  1. 0
2024-05-14 19:19.43: New job: Build using windows-x86_64 in
2024-05-14 19:19.43: Will push staging image to ocurrent/opam-staging:windows-server-mingw-ltsc2022-ocaml-4.12-amd64


# escape=`

FROM ocurrent/opam-staging@sha256:b45370f44b7b43d98507b42c127750c11cb7e4444dbd59479a402f75930b175a
RUN ocaml-env exec --64 --no-opam -- opam switch create 4.12 --packages=ocaml-variants.4.12.1+mingw64
RUN ocaml-env exec --64 -- opam pin add -k version ocaml-variants 4.12.1+mingw64
RUN ocaml-env exec --64 -- opam install -y depext depext-cygwinports
ENTRYPOINT [ "ocaml-env", "exec", "--64", "--" ]
CMD [ "cmd.exe" ]
COPY [ "Dockerfile", "/Dockerfile.ocaml" ]

2024-05-14 19:19.43: Using cache hint "4.12.1-amd64-ocurrent/opam-staging@sha256:b45370f44b7b43d98507b42c127750c11cb7e4444dbd59479a402f75930b175a"
2024-05-14 19:19.43: Waiting for resource in pool OCluster
2024-05-14 19:19.43: Waiting for worker…
2024-05-14 22:24.18: Got resource from pool OCluster
Building on ltsc2022-4
Sending build context to Docker daemon   2.56kB

Step 1/8 : FROM ocurrent/opam-staging@sha256:b45370f44b7b43d98507b42c127750c11cb7e4444dbd59479a402f75930b175a Pulling from ocurrent/opam-staging
Digest: sha256:b45370f44b7b43d98507b42c127750c11cb7e4444dbd59479a402f75930b175a
Status: Image is up to date for ocurrent/opam-staging@sha256:b45370f44b7b43d98507b42c127750c11cb7e4444dbd59479a402f75930b175a
 ---> 98eeb5ca6698
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 1d68c7f6e108
Step 3/8 : RUN ocaml-env exec --64 --no-opam -- opam switch create 4.12 --packages=ocaml-variants.4.12.1+mingw64
 ---> Running in 3841eac6fce7
tzset: can't find matching POSIX timezone for Windows timezone ""

<><> Gathering sources ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
[ocaml-variants.4.12.1+mingw64] downloaded from
[ocaml-variants.4.12.1+mingw64/inline-flexdll.patch] downloaded from
[ocaml-variants.4.12.1+mingw64/ocaml-4.12.0+beta1.patch] downloaded from

<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
-> installed base-bigarray.base
-> installed base-threads.base
-> installed base-unix.base
-> installed ocaml-variants.4.12.1+mingw64
-> installed ocaml-config.2
-> installed ocaml.4.12.1
# Run eval $(opam env --root=C:/opam/.opam) to update the current shell environment
Removing intermediate container 3841eac6fce7
 ---> 226ec945b9b3
Step 4/8 : RUN ocaml-env exec --64 -- opam pin add -k version ocaml-variants 4.12.1+mingw64
 ---> Running in f2d2aca8e130
tzset: can't find matching POSIX timezone for Windows timezone ""
ocaml-variants is now pinned to version 4.12.1+mingw64

No package build needed.
Nothing to do.
Removing intermediate container f2d2aca8e130
 ---> c45f1dd790d5
Step 5/8 : RUN ocaml-env exec --64 -- opam install -y depext depext-cygwinports
 ---> Running in b8ac13476f34
tzset: can't find matching POSIX timezone for Windows timezone ""
The following actions will be performed:
  - install opam-depext        1.1.5      [required by depext]
  - install depext-cygwinports 0.0.9
  - install depext             transition
===== 3 to install =====

<><> Gathering sources ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
[depext-cygwinports.0.0.9] downloaded from
[opam-depext.1.1.5] downloaded from

<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
-> installed depext-cygwinports.0.0.9
-> installed opam-depext.1.1.5
-> installed depext.transition

<><> depext-cygwinports.0.0.9 installed successfully ><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
=> Don't forget to add either /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin (or
    /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin for 32-bit builds) to your PATH.
    Otherwise many packages can't be built.
Removing intermediate container b8ac13476f34
 ---> 50dc1ad9c544
Step 6/8 : ENTRYPOINT [ "ocaml-env", "exec", "--64", "--" ]
 ---> Running in af05e05317b7
Removing intermediate container af05e05317b7
 ---> df75a12fb818
Step 7/8 : CMD [ "cmd.exe" ]
 ---> Running in 35b4743f5b26
Removing intermediate container 35b4743f5b26
 ---> 90c305a7cb6b
Step 8/8 : COPY [ "Dockerfile", "/Dockerfile.ocaml" ]
 ---> b99ce493ba44
Successfully built b99ce493ba44
Pushing "sha256:b99ce493ba445b9c03f31c59934b8760d134e90d6278169bc6220682c9490acf" to "ocurrent/opam-staging:windows-server-mingw-ltsc2022-ocaml-4.12-amd64" as user "ocurrentbuilder"
Login Succeeded
The push refers to repository []
ba7bc80b101b: Preparing
c05daaded3af: Preparing
7e6d201ce46d: Preparing
35fd50c3a5b2: Preparing
d2a4d316ea45: Preparing
fb59a6377310: Preparing
8760b401893b: Preparing
a1d299a3980c: Preparing
1d92d21ba923: Preparing
dfeb30f8d624: Preparing
27e7812d68db: Preparing
8b5b60b03c90: Preparing
8b0dc85c169b: Preparing
6e34a8f0f76b: Preparing
20fd647be457: Preparing
987595a3982d: Preparing
d79a9f5c5a94: Preparing
b12f32da9495: Preparing
38f8db3ab11e: Preparing
f973cccbf8bc: Preparing
671b00a4f168: Preparing
66e7e3cee82a: Preparing
c4450cb13247: Preparing
9cfbde05d931: Preparing
5afe908de167: Preparing
8896b985b064: Preparing
a74a49164cf0: Preparing
5eaae2c61e3c: Preparing
5bf421d2ca47: Preparing
61db46462ed2: Preparing
8b00db7c1412: Preparing
50d47c40cb45: Preparing
d2bf6d4a93f6: Preparing
86a617a11c59: Preparing
de31ed1334bc: Preparing
006ed3a6469d: Preparing
687e3e93d264: Preparing
299b77e5746e: Preparing
7529a801971a: Preparing
058f8a7cd302: Preparing
fb59a6377310: Waiting
8760b401893b: Waiting
a1d299a3980c: Waiting
1d92d21ba923: Waiting
dfeb30f8d624: Waiting
27e7812d68db: Waiting
8b5b60b03c90: Waiting
8b0dc85c169b: Waiting
6e34a8f0f76b: Waiting
20fd647be457: Waiting
671b00a4f168: Waiting
66e7e3cee82a: Waiting
c4450cb13247: Waiting
9cfbde05d931: Waiting
5afe908de167: Waiting
8896b985b064: Waiting
a74a49164cf0: Waiting
5eaae2c61e3c: Waiting
5bf421d2ca47: Waiting
61db46462ed2: Waiting
987595a3982d: Waiting
d79a9f5c5a94: Waiting
8b00db7c1412: Waiting
50d47c40cb45: Waiting
d2bf6d4a93f6: Waiting
86a617a11c59: Waiting
de31ed1334bc: Waiting
006ed3a6469d: Waiting
687e3e93d264: Waiting
b12f32da9495: Waiting
299b77e5746e: Waiting
38f8db3ab11e: Waiting
7529a801971a: Waiting
f973cccbf8bc: Waiting
058f8a7cd302: Waiting
c05daaded3af: Pushed
ba7bc80b101b: Pushed
8760b401893b: Layer already exists
7e6d201ce46d: Pushed
a1d299a3980c: Layer already exists
1d92d21ba923: Layer already exists
dfeb30f8d624: Layer already exists
27e7812d68db: Layer already exists
8b5b60b03c90: Layer already exists
8b0dc85c169b: Layer already exists
6e34a8f0f76b: Layer already exists
20fd647be457: Layer already exists
987595a3982d: Layer already exists
d79a9f5c5a94: Layer already exists
b12f32da9495: Layer already exists
38f8db3ab11e: Layer already exists
f973cccbf8bc: Layer already exists
671b00a4f168: Layer already exists
66e7e3cee82a: Layer already exists
c4450cb13247: Layer already exists
d2a4d316ea45: Pushed
9cfbde05d931: Layer already exists
5afe908de167: Layer already exists
8896b985b064: Layer already exists
a74a49164cf0: Layer already exists
5eaae2c61e3c: Layer already exists
5bf421d2ca47: Layer already exists
61db46462ed2: Layer already exists
8b00db7c1412: Layer already exists
50d47c40cb45: Layer already exists
d2bf6d4a93f6: Layer already exists
86a617a11c59: Layer already exists
de31ed1334bc: Layer already exists
006ed3a6469d: Layer already exists
687e3e93d264: Layer already exists
7529a801971a: Layer already exists
299b77e5746e: Layer already exists
058f8a7cd302: Layer already exists
35fd50c3a5b2: Pushed
fb59a6377310: Pushed
windows-server-mingw-ltsc2022-ocaml-4.12-amd64: digest: sha256:0cb369152e5ce0b3e4f71215d469c2754ae340c5cf72fd0878fd0e7bdfb95012 size: 8735
Job succeeded
2024-05-14 22:45.10: Job succeeded