ocamlcmt.exe"; \ else \ /usr/bin/install -c -p ocamlcmt.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"; \ fi /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ eventlog_metadata \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml" make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/tools' for i in dynlink win32unix bigarray str systhreads; do \ make -C otherlibs/$i install || exit $?; \ done make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/otherlibs/dynlink' /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ dynlink.cmi dynlink.cma \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ dynlink.cmti dynlink.mli \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml" make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/otherlibs/dynlink' make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/otherlibs/win32unix' if test -f dllunix.dll; then \ /usr/bin/install -c -p \ dllunix.dll "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/stublibs"; \ fi /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 libunix.a "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ unix.cma unix.cmi unixLabels.cmi \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ unix.mli unixLabels.mli \ unix.cmti unixLabels.cmti \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/" if test -n "unixsupport.h ../unix/socketaddr.h"; then \ /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 unixsupport.h ../unix/socketaddr.h "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/caml/"; \ fi make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/otherlibs/win32unix' make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/otherlibs/bigarray' if test -f dllbigarray.dll; then \ /usr/bin/install -c -p \ dllbigarray.dll "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/stublibs"; \ fi /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ bigarray.cma bigarray.cmi \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ bigarray.mli \ bigarray.cmti \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/" if test -n ""; then \ /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/caml/"; \ fi make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/otherlibs/bigarray' make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/otherlibs/str' if test -f dllcamlstr.dll; then \ /usr/bin/install -c -p \ dllcamlstr.dll "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/stublibs"; \ fi /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 libcamlstr.a "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ str.cma str.cmi \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ str.mli \ str.cmti \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/" if test -n ""; then \ /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/caml/"; \ fi make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/otherlibs/str' make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/otherlibs/systhreads' if test -f dllthreads.dll; then \ /usr/bin/install -c -p dllthreads.dll "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/stublibs"; \ fi /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 libthreads.a "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml" mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/threads" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ thread.cmi mutex.cmi condition.cmi event.cmi threadUnix.cmi semaphore.cmi threads.cma \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/threads" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ thread.cmti mutex.cmti condition.cmti event.cmti threadUnix.cmti semaphore.cmti \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/threads" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 thread.mli mutex.mli condition.mli event.mli threadUnix.mli semaphore.mli "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/threads" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 threads.h "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/caml" make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/otherlibs/systhreads' make -C ocamldoc install make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/ocamldoc' mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin" mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/ocamldoc" /usr/bin/install -c -p ../ocamldoc/ocamldoc.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ ocamldoc.hva *.cmi odoc_info.cma \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/ocamldoc" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ odoc_info.cmi \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/ocamldoc" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ odoc_info.mli odoc_info.cmt odoc_info.cmti \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/ocamldoc" make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/ocamldoc' if test -n "ocamldebugger"; then \ make -C debugger install; \ fi make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/debugger' /usr/bin/install -c -p ocamldebug.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin" make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/debugger' /usr/bin/install -c -p \ boot/flexlink.byte.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin/flexlink.byte.exe" mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/flexdll" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 stdlib/flexdll/flexdll_mingw64.o stdlib/flexdll/flexdll_initer_mingw64.o \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/flexdll" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 Makefile.config "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 Changes README.adoc README.win32.adoc LICENSE "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/share/doc/ocaml" if test -f ocamlopt.exe; then make installopt; else \ cd "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"; \ cp ocamlc.byte.exe ocamlc.exe; \ cp ocamllex.byte.exe ocamllex.exe; \ (test -f flexlink.byte.exe && \ cp flexlink.byte.exe flexlink.exe) || true; \ fi make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' make -C runtime installopt make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/runtime' /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 libasmrun.a libasmrund.a libasmruni.a "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml" make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/runtime' /usr/bin/install -c -p ocamlopt.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin/ocamlopt.byte.exe" make -C stdlib installopt make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/stdlib' stale=""; \ if test -n "$stale" ; then \ echo "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml contains stale stdlib artefacts"; \ echo "Please rm C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/stdlib__*.cmx and re-run make install"; \ exit 1; \ fi /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ stdlib.cmxa stdlib.a std_exit.o *.cmx \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml" make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/stdlib' /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ middle_end/*.cmi \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ middle_end/closure/*.cmi \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ middle_end/flambda/*.cmi \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ middle_end/flambda/base_types/*.cmi \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ asmcomp/*.cmi \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ middle_end/*.cmt middle_end/*.cmti \ middle_end/*.mli \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ middle_end/closure/*.cmt middle_end/closure/*.cmti \ middle_end/closure/*.mli \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ middle_end/flambda/*.cmt middle_end/flambda/*.cmti \ middle_end/flambda/*.mli \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ middle_end/flambda/base_types/*.cmt \ middle_end/flambda/base_types/*.cmti \ middle_end/flambda/base_types/*.mli \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ asmcomp/*.cmt asmcomp/*.cmti \ asmcomp/*.mli \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ driver/optmain.cmo \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs" make -C ocamldoc installopt make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/ocamldoc' if test -f ../ocamldoc/ocamldoc.opt.exe; then make installopt_really ; fi make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/ocamldoc' mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin" mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/ocamldoc" /usr/bin/install -c -p ../ocamldoc/ocamldoc.opt.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ odoc_info.cmi \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/ocamldoc" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ odoc_info.mli odoc_info.cmt odoc_info.cmti \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/ocamldoc" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ ocamldoc.hva *.cmx odoc_info.a odoc_info.cmxa \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/ocamldoc" make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/ocamldoc' make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/ocamldoc' for i in dynlink win32unix bigarray str systhreads; do \ make -C otherlibs/$i installopt || exit $?; \ done make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/otherlibs/dynlink' /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ native/dynlink_compilerlibs.cmx dynlink_types.cmx dynlink_platform_intf.cmx dynlink_common.cmx native/dynlink.cmx dynlink.cmxa dynlink.a \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml" make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/otherlibs/dynlink' make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/otherlibs/win32unix' /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ unix.cmx unixLabels.cmx unix.cmxa unix.a \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/" if test -f unix.cmxs; then \ /usr/bin/install -c -p unix.cmxs "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml"; \ fi make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/otherlibs/win32unix' make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/otherlibs/bigarray' /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ bigarray.cmx bigarray.cmxa bigarray.a \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/" if test -f bigarray.cmxs; then \ /usr/bin/install -c -p bigarray.cmxs "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml"; \ fi make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/otherlibs/bigarray' make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/otherlibs/str' /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ str.cmx str.cmxa str.a \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/" if test -f str.cmxs; then \ /usr/bin/install -c -p str.cmxs "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml"; \ fi make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/otherlibs/str' make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/otherlibs/systhreads' /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 libthreadsnat.a "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ thread.cmx mutex.cmx condition.cmx event.cmx threadUnix.cmx semaphore.cmx threads.cmxa threads.a \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/threads" make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/otherlibs/systhreads' if test -f ocamlopt.opt.exe; then make installoptopt; else \ cd "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"; \ cp ocamlc.byte.exe ocamlc.exe; \ cp ocamlopt.byte.exe ocamlopt.exe; \ cp ocamllex.byte.exe ocamllex.exe; \ (test -f flexlink.byte.exe && \ cp flexlink.byte.exe flexlink.exe) || true; \ fi make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' /usr/bin/install -c -p ocamlc.opt.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin" /usr/bin/install -c -p ocamlopt.opt.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin" /usr/bin/install -c -p lex/ocamllex.opt.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin" cd "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"; \ cp ocamlc.opt.exe ocamlc.exe; \ cp ocamlopt.opt.exe ocamlopt.exe; \ cp ocamllex.opt.exe ocamllex.exe /usr/bin/install -c -p flexlink.opt.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin" cd "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"; \ cp flexlink.opt.exe flexlink.exe /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ utils/*.cmx parsing/*.cmx typing/*.cmx bytecomp/*.cmx \ toplevel/*.cmx toplevel/native/*.cmx \ toplevel/native/tophooks.cmi \ file_formats/*.cmx \ lambda/*.cmx \ driver/*.cmx asmcomp/*.cmx middle_end/*.cmx \ middle_end/closure/*.cmx \ middle_end/flambda/*.cmx \ middle_end/flambda/base_types/*.cmx \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ compilerlibs/*.cmxa compilerlibs/*.a \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs" /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ driver/main.cmx driver/main.o \ driver/optmain.cmx driver/optmain.o \ toplevel/topstart.o \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs" make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' make -C tools installopt make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/tools' /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \ profiling.cmx profiling.o \ "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml" make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2/tools' make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.2' Removing intermediate container 2a2203f2b893 ---> afac15c2d890 Step 24/61 : RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "git clone /tmp/opam /tmp/opam-build-2.2 && cd /tmp/opam-build-2.2 && git config --global --add /tmp/opam-build-2.2 && git checkout 56a53060b8933fa098cdb84894e853bbc16565c5" ---> Running in 5195fdb9855b tzset: can't find matching POSIX timezone for Windows timezone "" Cloning into '/tmp/opam-build-2.2'... hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call: hint: hint: git config --global init.defaultBranch <name> hint: hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command: hint: hint: git branch -m <name> done. Note: switching to 'a1c9c34417735687fd9310e7dc5c4c177e020441'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: git switch -c <new-branch-name> Or undo this operation with: git switch - Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false Previous HEAD position was a1c9c3441 Merge pull request #6018 from kit-ty-kate/ocp-indent-no-unindented-else HEAD is now at 56a53060b Merge pull request #6086 from rjbou/gha-depexts.2.2 Removing intermediate container 5195fdb9855b ---> 15036dd98808 Step 25/61 : RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "cd /tmp/opam-build-2.2 && env PATH="/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin:$PATH" ./configure --enable-cold-check --with-private-runtime --with-vendored-deps --with-0install-solver && env PATH="/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin:$PATH" make && make install && mv /usr/local/bin/opam.exe /usr/local/bin/opam-2.2.exe" ---> Running in a83b76f02cf7 tzset: can't find matching POSIX timezone for Windows timezone "" checking for ocamlc... ocamlc OCaml version is 4.14.2 OCaml library path is C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml checking for ocamlopt... ocamlopt checking for ocamlc.opt... ocamlc.opt checking for ocamlopt.opt... ocamlopt.opt checking for ocaml... ocaml checking for ocamldep... ocamldep checking for ocamldep.opt... ocamldep.opt checking for ocamlmktop... ocamlmktop checking for ocamlmklib... ocamlmklib checking for ocamldoc... ocamldoc checking for ocamldoc.opt... ocamldoc.opt checking for ocamlbuild... no checking OCaml Sys.os_type... Win32 checking for gawk... gawk checking for compiler type... cc checking for compiler architecture... amd64 checking for compiler system... mingw64 checking for compiler target... x86_64-w64-mingw32 checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc... x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.exe checking for suffix of executables... .exe checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether the compiler supports GNU C... yes checking whether x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields accepts -g... yes checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields option to enable C11 features... none needed checking for stdio.h... yes checking for stdlib.h... yes checking for string.h... yes checking for inttypes.h... yes checking for stdint.h... yes checking for strings.h... yes checking for sys/stat.h... yes checking for sys/types.h... yes checking for unistd.h... yes checking for acl/libacl.h... no checking for library containing acl_get_perm... no checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-i686-w64-mingw32-gcc... no checking for i686-w64-mingw32-gcc... i686-w64-mingw32-gcc checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-ocamlobjinfo... no checking for ocamlobjinfo... ocamlobjinfo checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-ocamlfind... no checking for ocamlfind... no checking for curl... curl checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-dune... no checking for dune... no checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-patch... no checking for patch... patch checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-bunzip2... no checking for bunzip2... bunzip2 checking for a workable solution for ln -s... ln -s checking for linking method... shared checking for OCaml findlib package unix... not found checking for OCaml findlib package re 1.9.0 or later... no checking for OCaml findlib package base64 3.1.0 or later... no checking for OCaml findlib package cmdliner... not found checking for OCaml findlib package ocamlgraph... not found checking for OCaml findlib package cudf 0.7 or later... no checking for OCaml findlib package dose3.common 6.1 or later... no checking for OCaml findlib package dose3.algo 6.1 or later... no checking for OCaml findlib package opam-file-format 2.1.4 or later... no checking for OCaml findlib package spdx_licenses... not found checking for OCaml findlib package opam-0install-cudf 0.4 or later... no checking for OCaml findlib package jsonm... not found checking for OCaml findlib package uutf... not found checking for OCaml findlib package sha... not found checking for OCaml findlib package swhid_core... not found checking for OCaml findlib package mccs 1.1+17 or later... no checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++... x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ checking whether the compiler supports GNU C++... yes checking whether x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ accepts -g... yes checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ option to enable C++11 features... none needed checking whether x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ really is a C++ compiler... yes configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile.config config.status: creating src/ocaml-flags-configure.sexp config.status: creating src/stubs/c-flags.sexp config.status: creating src/stubs/libacl/c-libraries.sexp Opam will be built WITH its default built-in solver Executables will be installed in /usr/local/bin Manual pages will be installed in /usr/local/share/man Downloading vendored source dependencies... * Downloading dune-local... * Downloading cppo... * Downloading base64... * Downloading extlib... * Downloading re... * Downloading cmdliner... * Downloading ocamlgraph... * Downloading cudf... * Downloading dose3... * Downloading opam-file-format... * Downloading seq... * Downloading stdlib-shims... * Downloading spdx_licenses... * Downloading opam-0install-cudf... * Downloading 0install-solver... * Downloading uutf... * Downloading jsonm... * Downloading sha... * Downloading swhid_core... * Downloading mccs... done Extracting vendored source dependencies in src_ext/... done cd src_ext/dune-local && ocaml boot/ ocamlc -output-complete-exe -w -24 -g -o .duneboot.exe -I boot unix.cma boot/ boot/ .\.duneboot.exe cd _boot && C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam\bootstrap\ocaml\bin\ocamlopt.opt.exe -c -g -no-alias-deps -w -49-6 -alert -unstable -I +threads File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\", lines 323-361, characters 42-41: Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. Here is an example of a case that is not matched: Checksum_mismatch _ cd _boot && C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam\bootstrap\ocaml\bin\ocamlopt.opt.exe -c -g -no-alias-deps -w -49-6 -alert -unstable -I +threads File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\", lines 109-114, characters 46-34: Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. Here is an example of a case that is not matched: Checksum_mismatch _ File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\", lines 170-189, characters 44-56: Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. Here is an example of a case that is not matched: Checksum_mismatch _ File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\", lines 209-231, characters 8-44: Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. Here is an example of a case that is not matched: Checksum_mismatch _ cd _boot && C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam\bootstrap\ocaml\bin\ocamlopt.opt.exe -c -g -no-alias-deps -w -49-6 -alert -unstable -I +threads File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\", lines 179-182, characters 11-40: Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. Here is an example of a case that is not matched: Checksum_mismatch _ cd _boot && C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam\bootstrap\ocaml\bin\ocamlopt.opt.exe -c -g -no-alias-deps -w -49-6 -alert -unstable -I +threads File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\", lines 88-90, characters 45-77: Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. Here is an example of a case that is not matched: Checksum_mismatch _ File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\", lines 277-281, characters 38-17: Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. Here is an example of a case that is not matched: Checksum_mismatch _ File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\", lines 423-427, characters 12-42: Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. Here is an example of a case that is not matched: (_, Checksum_mismatch _) /tmp/opam-build-2.2/src_ext/dune-local/_boot/dune.exe build --profile=release --root . --promote-install-files -- opam-installer.install opam.install sed -f process.sed opam.install > processed-opam.install /tmp/opam-build-2.2/src_ext/dune-local/_boot/dune.exe build --profile=release --root . --promote-install-files -- opam-installer.install sed -f process.sed opam-installer.install > processed-opam-installer.install ./opam-installer.exe --prefix "C:\cygwin64\usr\local" --mandir "C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man" processed-opam.install Creating directory C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\Opam.Runtime.amd64 _build\install\default\bin\Opam.Runtime.amd64\Opam.Runtime.amd64.manifest => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\Opam.Runtime.amd64\Opam.Runtime.amd64.manifest _build\install\default\bin\Opam.Runtime.amd64\libgcc_s_seh-1.dll => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\Opam.Runtime.amd64\libgcc_s_seh-1.dll _build\install\default\bin\Opam.Runtime.amd64\libstdc++-6.dll => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\Opam.Runtime.amd64\libstdc++-6.dll _build\install\default\bin\Opam.Runtime.amd64\libwinpthread-1.dll => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\Opam.Runtime.amd64\libwinpthread-1.dll _build\install\default\bin\opam-putenv.exe => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\opam-putenv.exe _build\install\default\bin\opam.exe => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\opam.exe Creating directory C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-add-constraint.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-add-constraint.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-add-hashes.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-add-hashes.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-cache.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-cache.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-check.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-check.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-filter.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-filter.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-help.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-help.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-index.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-index.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-lint.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-lint.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-list.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-list.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-make.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-make.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-update-extrafiles.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-update-extrafiles.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-upgrade.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-upgrade.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-clean.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-clean.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-config.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-config.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-env.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-env.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-exec.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-exec.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-help.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-help.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-info.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-info.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-init.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-init.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-install.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-install.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-lint.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-lint.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-list.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-list.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-lock.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-lock.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-option.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-option.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-pin.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-pin.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-reinstall.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-reinstall.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-remote.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-remote.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-remove.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-remove.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-repository.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-repository.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-search.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-search.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-show.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-show.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-source.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-source.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-switch.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-switch.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-tree.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-tree.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-uninstall.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-uninstall.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-unpin.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-unpin.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-update.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-update.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-upgrade.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-upgrade.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-var.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-var.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-why.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-why.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam.1 ./opam-installer.exe --prefix "C:\cygwin64\usr\local" --mandir "C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man" processed-opam-installer.install _build\install\default\bin\opam-installer.exe => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\opam-installer.exe _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-installer.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-installer.1 Removing intermediate container a83b76f02cf7 ---> 72c89a7c954d Step 26/61 : RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "git clone /tmp/opam /tmp/opam-build-master && cd /tmp/opam-build-master && git config --global --add /tmp/opam-build-master && git checkout a1c9c34417735687fd9310e7dc5c4c177e020441" ---> Running in 844cc16ea175 tzset: can't find matching POSIX timezone for Windows timezone "" Cloning into '/tmp/opam-build-master'... hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call: hint: hint: git config --global init.defaultBranch <name> hint: hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command: hint: hint: git branch -m <name> done. Note: switching to 'a1c9c34417735687fd9310e7dc5c4c177e020441'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: git switch -c <new-branch-name> Or undo this operation with: git switch - Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false HEAD is now at a1c9c3441 Merge pull request #6018 from kit-ty-kate/ocp-indent-no-unindented-else Removing intermediate container 844cc16ea175 ---> 1d290c987aa9 Step 27/61 : RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "cd /tmp/opam-build-master && env PATH="/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin:$PATH" ./configure --enable-cold-check --with-private-runtime --with-vendored-deps --with-0install-solver && env PATH="/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/bin:$PATH" make && make install && mv /usr/local/bin/opam.exe /usr/local/bin/opam-master.exe" ---> Running in afaf1ddd0ec4 tzset: can't find matching POSIX timezone for Windows timezone "" checking for ocamlc... ocamlc OCaml version is 4.14.2 OCaml library path is C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml checking for ocamlopt... ocamlopt checking for ocamlc.opt... ocamlc.opt checking for ocamlopt.opt... ocamlopt.opt checking for ocaml... ocaml checking for ocamldep... ocamldep checking for ocamldep.opt... ocamldep.opt checking for ocamlmktop... ocamlmktop checking for ocamlmklib... ocamlmklib checking for ocamldoc... ocamldoc checking for ocamldoc.opt... ocamldoc.opt checking for ocamlbuild... no checking OCaml Sys.os_type... Win32 checking for gawk... gawk checking for compiler type... cc checking for compiler architecture... amd64 checking for compiler system... mingw64 checking for compiler target... x86_64-w64-mingw32 checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc... x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.exe checking for suffix of executables... .exe checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether the compiler supports GNU C... yes checking whether x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields accepts -g... yes checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -mms-bitfields option to enable C11 features... none needed checking for stdio.h... yes checking for stdlib.h... yes checking for string.h... yes checking for inttypes.h... yes checking for stdint.h... yes checking for strings.h... yes checking for sys/stat.h... yes checking for sys/types.h... yes checking for unistd.h... yes checking for acl/libacl.h... no checking for library containing acl_get_perm... no checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-i686-w64-mingw32-gcc... no checking for i686-w64-mingw32-gcc... i686-w64-mingw32-gcc checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-ocamlobjinfo... no checking for ocamlobjinfo... ocamlobjinfo checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-ocamlfind... no checking for ocamlfind... no checking for curl... curl checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-dune... no checking for dune... no checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-patch... no checking for patch... patch checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-bunzip2... no checking for bunzip2... bunzip2 checking for a workable solution for ln -s... ln -s checking for linking method... shared checking for OCaml findlib package unix... not found checking for OCaml findlib package re 1.9.0 or later... no checking for OCaml findlib package base64 3.1.0 or later... no checking for OCaml findlib package cmdliner... not found checking for OCaml findlib package ocamlgraph... not found checking for OCaml findlib package cudf 0.7 or later... no checking for OCaml findlib package dose3.common 6.1 or later... no checking for OCaml findlib package dose3.algo 6.1 or later... no checking for OCaml findlib package opam-file-format 2.1.4 or later... no checking for OCaml findlib package spdx_licenses... not found checking for OCaml findlib package opam-0install-cudf 0.4 or later... no checking for OCaml findlib package jsonm... not found checking for OCaml findlib package uutf... not found checking for OCaml findlib package sha... not found checking for OCaml findlib package swhid_core... not found checking for OCaml findlib package mccs 1.1+17 or later... no checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++... x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ checking whether the compiler supports GNU C++... yes checking whether x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ accepts -g... yes checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ option to enable C++11 features... none needed checking whether x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ really is a C++ compiler... yes configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile.config config.status: creating src/ocaml-flags-configure.sexp config.status: creating src/stubs/c-flags.sexp config.status: creating src/stubs/libacl/c-libraries.sexp Opam will be built WITH its default built-in solver Executables will be installed in /usr/local/bin Manual pages will be installed in /usr/local/share/man Downloading vendored source dependencies... * Downloading dune-local... * Downloading cppo... * Downloading base64... * Downloading extlib... * Downloading re... * Downloading cmdliner... * Downloading ocamlgraph... * Downloading cudf... * Downloading dose3... * Downloading opam-file-format... * Downloading seq... * Downloading stdlib-shims... * Downloading spdx_licenses... * Downloading opam-0install-cudf... * Downloading 0install-solver... * Downloading uutf... * Downloading jsonm... * Downloading sha... * Downloading swhid_core... * Downloading mccs... done Extracting vendored source dependencies in src_ext/... done cd src_ext/dune-local && ocaml boot/ ocamlc -output-complete-exe -w -24 -g -o .duneboot.exe -I boot unix.cma boot/ boot/ .\.duneboot.exe cd _boot && C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam\bootstrap\ocaml\bin\ocamlopt.opt.exe -c -g -no-alias-deps -w -49-6 -alert -unstable -I +threads File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\", lines 323-361, characters 42-41: Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. Here is an example of a case that is not matched: Checksum_mismatch _ cd _boot && C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam\bootstrap\ocaml\bin\ocamlopt.opt.exe -c -g -no-alias-deps -w -49-6 -alert -unstable -I +threads File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\", lines 109-114, characters 46-34: Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. Here is an example of a case that is not matched: Checksum_mismatch _ File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\", lines 170-189, characters 44-56: Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. Here is an example of a case that is not matched: Checksum_mismatch _ File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\", lines 209-231, characters 8-44: Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. Here is an example of a case that is not matched: Checksum_mismatch _ cd _boot && C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam\bootstrap\ocaml\bin\ocamlopt.opt.exe -c -g -no-alias-deps -w -49-6 -alert -unstable -I +threads File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\", lines 179-182, characters 11-40: Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. Here is an example of a case that is not matched: Checksum_mismatch _ cd _boot && C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam\bootstrap\ocaml\bin\ocamlopt.opt.exe -c -g -no-alias-deps -w -49-6 -alert -unstable -I +threads File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\", lines 88-90, characters 45-77: Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. Here is an example of a case that is not matched: Checksum_mismatch _ File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\", lines 277-281, characters 38-17: Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. Here is an example of a case that is not matched: Checksum_mismatch _ File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\", lines 423-427, characters 12-42: Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. Here is an example of a case that is not matched: (_, Checksum_mismatch _) /tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/dune-local/_boot/dune.exe build --profile=release --root . --promote-install-files -- opam-installer.install opam.install sed -f process.sed opam.install > processed-opam.install /tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/dune-local/_boot/dune.exe build --profile=release --root . --promote-install-files -- opam-installer.install sed -f process.sed opam-installer.install > processed-opam-installer.install ./opam-installer.exe --prefix "C:\cygwin64\usr\local" --mandir "C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man" processed-opam.install _build\install\default\bin\Opam.Runtime.amd64\Opam.Runtime.amd64.manifest => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\Opam.Runtime.amd64\Opam.Runtime.amd64.manifest _build\install\default\bin\Opam.Runtime.amd64\libgcc_s_seh-1.dll => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\Opam.Runtime.amd64\libgcc_s_seh-1.dll _build\install\default\bin\Opam.Runtime.amd64\libstdc++-6.dll => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\Opam.Runtime.amd64\libstdc++-6.dll _build\install\default\bin\Opam.Runtime.amd64\libwinpthread-1.dll => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\Opam.Runtime.amd64\libwinpthread-1.dll _build\install\default\bin\opam-putenv.exe => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\opam-putenv.exe _build\install\default\bin\opam.exe => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\opam.exe _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-add-constraint.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-add-constraint.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-add-hashes.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-add-hashes.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-cache.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-cache.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-check.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-check.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-filter.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-filter.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-help.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-help.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-index.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-index.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-lint.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-lint.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-list.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-list.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-make.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-make.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-update-extrafiles.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-update-extrafiles.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-upgrade.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-upgrade.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-clean.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-clean.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-config.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-config.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-env.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-env.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-exec.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-exec.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-help.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-help.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-info.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-info.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-init.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-init.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-install.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-install.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-lint.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-lint.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-list.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-list.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-lock.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-lock.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-option.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-option.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-pin.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-pin.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-reinstall.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-reinstall.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-remote.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-remote.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-remove.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-remove.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-repository.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-repository.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-search.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-search.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-show.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-show.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-source.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-source.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-switch.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-switch.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-tree.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-tree.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-uninstall.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-uninstall.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-unpin.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-unpin.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-update.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-update.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-upgrade.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-upgrade.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-var.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-var.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-why.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-why.1 _build\install\default\man\man1\opam.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam.1 ./opam-installer.exe --prefix "C:\cygwin64\usr\local" --mandir "C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man" processed-opam-installer.install _build\install\default\bin\opam-installer.exe => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\opam-installer.exe _build\install\default\man\man1\opam-installer.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-installer.1 Removing intermediate container afaf1ddd0ec4 ---> 5b4a44975d65 Step 28/61 : FROM 10.0.17763.6054: Pulling from windows Digest: sha256:d73b1d59869965123148077be9cb06df4e706aea55bbc0dc5e28f0ce35b52676 Status: Image is up to date for ---> 6df6740e93d4 Step 29/61 : USER ContainerAdministrator ---> Using cache ---> 64170310618a Step 30/61 : LABEL distro_style="windows" ---> Running in 08ca4d7b606e Removing intermediate container 08ca4d7b606e ---> 3770af633e88 Step 31/61 : USER ContainerAdministrator ---> Running in ee2f3e377cf8 Removing intermediate container ee2f3e377cf8 ---> 1003af6771f5 Step 32/61 : RUN for /f "tokens=1,2,*" %a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path ^| findstr /r "\\$"') do for /f "delims=" %l in ('cmd /v:on /c "set v=%c&& echo !v:~0,-1!"') do reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "%l" ---> Running in a59e311cda04 C:\>for /F "delims=" %l in ('cmd /v:on /c "set v=%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\OpenSSH\&& echo !v:~0,-1!"') do reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "%l" C:\>reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH" The operation completed successfully. Removing intermediate container a59e311cda04 ---> 80f3d80db121 Step 33/61 : ADD [ "", "C:\\TEMP\\" ] ---> 88a8e85b94e3 Step 34/61 : RUN C:\TEMP\vc_redist.x64.exe /install /passive /norestart /log C:\TEMP\vc_redist.log && powershell -Command "Remove-Item 'C:\TEMP' -Recurse" ---> Running in b198fa106182 Removing intermediate container b198fa106182 ---> 1db25ac85561 Step 35/61 : COPY --from=winget-builder [ "C:\\Program Files\\winget-cli", "C:\\Program Files\\winget-cli" ] ---> 5be241f07b24 Step 36/61 : RUN for /f "tokens=1,2,*" %a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path ^| findstr /r "^[^H]"') do reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "C:\Program Files\winget-cli;%c" ---> Running in 772ac5d1727d C:\>reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "C:\Program Files\winget-cli;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH" The operation completed successfully. Removing intermediate container 772ac5d1727d ---> 57db9a44e0ed Step 37/61 : RUN powershell -Command "$path=(Join-Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA 'Packages\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState'); New-Item $path -ItemType Directory -Force; '{ """"$schema"""": """""""", """"telemetry"""": { """"disable"""": """"true"""" } }' | Out-File -encoding ASCII (Join-Path $path 'settings.json')" ---> Running in dee68227aa15 Directory: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft .DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- d----- 7/24/2024 4:46 AM LocalState Removing intermediate container dee68227aa15 ---> 6b41b1f6ee9d Step 38/61 : ENV CYGWIN="nodosfilewarning winsymlinks:native" ---> Running in 2d6ec136189e Removing intermediate container 2d6ec136189e ---> f986b9eddd87 Step 39/61 : RUN for /f "tokens=1,2,*" %a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path ^| findstr /r "^[^H]"') do reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "C:\cygwin64\bin;%c" ---> Running in 99e8f2c161cf C:\>reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "C:\cygwin64\bin;C:\Program Files\winget-cli;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH" The operation completed successfully. Removing intermediate container 99e8f2c161cf ---> 4f8775d4a9b7 Step 40/61 : ADD [ "", "C:\\cygwin64\\setup-x86_64.exe" ] ---> bc210ea9037f Step 41/61 : RUN mkdir C:\cygwin64\lib\cygsympathy && mkdir C:\cygwin64\etc\postinstall ---> Running in 76623d470ade Removing intermediate container 76623d470ade ---> ea48b71ddb5a Step 42/61 : ADD [ "", "C:\\cygwin64\\lib\\cygsympathy\\" ] ---> 3abd181c46e7 Step 43/61 : ADD [ "", "C:\\cygwin64\\lib\\cygsympathy\\cygsympathy" ] ---> a8bd195f9232 Step 44/61 : RUN mklink C:\cygwin64\etc\postinstall\ C:\cygwin64\lib\cygsympathy\cygsympathy ---> Running in 0a4e69d1f608 symbolic link created for C:\cygwin64\etc\postinstall\ <<===>> C:\cygwin64\lib\cygsympathy\cygsympathy Removing intermediate container 0a4e69d1f608 ---> 762457eebfcd Step 45/61 : RUN C:\cygwin64\setup-x86_64.exe --quiet-mode --no-shortcuts --no-startmenu --no-desktop --only-site --local-package-dir C:\TEMP\cache --root C:\cygwin64 --site --symlink-type=native --packages curl,diffutils,git,m4,make,mingw64-x86_64-gcc-core,patch,perl,rsync,unzip && powershell -Command "Remove-Item 'C:\TEMP' -Recurse" ---> Running in 57953ac6eabd Starting cygwin install, version 2.932 User has backup/restore rights User has symlink creation right io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/setup.rc) failed 2 No such file or directory Current Directory: C:\TEMP\cache root: C:\cygwin64 system Changing gid to Administrators Selected local directory: C:\TEMP\cache net: Preconfig site: io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/timestamp) failed 2 No such file or directory io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/installed.db) failed 2 No such file or directory solving: 47 tasks, update: no, use test packages: no solving: 133 tasks, update: no, use test packages: no Augmented Transaction List: 0 install libgsasl-common 2.2.1-1 1 install libpopt-common 1.19-1 2 install mingw64-x86_64-windows-default-manifest 6.4-1 3 install mingw64-x86_64-winpthreads 12.0.0-1 4 install publicsuffix-list-dafsa 20240531-1 5 install terminfo 6.5+20240427-1 6 install tzdata 2024a-1 7 install mingw64-x86_64-headers 12.0.0-1 8 install cygwin 3.5.3-1 9 install libiconv2 1.17-1 10 install libintl8 0.22.4-1 11 install mingw64-x86_64-runtime 12.0.0-1 12 install libncursesw10 6.5+20240427-1 13 install libreadline7 8.2-2 14 install bash 5.2.21-1 15 install libgcc1 12.4.0-2 16 install crypto-policies 20190218-1 17 install base-cygwin 3.8-2 18 install libzstd1 1.5.6-1 19 install zlib0 1.3.1-1 20 install which 2.20-2 21 install vim-minimal 9.0.2155-2 22 install tzcode 2024a-1 23 install sed 4.9-1 24 install run 1.3.4-2 25 install ncurses 6.5+20240427-1 26 install mintty 3.7.4-1 27 install mingw64-x86_64-binutils 2.42-1 28 install m4 1.4.19-1 29 install login 1.13-1 30 install libxxhash0 0.8.2-1 31 install libuuid1 2.39.3-2 32 install libunistring5 1.2-1 33 install libtasn1_6 4.14-1 34 install libstdc++6 12.4.0-2 35 install libsmartcols1 2.39.3-2 36 install libpopt0 1.19-1 37 install libpipeline1 1.5.6-1 38 install libpcre2_8_0 10.44-1 39 install libpcre1 8.45-1 40 install libntlm0 1.4-1 41 install libnghttp2_14 1.61.0-1 42 install liblzma5 5.6.2-1 43 install liblz4_1 1.9.4-1 44 install libkrb5support0 1.15.2-2 45 install libidn2_0 2.3.7-1 46 install libidn12 1.42-1 47 install libgpg-error0 1.50-2 48 install libgmp10 6.3.0-1 49 install libgdbm6 1.18.1-1 50 install libgc1 8.2.6-1 51 install libffi8 3.4.6-1 52 install libffi6 3.2.1-2 53 install libexpat1 2.6.2-1 54 install libedit0 20221030-4 55 install libcrypt2 4.4.20-1 56 install libcom_err2 1.44.5-1 57 install libbz2_1 1.0.8-1 58 install libbrotlicommon1 1.1.0-1 59 install libblkid1 2.39.3-2 60 install libattr1 2.5.1-1.20.g0981a7bfe487 61 install libargp 20230708-2 62 install ipc-utils 1.1-1 63 install hostname 3.13-1 64 install gzip 1.13-1 65 install gettext 0.22.4-1 66 install editrights 1.04-1 67 install diffutils 3.10-1 68 install dash 0.5.12-5 69 install cygrunsrv 1.64-1 70 install alternatives 1.26-1 71 install libuchardet0 0.0.8-1 72 install libdb5.3 5.3.28-2 73 install cygutils 1.4.17-1 74 install grep 3.11-1 75 install less 643-1 76 install xz 5.6.2-1 77 install zstd 1.5.6-1 78 install libk5crypto3 1.15.2-2 79 install libpsl5 0.21.5-1 80 install libgcrypt20 1.11.0-1 81 install libmpfr6 4.2.1-1 82 install libisl23 0.26-1 83 install libgdbm_compat4 1.18.1-1 84 install libp11-kit0 0.23.20-1 85 install perl_base 5.36.3-1 86 install libguile3.0_1 3.0.9-3 87 install unzip 6.0-18 88 install file 5.44-1 89 install bzip2 1.0.8-1 90 install libbrotlidec1 1.1.0-1 91 install libfdisk1 2.39.3-2 92 install patch 2.7.6-17 93 install coreutils 9.0-1 94 install getent 2.18.90-5 95 install rebase 4.6.6-1 96 install info 7.1-1 97 install _autorebase 001091-1 98 install groff 1.23.0-1 99 install libkrb5_3 1.15.2-2 100 install libmpc3 1.3.1-1 101 install gawk 5.3.0-1 102 install p11-kit-trust 0.23.20-1 103 install p11-kit 0.23.20-1 104 install perl 5.36.3-1 105 install make 4.4.1-2 106 install tar 1.35-2 107 install util-linux 2.39.3-2 108 install findutils 4.10.0-1 109 install libgssapi_krb5_2 1.15.2-2 110 install mingw64-x86_64-gcc-core 11.5.0-1 111 install csih 0.9.14-1 112 install ca-certificates 2024.2.66_v8.0.302-1 113 install perl-JSON-PP 4.16-2 114 install man-db 2.12.1-1 115 install base-files 4.3-3 116 install libgsasl18 2.2.1-1 117 install libssl3 3.0.14-1 118 install libssl1.1 1.1.1w-1 119 install perl_autorebase 5.36.3-1 120 install openssl 3.0.14-1 121 install rsync 3.3.0-1 122 install libssh2_1 1.11.0-1 123 install libsasl2_3 2.1.27-1 124 install libfido2 1.12.0-1 125 install perl-TermReadKey 2.38-4 126 install perl-Error 0.17029-3 127 install libopenldap2 2.6.8-1 128 install openssh 9.8p1-1 129 install libopenldap2_4_2 2.6.8-1 130 install libcurl4 8.8.0-1 131 install git 2.45.1-1 132 install curl 8.8.0-1 Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded 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C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/ Registry value set: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cygwin\setup\rootdir = "C:\cygwin64" Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from 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file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/ running: C:\cygwin64\bin\dash.exe "/etc/postinstall/0p_000_autorebase.dash" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\dash.exe "/etc/postinstall/0p_update-info-dir.dash" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" can't run /etc/postinstall/ No such file running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\dash.exe "/etc/postinstall/zp_man-db-update-index.dash" running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" Ending cygwin install Removing intermediate container 57953ac6eabd ---> c68090f9663b Step 46/61 : RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\peflags -d0 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygwin1.dll ---> Running in 3dede7687cd6 Removing intermediate container 3dede7687cd6 ---> ec06d92ef247 Step 47/61 : RUN awk -i inplace "/(^#)|(^$)/{print;next}{$4=""noacl,""$4; print}" C:\cygwin64\etc\fstab ---> Running in cdd1d1f0f80a Removing intermediate container cdd1d1f0f80a ---> e0ca1eefa2fd Step 48/61 : ADD [ "", "C:\\TEMP\\" ] ---> d267d46e4b33 Step 49/61 : RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "cd /tmp && tar -xf /cygdrive/c/TEMP/opam64.tar.xz && ./opam64/ --prefix=/usr && rm -rf opam64 opam64.tar.xz" ---> Running in 7c6fc85744d3 tzset: can't find matching POSIX timezone for Windows timezone "" opam is now installed. In order to compile and install OCaml, proceed with either $ opam init default "" -c "ocaml-variants.4.14.0+mingw32" --disable-sandboxing or $ opam init default "" -c "ocaml-variants.4.14.0+mingw64" --disable-sandboxing Alternatively, you can download and use a pre-compiled version with: (note the 'c' suffix) $ opam init default "" -c "ocaml-variants.4.14.0+mingw32c" --disable-sandboxing or $ opam init default "" -c "ocaml-variants.4.14.0+mingw64c" --disable-sandboxing Removing intermediate container 7c6fc85744d3 ---> f68ea5535c9e Step 50/61 : COPY --from=opam-builder [ "C:\\cygwin64\\usr\\local\\bin\\opam-2.2.exe", "C:\\opam-2.2.exe" ] ---> c3b212ba73f8 Step 51/61 : RUN move C:\opam-2.2.exe C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin ---> Running in fb345a97491d 1 file(s) moved. Removing intermediate container fb345a97491d ---> 2f24c3d26952 Step 52/61 : COPY --from=opam-builder [ "C:\\cygwin64\\usr\\local\\bin\\opam-master.exe", "C:\\opam-dev.exe" ] ---> f4c36f868fe5 Step 53/61 : RUN move C:\opam-dev.exe C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin ---> Running in 4f09231e45a8 1 file(s) moved. Removing intermediate container 4f09231e45a8 ---> f0413a73292d Step 54/61 : WORKDIR C:\cygwin64\home\opam ---> Running in e15c4f8ca96e Removing intermediate container e15c4f8ca96e ---> 0e4b2a026f10 Step 55/61 : ENV HOME="C:\cygwin64\home\opam" ---> Running in 4438b3c58cca Removing intermediate container 4438b3c58cca ---> 6eb1ce6dc71d Step 56/61 : RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "git config --global '' && git config --global 'Docker' && git config --system core.longpaths true && git config --global --add /home/opam/opam-repository" ---> Running in 05433ac317b5 tzset: can't find matching POSIX timezone for Windows timezone "" Removing intermediate container 05433ac317b5 ---> 50577896d31e Step 57/61 : COPY [ ".", "C:\\cygwin64\\home\\opam\\opam-repository" ] ---> db26fe9520b7 Step 58/61 : ENV OPAMROOT="C:\opam\.opam" ---> Running in 2ed173dec12e Removing intermediate container 2ed173dec12e ---> 565ee5e197f2 Step 59/61 : RUN opam init -k local -a "C:\cygwin64\home\opam\opam-repository" --bare --disable-sandboxing ---> Running in 8c90757efa6e [NOTE] Will configure from built-in defaults. Checking for available remotes: rsync and local, git. - you won't be able to use mercurial repositories unless you install the hg command on your system. - you won't be able to use darcs repositories unless you install the darcs command on your system. <><> Fetching repository information ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> [default] Initialised User configuration: Updating C:/cygwin64/home/opam/.profile. [NOTE] Make sure that C:/cygwin64/home/opam/.profile is well sourced in your ~/.bashrc. Removing intermediate container 8c90757efa6e ---> 10b3bd744379 Step 60/61 : RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "rm -rf /cygdrive/c/opam/.opam/repo/default/.git" ---> Running in 7d4c1760a196 tzset: can't find matching POSIX timezone for Windows timezone "" Removing intermediate container 7d4c1760a196 ---> 83e2b888605a Step 61/61 : COPY [ "Dockerfile", "/Dockerfile.opam" ] ---> 148ee0d6d6bd Successfully built 148ee0d6d6bd Pushing "sha256:148ee0d6d6bdcf24ecf7c64a57d759b71a2e4a2da4949639b8f25b9901f31f2f" to "ocurrent/opam-staging:windows-mingw-ltsc2019-opam-amd64" as user "ocurrentbuilder" Login Succeeded The push refers to repository [] d83a0eb1583a: Preparing 27ebf1627c9b: Preparing 9df750abec08: Preparing d37f4368b173: Preparing e66b71d591cc: Preparing bcc9bbd72da0: Preparing c35018d73b00: Preparing f04c9953fc55: Preparing 52304d2741fa: Preparing 10f30f54284b: Preparing 82295d93f44b: Preparing a17537d81fe7: Preparing 15083078338e: Preparing 4c5fa2d494bf: Preparing 678e10427ff0: Preparing c90b09dcf382: Preparing 62391eabd4e4: Preparing 4712f594ca2b: Preparing a168c49608fc: Preparing c0bf928d5be3: Preparing 2648eadf2756: Preparing 4b6d986d5801: Preparing e34cf2a2c39e: Preparing 95a5c0c5e4f9: Preparing 3dbc3ea2ad74: Preparing fee2571c03e1: Preparing 4f393465551d: Preparing 361564026b3a: Preparing d432b3ee33b6: Preparing c9d92abfb7d0: Preparing 213e11e6aa14: Preparing 04b717549dcb: Preparing 3b602d3fafe5: Preparing 3690afca950f: Preparing ca9691c7f49b: Preparing 82295d93f44b: Waiting a17537d81fe7: Waiting 15083078338e: Waiting a168c49608fc: Waiting c0bf928d5be3: Waiting 2648eadf2756: Waiting 4b6d986d5801: Waiting e34cf2a2c39e: Waiting 95a5c0c5e4f9: Waiting 3dbc3ea2ad74: Waiting fee2571c03e1: Waiting 4f393465551d: Waiting 361564026b3a: Waiting d432b3ee33b6: Waiting c9d92abfb7d0: Waiting 213e11e6aa14: Waiting 04b717549dcb: Waiting 3b602d3fafe5: Waiting 4c5fa2d494bf: Waiting 678e10427ff0: Waiting c90b09dcf382: Waiting 62391eabd4e4: Waiting 4712f594ca2b: Waiting 3690afca950f: Waiting ca9691c7f49b: Waiting c35018d73b00: Waiting f04c9953fc55: Waiting bcc9bbd72da0: Waiting 52304d2741fa: Waiting 10f30f54284b: Waiting d83a0eb1583a: Pushed d37f4368b173: Pushed c35018d73b00: Pushed f04c9953fc55: Pushed bcc9bbd72da0: Pushed 27ebf1627c9b: Pushed 10f30f54284b: Pushed a17537d81fe7: Pushed 52304d2741fa: Pushed 82295d93f44b: Pushed 678e10427ff0: Pushed e66b71d591cc: Pushed 4c5fa2d494bf: Pushed 9df750abec08: Pushed a168c49608fc: Pushed c0bf928d5be3: Pushed c90b09dcf382: Pushed 4b6d986d5801: Pushed 2648eadf2756: Pushed 4712f594ca2b: Pushed 95a5c0c5e4f9: Pushed e34cf2a2c39e: Pushed 3dbc3ea2ad74: Pushed 4f393465551d: Pushed fee2571c03e1: Pushed c9d92abfb7d0: Pushed 15083078338e: Pushed 213e11e6aa14: Pushed 04b717549dcb: Pushed 3690afca950f: Layer already exists ca9691c7f49b: Layer already exists 3b602d3fafe5: Pushed 361564026b3a: Pushed d432b3ee33b6: Pushed 62391eabd4e4: Pushed windows-mingw-ltsc2019-opam-amd64: digest: sha256:885876b0939da8378d06f035371556d1d4855296b0c26e2126b766ae3bd2565c size: 7689 Job succeeded 2024-07-24 05:23.37: Job succeeded