2024-04-11 12:58.20: New job: Build using windows-1809-x86_64 in
                                [https://github.com/ocaml-opam/opam-repository-mingw#sunset (69dbd0eda2e75b7085cff45755111c73a7a42d1a)]
2024-04-11 12:58.20: Will push staging image to ocurrent/opam-staging:windows-msvc-1809-opam-amd64


# escape=`

# Autogenerated by OCaml-Dockerfile scripts
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows:1809-KB5032196 as winget-builder
USER ContainerAdministrator
ADD [ "https://github.com/microsoft/winget-cli/releases/latest/download/Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle", "C:\\TEMP\\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.zip" ]
RUN powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -LiteralPath C:\TEMP\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.zip -DestinationPath C:\TEMP\winget-cli -Force"
RUN ren C:\TEMP\winget-cli\AppInstaller_x64.msix AppInstaller_x64.zip
RUN powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -LiteralPath C:\TEMP\winget-cli\AppInstaller_x64.zip -DestinationPath C:\TEMP\winget-cli\ -Force"
RUN mkdir "C:\Program Files\winget-cli" && `
  move "C:\TEMP\winget-cli\\winget.exe" "C:\Program Files\winget-cli\" && `
  move "C:\TEMP\winget-cli\\WindowsPackageManager.dll" "C:\Program Files\winget-cli\" && `
  move "C:\TEMP\winget-cli\\resources.pri" "C:\Program Files\winget-cli\"

FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows:1809-KB5032196 as cygwin-msvc
USER ContainerAdministrator
RUN for /f "tokens=1,2,*" %a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path ^| findstr /r "\\$"') do `
          for /f "delims=" %l in ('cmd /v:on /c "set v=%c&& echo !v:~0,-1!"') do `
            reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "%l"
ADD [ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ocurrent/ocaml-dockerfile/master/src-opam/Install.cmd", "C:\\TEMP\\" ]
ADD [ "https://aka.ms/vscollect.exe", "C:\\TEMP\\collect.exe" ]
ADD [ "https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/channel", "C:\\TEMP\\VisualStudio.chman" ]
RUN curl -SL --output C:\TEMP\vs_buildtools.exe https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vs_buildtools.exe `
    && (call C:\TEMP\Install.cmd C:\TEMP\vs_buildtools.exe --quiet --wait --norestart --nocache install `
        --installPath "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools" `
        --channelUri C:\TEMP\VisualStudio.chman `
        --installChannelUri C:\TEMP\VisualStudio.chman `
        --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64 `
        --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.18362 `
        --remove Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.10240 `
        --remove Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.10586 `
        --remove Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.14393 `
        --remove Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows81SDK) `
    && del /q C:\TEMP\vs_buildtools.exe
ENV CYGWIN="nodosfilewarning winsymlinks:native"
RUN for /f "tokens=1,2,*" %a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path ^| findstr /r "^[^H]"') do `
        reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "C:\cygwin64\bin;%c"
ADD [ "https://www.cygwin.com/setup-x86_64.exe", "C:\\cygwin64\\setup-x86_64.exe" ]
RUN mkdir C:\cygwin64\lib\cygsympathy && mkdir C:\cygwin64\etc\postinstall
ADD [ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metastack/cygsympathy/master/cygsympathy.cmd", "C:\\cygwin64\\lib\\cygsympathy\\" ]
ADD [ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metastack/cygsympathy/master/cygsympathy.sh", "C:\\cygwin64\\lib\\cygsympathy\\cygsympathy" ]
RUN mklink C:\cygwin64\etc\postinstall\zp_zcygsympathy.sh C:\cygwin64\lib\cygsympathy\cygsympathy
RUN C:\cygwin64\setup-x86_64.exe --quiet-mode --no-shortcuts --no-startmenu --no-desktop --only-site --local-package-dir C:\TEMP\cache --root C:\cygwin64 --site https://mirrors.kernel.org/sourceware/cygwin/ --symlink-type=native --packages diffutils,git,make,patch && `
  powershell -Command "Remove-Item 'C:\TEMP' -Recurse"
RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\peflags -d0 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygwin1.dll
ADD [ "https://github.com/metastack/msvs-tools/archive/refs/heads/master.tar.gz", "C:\\TEMP\\msvs-tools.tar.gz" ]
RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "cd /tmp && tar -xf /cygdrive/c/TEMP/msvs-tools.tar.gz && cp msvs-tools-master/msvs-detect msvs-tools-master/msvs-promote-path /bin && rm -rf /cygdrive/c/TEMP/msvs-tools/*"
RUN awk -i inplace "/(^#)|(^$)/{print;next}{$4=""noacl,""$4; print}" C:\cygwin64\etc\fstab

FROM cygwin-msvc as opam-builder
ENV HOME="C:\cygwin64\home\opam"
RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "git config --global user.email 'docker@example.com' && git config --global user.name 'Docker' && git config --system core.longpaths true && git config --global --add safe.directory /tmp/opam-sources"
RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "git clone https://github.com/ocaml/opam /tmp/opam && cd /tmp/opam && cp -P -R -p . ../opam-sources && git checkout bd96d2ae56a17656e607a68ceb85e3d13594c14a"
RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "cd /tmp/opam-sources && cp -P -R -p . ../opam-build-master && cd ../opam-build-master && git checkout bd96d2ae56a17656e607a68ceb85e3d13594c14a && git config --global --add safe.directory /tmp/opam-build-master"
RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "cd /tmp/opam-build-master && eval $(msvs-detect --arch=x64) && export PATH="$MSVS_PATH:$PATH" && export LIB="$MSVS_LIB" && export INCLUDE="$MSVS_INC" && make compiler OCAML_PORT=msvc64 && make lib-pkg"
RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "cd /tmp/opam-build-master && eval $(msvs-detect --arch=x64) && export PATH="$MSVS_PATH:$PATH" && export LIB="$MSVS_LIB" && export INCLUDE="$MSVS_INC" && ./configure --enable-cold-check  --with-0install-solver && make && make install"
RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "cd /usr/local/bin && tar -cf /cygdrive/c/opam.tar ."

FROM cygwin-msvc
LABEL distro_style="windows"
USER ContainerAdministrator
RUN C:\cygwin64\setup-x86_64.exe --quiet-mode --no-shortcuts --no-startmenu --no-desktop --only-site --local-package-dir C:\TEMP\cache --root C:\cygwin64 --site https://mirrors.kernel.org/sourceware/cygwin/ --symlink-type=native --packages curl,diffutils,git,m4,make,patch,perl,rsync,unzip && `
  powershell -Command "Remove-Item 'C:\TEMP' -Recurse"
ADD [ "https://github.com/fdopen/opam-repository-mingw/releases/download/", "C:\\TEMP\\" ]
RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "cd /tmp && tar -xf /cygdrive/c/TEMP/opam64.tar.xz && ./opam64/install.sh --prefix=/usr && rm -rf opam64 opam64.tar.xz"
ADD [ "https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe", "C:\\TEMP\\" ]
RUN C:\TEMP\vc_redist.x64.exe /install /passive /norestart /log C:\TEMP\vc_redist.log && `
  powershell -Command "Remove-Item 'C:\TEMP' -Recurse"
COPY --from=winget-builder [ "C:\\Program Files\\winget-cli", "C:\\Program Files\\winget-cli" ]
RUN for /f "tokens=1,2,*" %a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path ^| findstr /r "^[^H]"') do `
        reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "C:\Program Files\winget-cli;%c"
RUN powershell -Command "$path=(Join-Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA 'Packages\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState'); New-Item $path -ItemType Directory -Force; '{ """"$schema"""": """"https://aka.ms/winget-settings.schema.json"""", """"telemetry"""": { """"disable"""": """"true"""" } }' | Out-File -encoding ASCII (Join-Path $path 'settings.json')"
COPY --from=opam-builder [ "C:\\opam.tar", "C:\\TEMP\\" ]
RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\tar.exe -xf /cygdrive/c/TEMP/opam.tar -C /usr/local/bin && del C:\TEMP\opam.tar && `
  mklink C:\cygwin64\bin\opam-dev.exe C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\opam.exe && `
  mklink C:\cygwin64\bin\opam-2.2.exe C:\cygwin64\bin\opam-dev.exe
WORKDIR C:\cygwin64\home\opam
ENV HOME="C:\cygwin64\home\opam"
RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "git config --global user.email 'docker@example.com' && git config --global user.name 'Docker' && git config --system core.longpaths true && git config --global --add safe.directory /home/opam/opam-repository"
COPY [ ".", "C:\\cygwin64\\home\\opam\\opam-repository" ]
ENV OPAMROOT="C:\opam\.opam"
RUN opam init -k local -a "C:\cygwin64\home\opam\opam-repository" --bare --disable-sandboxing
RUN opam repo add ocurrent-overlay git+https://github.com/ocurrent/opam-repository-mingw#514541c9957ded860594146061738a060d3138e9 --set-default
RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "rm -rf /cygdrive/c/opam/.opam/repo/default/.git"
COPY [ "Dockerfile", "/Dockerfile.opam" ]

2024-04-11 12:58.20: Using cache hint "opam-windows-msvc-1809"
2024-04-11 12:58.20: Waiting for resource in pool OCluster
2024-04-11 12:58.21: Waiting for worker…
2024-04-14 16:10.31: Got resource from pool OCluster
Building on ltsc2019-1
All commits already cached
HEAD is now at 69dbd0eda Merge pull request #21 from dra27/changes-b530f3bbd2

   ROBOCOPY     ::     Robust File Copy for Windows                              

  Started : Sunday, April 14, 2024 4:11:28 PM
   Source : c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\
     Dest : c:\state\tmp\build-context-7890e2\.git\

    Files : *.*
  Options : *.* /S /E /DCOPY:T /COPY:DATSO /R:0 /W:30 


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	    New File  		      41	head
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	    New File  		      41	head
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	    New File  		      41	head
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	    New File  		      41	head
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	    New File  		      41	head
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	    New File  		      41	head
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	    New File  		      41	head
	  New Dir          0	c:\state\git\opam-repository-mingw-d64a4139a4794ed226a9b4244a0353abaadb899b\.git\refs\tags\


               Total    Copied   Skipped  Mismatch    FAILED    Extras
    Dirs :        40        40         0         0         0         0
   Files :        61        61         0         0         0         0
   Bytes :   44.91 m   44.91 m         0         0         0         0
   Times :   0:00:00   0:00:00                       0:00:00   0:00:00

   Speed :           155423980 Bytes/sec.
   Speed :            8893.431 MegaBytes/min.
   Ended : Sunday, April 14, 2024 4:11:29 PM

Sending build context to Docker daemon    135MB

Step 1/56 : FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows:1809-KB5032196 as winget-builder
1809-KB5032196: Pulling from windows
Digest: sha256:5a7c981ca39d069ae40bd344fe464494465b329d19c2fa262c4a556780008c7d
Status: Image is up to date for mcr.microsoft.com/windows:1809-KB5032196
 ---> 0465deed9382
Step 2/56 : USER ContainerAdministrator
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 2eb7a6e0c2c3
Step 3/56 : ADD [ "https://github.com/microsoft/winget-cli/releases/latest/download/Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle", "C:\\TEMP\\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.zip" ]

 ---> Using cache
 ---> 7a04ced1ccf5
Step 4/56 : RUN powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -LiteralPath C:\TEMP\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.zip -DestinationPath C:\TEMP\winget-cli -Force"
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 5b3b02b394e9
Step 5/56 : RUN ren C:\TEMP\winget-cli\AppInstaller_x64.msix AppInstaller_x64.zip
 ---> Using cache
 ---> bb9af91436c5
Step 6/56 : RUN powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -LiteralPath C:\TEMP\winget-cli\AppInstaller_x64.zip -DestinationPath C:\TEMP\winget-cli\ -Force"
 ---> Using cache
 ---> f5da891d1da3
Step 7/56 : RUN mkdir "C:\Program Files\winget-cli" &&   move "C:\TEMP\winget-cli\\winget.exe" "C:\Program Files\winget-cli\" &&   move "C:\TEMP\winget-cli\\WindowsPackageManager.dll" "C:\Program Files\winget-cli\" &&   move "C:\TEMP\winget-cli\\resources.pri" "C:\Program Files\winget-cli\"
 ---> Using cache
 ---> a1bd3e0d6350
Step 8/56 : FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows:1809-KB5032196 as cygwin-msvc
1809-KB5032196: Pulling from windows
Digest: sha256:5a7c981ca39d069ae40bd344fe464494465b329d19c2fa262c4a556780008c7d
Status: Image is up to date for mcr.microsoft.com/windows:1809-KB5032196
 ---> 0465deed9382
Step 9/56 : USER ContainerAdministrator
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 2eb7a6e0c2c3
Step 10/56 : RUN for /f "tokens=1,2,*" %a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path ^| findstr /r "\\$"') do           for /f "delims=" %l in ('cmd /v:on /c "set v=%c&& echo !v:~0,-1!"') do             reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "%l"
 ---> Using cache
 ---> ca1f3f21c4f5
Step 11/56 : ADD [ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ocurrent/ocaml-dockerfile/master/src-opam/Install.cmd", "C:\\TEMP\\" ]

 ---> Using cache
 ---> 69d5c6f2f594
Step 12/56 : ADD [ "https://aka.ms/vscollect.exe", "C:\\TEMP\\collect.exe" ]

 ---> Using cache
 ---> 7b6c439e850a
Step 13/56 : ADD [ "https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/channel", "C:\\TEMP\\VisualStudio.chman" ]

 ---> 7caa5e6e9cf4
Step 14/56 : RUN curl -SL --output C:\TEMP\vs_buildtools.exe https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vs_buildtools.exe     && (call C:\TEMP\Install.cmd C:\TEMP\vs_buildtools.exe --quiet --wait --norestart --nocache install         --installPath "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools"         --channelUri C:\TEMP\VisualStudio.chman         --installChannelUri C:\TEMP\VisualStudio.chman         --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64         --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.18362         --remove Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.10240         --remove Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.10586         --remove Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.14393         --remove Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows81SDK)     && del /q C:\TEMP\vs_buildtools.exe
 ---> Running in 7375032f811e
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:--  0:00:08 --:--:--     0
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:--  0:00:08 --:--:--     0

100 3894k  100 3894k    0     0   421k      0  0:00:09  0:00:09 --:--:--  421k
Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\HelpFile\2052\help.html...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\HelpFile\1028\help.html...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\HelpFile\1042\help.html...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\HelpFile\1040\help.html...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\HelpFile\1041\help.html...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\HelpFile\1049\help.html...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\HelpFile\1029\help.html...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\HelpFile\1033\help.html...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\HelpFile\1046\help.html...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\HelpFile\1055\help.html...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\HelpFile\1045\help.html...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\HelpFile\3082\help.html...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\HelpFile\1031\help.html...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\HelpFile\1036\help.html...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\vs_setup_bootstrapper.exe...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\Microsoft.C2RSignatureReader.Interop.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\Microsoft.C2RSignatureReader.Native.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\Microsoft.Identity.Client.Broker.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\Microsoft.Identity.Client.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\Microsoft.Identity.Client.Extensions.Msal.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\Microsoft.Identity.Client.NativeInterop.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\Microsoft.IdentityModel.Abstractions.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\Microsoft.VisualStudio.RemoteControl.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Common.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Download.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Telemetry.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Utilities.Internal.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\runtimes\win-x64\native\msalruntime.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\runtimes\win-arm64\native\msalruntime_arm64.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\runtimes\win-x86\native\msalruntime_x86.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\Newtonsoft.Json.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\System.Memory.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\VSInstallerElevationService.Contracts.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\zh-Hant\vs_setup_bootstrapper.resources.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\pt-BR\vs_setup_bootstrapper.resources.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\pl\vs_setup_bootstrapper.resources.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\zh-Hans\vs_setup_bootstrapper.resources.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\cs\vs_setup_bootstrapper.resources.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\it\vs_setup_bootstrapper.resources.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\ja\vs_setup_bootstrapper.resources.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\ru\vs_setup_bootstrapper.resources.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\tr\vs_setup_bootstrapper.resources.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\de\vs_setup_bootstrapper.resources.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\fr\vs_setup_bootstrapper.resources.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\ko\vs_setup_bootstrapper.resources.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\es\vs_setup_bootstrapper.resources.dll...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\vs_setup_bootstrapper.config...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\vs_setup_bootstrapper.exe.config...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\detection.json...

Preparing: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\b5237cd2e7f3a0cc0752024c887a\vs_bootstrapper_d15\vs_setup_bootstrapper.json...

Removing intermediate container 7375032f811e
 ---> 295f30972ae7
Step 15/56 : ENV CYGWIN="nodosfilewarning winsymlinks:native"
 ---> Running in b9af7a86ab6f
Removing intermediate container b9af7a86ab6f
 ---> b7f853dcf3c1
Step 16/56 : RUN for /f "tokens=1,2,*" %a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path ^| findstr /r "^[^H]"') do         reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "C:\cygwin64\bin;%c"
 ---> Running in 5d6abcae33d4

C:\>reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "C:\cygwin64\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH" 
The operation completed successfully.

Removing intermediate container 5d6abcae33d4
 ---> 60125aaa90d3
Step 17/56 : ADD [ "https://www.cygwin.com/setup-x86_64.exe", "C:\\cygwin64\\setup-x86_64.exe" ]

 ---> fd22c1a5a8c3
Step 18/56 : RUN mkdir C:\cygwin64\lib\cygsympathy && mkdir C:\cygwin64\etc\postinstall
 ---> Running in f447f9569fab
Removing intermediate container f447f9569fab
 ---> 96cc61572162
Step 19/56 : ADD [ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metastack/cygsympathy/master/cygsympathy.cmd", "C:\\cygwin64\\lib\\cygsympathy\\" ]

 ---> 07c59fdaa7fc
Step 20/56 : ADD [ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metastack/cygsympathy/master/cygsympathy.sh", "C:\\cygwin64\\lib\\cygsympathy\\cygsympathy" ]

 ---> 69213d3db97a
Step 21/56 : RUN mklink C:\cygwin64\etc\postinstall\zp_zcygsympathy.sh C:\cygwin64\lib\cygsympathy\cygsympathy
 ---> Running in 0e73db64743c
symbolic link created for C:\cygwin64\etc\postinstall\zp_zcygsympathy.sh <<===>> C:\cygwin64\lib\cygsympathy\cygsympathy
Removing intermediate container 0e73db64743c
 ---> 996710aa7266
Step 22/56 : RUN C:\cygwin64\setup-x86_64.exe --quiet-mode --no-shortcuts --no-startmenu --no-desktop --only-site --local-package-dir C:\TEMP\cache --root C:\cygwin64 --site https://mirrors.kernel.org/sourceware/cygwin/ --symlink-type=native --packages diffutils,git,make,patch &&   powershell -Command "Remove-Item 'C:\TEMP' -Recurse"
 ---> Running in b3fe52a97671
Starting cygwin install, version 2.931
User has backup/restore rights
User has symlink creation right
io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/setup.rc) failed 2 No such file or directory
Current Directory: C:\TEMP\cache
root: C:\cygwin64 system
Changing gid to Administrators
Selected local directory: C:\TEMP\cache
net: Preconfig
site: https://mirrors.kernel.org/sourceware/cygwin/
io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/timestamp) failed 2 No such file or directory
io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/installed.db) failed 2 No such file or directory
solving: 41 tasks, update: no, use test packages: no
solving: 122 tasks, update: no, use test packages: no
Augmented Transaction List:
   0 install libgsasl-common         2.2.1-1                  
   1 install libpopt-common          1.19-1                   
   2 install publicsuffix-list-dafsa 20240328-1               
   3 install terminfo                6.4-20240120             
   4 install tzdata                  2024a-1                  
   5 install cygwin                  3.5.3-1                  
   6 install libiconv2               1.17-1                   
   7 install libintl8                0.22.4-1                 
   8 install libncursesw10           6.4-20240120             
   9 install libreadline7            8.2-2                    
  10 install bash                    5.2.21-1                 
  11 install libgcc1                 11.4.0-1                 
  12 install crypto-policies         20190218-1               
  13 install base-cygwin             3.8-2                    
  14 install libzstd1                1.5.6-1                  
  15 install zlib0                   1.3.1-1                  
  16 install which                   2.20-2                   
  17 install vim-minimal             9.0.2155-2               
  18 install tzcode                  2024a-1                  
  19 install sed                     4.9-1                    
  20 install run                     1.3.4-2                  
  21 install ncurses                 6.4-20240120             
  22 install mintty                  3.7.1-1                  
  23 install login                   1.13-1                   
  24 install libxxhash0              0.8.2-1                  
  25 install libuuid1                2.39.3-2                 
  26 install libunistring5           1.1-1                    
  27 install libtasn1_6              4.14-1                   
  28 install libstdc++6              11.4.0-1                 
  29 install libsmartcols1           2.39.3-2                 
  30 install libpopt0                1.19-1                   
  31 install libpipeline1            1.5.6-1                  
  32 install libpcre2_8_0            10.43-1                  
  33 install libpcre1                8.45-1                   
  34 install libntlm0                1.4-1                    
  35 install libnghttp2_14           1.61.0-1                 
  36 install liblzma5                5.4.6-1                  
  37 install liblz4_1                1.9.4-1                  
  38 install libkrb5support0         1.15.2-2                 
  39 install libidn2_0               2.3.7-1                  
  40 install libidn12                1.42-1                   
  41 install libgpg-error0           1.37-1                   
  42 install libgmp10                6.3.0-1                  
  43 install libgdbm6                1.18.1-1                 
  44 install libgc1                  8.2.6-1                  
  45 install libffi8                 3.4.6-1                  
  46 install libffi6                 3.2.1-2                  
  47 install libexpat1               2.6.2-1                  
  48 install libedit0                20221030-4               
  49 install libcrypt2               4.4.20-1                 
  50 install libcom_err2             1.44.5-1                 
  51 install libbz2_1                1.0.8-1                  
  52 install libbrotlicommon1        1.1.0-1                  
  53 install libblkid1               2.39.3-2                 
  54 install libattr1                2.5.1-1.20.g0981a7bfe487 
  55 install libargp                 20230708-2               
  56 install ipc-utils               1.1-1                    
  57 install hostname                3.13-1                   
  58 install gzip                    1.13-1                   
  59 install gettext                 0.22.4-1                 
  60 install editrights              1.04-1                   
  61 install diffutils               3.10-1                   
  62 install dash                    0.5.12-5                 
  63 install cygrunsrv               1.64-1                   
  64 install alternatives            1.26-1                   
  65 install libuchardet0            0.0.8-1                  
  66 install libdb5.3                5.3.28-2                 
  67 install cygutils                1.4.17-1                 
  68 install grep                    3.11-1                   
  69 install less                    643-1                    
  70 install xz                      5.4.6-1                  
  71 install zstd                    1.5.6-1                  
  72 install libk5crypto3            1.15.2-2                 
  73 install libpsl5                 0.21.5-1                 
  74 install libgcrypt20             1.10.3-1                 
  75 install libmpfr6                4.2.1-1                  
  76 install libgdbm_compat4         1.18.1-1                 
  77 install libp11-kit0             0.23.20-1                
  78 install perl_base               5.36.3-1                 
  79 install libguile3.0_1           3.0.9-3                  
  80 install file                    5.44-1                   
  81 install bzip2                   1.0.8-1                  
  82 install libbrotlidec1           1.1.0-1                  
  83 install libfdisk1               2.39.3-2                 
  84 install patch                   2.7.6-17                 
  85 install coreutils               9.0-1                    
  86 install getent                  2.18.90-5                
  87 install rebase                  4.6.6-1                  
  88 install info                    7.1-1                    
  89 install _autorebase             001091-1                 
  90 install groff                   1.23.0-1                 
  91 install libkrb5_3               1.15.2-2                 
  92 install gawk                    5.3.0-1                  
  93 install p11-kit-trust           0.23.20-1                
  94 install p11-kit                 0.23.20-1                
  95 install perl                    5.36.3-1                 
  96 install make                    4.4.1-2                  
  97 install tar                     1.35-2                   
  98 install util-linux              2.39.3-2                 
  99 install findutils               4.9.0-1                  
 100 install libgssapi_krb5_2        1.15.2-2                 
 101 install csih                    0.9.14-1                 
 102 install ca-certificates         2023.2.62_v7.0.401-2     
 103 install perl-JSON-PP            4.16-2                   
 104 install man-db                  2.12.1-1                 
 105 install base-files              4.3-3                    
 106 install libgsasl18              2.2.1-1                  
 107 install libssl3                 3.0.13-1                 
 108 install libssl1.1               1.1.1w-1                 
 109 install perl_autorebase         5.36.3-1                 
 110 install openssl                 3.0.13-1                 
 111 install rsync                   3.2.7-1                  
 112 install libssh2_1               1.11.0-1                 
 113 install libsasl2_3              2.1.27-1                 
 114 install libfido2                1.12.0-1                 
 115 install perl-TermReadKey        2.38-4                   
 116 install perl-Error              0.17029-3                
 117 install libopenldap2            2.6.7-1                  
 118 install openssh                 9.7p1-1                  
 119 install libopenldap2_4_2        2.6.7-1                  
 120 install libcurl4                8.7.1-1                  
 121 install git                     2.43.0-1                 
Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/gsasl/libgsasl-common/libgsasl-common-2.2.1-1.tar.xz
Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/popt/libpopt-common/libpopt-common-1.19-1.tar.xz
Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/noarch/release/publicsuffix-list/publicsuffix-list-dafsa/publicsuffix-list-dafsa-20240328-1.tar.xz
Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/ncurses/terminfo/terminfo-6.4-20240120.tar.xz
Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/noarch/release/tzdata/tzdata-2024a-1.tar.xz
Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/cygwin/cygwin-3.5.3-1.tar.xz
Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/libiconv/libiconv2/libiconv2-1.17-1.tar.xz
Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/gettext/libintl8/libintl8-0.22.4-1.tar.xz
Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/ncurses/libncursesw10/libncursesw10-6.4-20240120.tar.xz
Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/readline/libreadline7/libreadline7-8.2-2.tar.xz
Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/bash/bash-5.2.21-1.tar.xz
Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/gcc/libgcc1/libgcc1-11.4.0-1.tar.zst
Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/noarch/release/crypto-policies/crypto-policies-20190218-1.tar.xz
Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/noarch/release/base-cygwin/base-cygwin-3.8-2.tar.xz
Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/zstd/libzstd1/libzstd1-1.5.6-1.tar.zst
Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/zlib/zlib0/zlib0-1.3.1-1.tar.zst
Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/which/which-2.20-2.tar.bz2
Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/vim/vim-minimal/vim-minimal-9.0.2155-2.tar.xz
Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/tzcode/tzcode-2024a-1.tar.xz
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Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/libfido2/libfido2-1.12.0-1.tar.xz
Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/perl-TermReadKey/perl-TermReadKey-2.38-4.tar.zst
Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/noarch/release/perl-Error/perl-Error-0.17029-3.tar.zst
Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/openldap/libopenldap2/libopenldap2-2.6.7-1.tar.zst
Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/openssh/openssh-9.7p1-1.tar.xz
Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/openldap/libopenldap2_4_2/libopenldap2_4_2-2.6.7-1.tar.zst
Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/curl/libcurl4/libcurl4-8.7.1-1.tar.xz
Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/git/git-2.43.0-1.tar.xz
running: C:\cygwin64\bin\dash.exe "/etc/postinstall/0p_000_autorebase.dash"
running: C:\cygwin64\bin\dash.exe "/etc/postinstall/0p_update-info-dir.dash"
running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/000-cygwin-post-install.sh"
running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/coreutils.sh"
running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/base-files-mketc.sh"
running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/base-files-profile.sh"
running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/p11-kit.sh"
running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/ca-certificates.sh"
running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/crypto-policies.sh"
running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/openssl.sh"
can't run /etc/postinstall/openssl.sh: No such file
running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/libsasl2_3.sh"
running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/openssh.sh"
running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/man-db.sh"
running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/mintty.sh"
running: C:\cygwin64\bin\dash.exe "/etc/postinstall/zp_man-db-update-index.dash"
running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/zp_zcygsympathy.sh"
Ending cygwin install
Removing intermediate container b3fe52a97671
 ---> 8275998f06f0
Step 23/56 : RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\peflags -d0 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygwin1.dll
 ---> Running in 2d1ad523ae95
Removing intermediate container 2d1ad523ae95
 ---> 97ad2bf7bcfa
Step 24/56 : ADD [ "https://github.com/metastack/msvs-tools/archive/refs/heads/master.tar.gz", "C:\\TEMP\\msvs-tools.tar.gz" ]

 ---> d9f7e11b60d8
Step 25/56 : RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "cd /tmp && tar -xf /cygdrive/c/TEMP/msvs-tools.tar.gz && cp msvs-tools-master/msvs-detect msvs-tools-master/msvs-promote-path /bin && rm -rf /cygdrive/c/TEMP/msvs-tools/*"
 ---> Running in d70ca495c0cb
tzset: can't find matching POSIX timezone for Windows timezone ""
Removing intermediate container d70ca495c0cb
 ---> bf43cb2626b4
Step 26/56 : RUN awk -i inplace "/(^#)|(^$)/{print;next}{$4=""noacl,""$4; print}" C:\cygwin64\etc\fstab
 ---> Running in 7a94cfbe52e1
Removing intermediate container 7a94cfbe52e1
 ---> cd27adcdcd3e
Step 27/56 : FROM cygwin-msvc as opam-builder
 ---> cd27adcdcd3e
Step 28/56 : ENV HOME="C:\cygwin64\home\opam"
 ---> Running in 41808fa32cd5
Removing intermediate container 41808fa32cd5
 ---> 77c67626818f
Step 29/56 : RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "git config --global user.email 'docker@example.com' && git config --global user.name 'Docker' && git config --system core.longpaths true && git config --global --add safe.directory /tmp/opam-sources"
 ---> Running in af16cf603844
Copying skeleton files.
These files are for the users to personalise their cygwin experience.

They will never be overwritten nor automatically updated.

'./.bashrc' -> '/home/opam//.bashrc'
'./.bash_profile' -> '/home/opam//.bash_profile'
'./.inputrc' -> '/home/opam//.inputrc'
'./.profile' -> '/home/opam//.profile'
tzset: can't find matching POSIX timezone for Windows timezone ""
Removing intermediate container af16cf603844
 ---> 655ca7f6e072
Step 30/56 : RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "git clone https://github.com/ocaml/opam /tmp/opam && cd /tmp/opam && cp -P -R -p . ../opam-sources && git checkout bd96d2ae56a17656e607a68ceb85e3d13594c14a"
 ---> Running in f63d86f9791a
tzset: can't find matching POSIX timezone for Windows timezone ""
Cloning into '/tmp/opam'...
Note: switching to 'bd96d2ae56a17656e607a68ceb85e3d13594c14a'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c <new-branch-name>

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at bd96d2ae5 Merge pull request #5917 from kit-ty-kate/post-2.2.0-beta2-release
Removing intermediate container f63d86f9791a
 ---> 068bee546ca6
Step 31/56 : RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "cd /tmp/opam-sources && cp -P -R -p . ../opam-build-master && cd ../opam-build-master && git checkout bd96d2ae56a17656e607a68ceb85e3d13594c14a && git config --global --add safe.directory /tmp/opam-build-master"
 ---> Running in f7ecf41e6bba
tzset: can't find matching POSIX timezone for Windows timezone ""
Note: switching to 'bd96d2ae56a17656e607a68ceb85e3d13594c14a'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c <new-branch-name>

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at bd96d2ae5 Merge pull request #5917 from kit-ty-kate/post-2.2.0-beta2-release
Removing intermediate container f7ecf41e6bba
 ---> 7c42a17d4b55
Step 32/56 : RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "cd /tmp/opam-build-master && eval $(msvs-detect --arch=x64) && export PATH="$MSVS_PATH:$PATH" && export LIB="$MSVS_LIB" && export INCLUDE="$MSVS_INC" && make compiler OCAML_PORT=msvc64 && make lib-pkg"
 ---> Running in 9926e9c650f5
tzset: can't find matching POSIX timezone for Windows timezone ""
env MAKE=make BOOTSTRAP_EXTRA_OPTS= BOOTSTRAP_TARGETS=world.opt BOOTSTRAP_ROOT=.. BOOTSTRAP_DIR=bootstrap ./shell/bootstrap-ocaml.sh msvc64
configure: Configuring OCaml version 4.14.1
checking build system type... x86_64-pc-cygwin
checking host system type... x86_64-pc-windows
checking target system type... x86_64-pc-windows
checking for x86_64-pc-windows-ld... no
checking for x86_64-pc-windows-link... no
checking for ld... configure: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet
checking for link... link
checking how to print strings... printf
checking for x86_64-pc-windows-gcc... cl
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... conftest.exe
checking for suffix of executables... .exe
checking whether we are cross compiling... yes
checking for suffix of object files... obj
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... no
checking whether cl accepts -g... yes
checking for cl option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep
checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E
checking for fgrep... /usr/bin/grep -F
checking for non-GNU ld... link
checking if the linker (link) is GNU ld... no
checking for BSD- or MS-compatible name lister (nm)... no
checking for x86_64-pc-windows-dumpbin... no
checking for x86_64-pc-windows-link... no
checking for dumpbin... dumpbin
checking the name lister (dumpbin -symbols -headers) interface... MS dumpbin
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 8192
checking how to convert x86_64-pc-cygwin file names to x86_64-pc-windows format... func_convert_file_noop
checking how to convert x86_64-pc-cygwin file names to toolchain format... func_convert_file_noop
checking for link option to reload object files... -r
checking for x86_64-pc-windows-objdump... no
checking for objdump... no
checking how to recognize dependent libraries... file_magic ^x86 archive import|^x86 DLL
checking for x86_64-pc-windows-dlltool... no
checking for dlltool... no
checking how to associate runtime and link libraries... func_cygming_dll_for_implib_fallback
checking for x86_64-pc-windows-ar... no
checking for ar... no
checking for archiver @FILE support... no
checking for x86_64-pc-windows-strip... no
checking for strip... no
checking for x86_64-pc-windows-ranlib... no
checking for ranlib... no
checking for gawk... gawk
checking command to parse dumpbin -symbols -headers output from cl object... ok
checking for sysroot... no
checking for a working dd... /usr/bin/dd
checking how to truncate binary pipes... /usr/bin/dd bs=4096 count=1
checking for x86_64-pc-windows-mt... no
checking for mt... mt
checking if mt is a manifest tool... yes
checking how to run the C preprocessor... cl -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... no
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... no
checking for dlfcn.h... no
checking for objdir... .libs
checking for cl option to produce PIC... -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC
checking if cl PIC flag -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC works... yes
checking if cl static flag  works... yes
checking if cl supports -c -o file.obj... no
checking if cl supports -c -o file.obj... (cached) no
checking if we can lock with hard links... yes
checking whether the cl linker (link) supports shared libraries... yes
checking dynamic linker characteristics... Win32 link.exe
checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate
checking whether stripping libraries is possible... no
checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build static libraries... yes
checking for x86_64-pc-windows-gcc... no
checking for x86_64-pc-windows-cc... no
checking for x86_64-pc-windows-x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc... no
checking for x86_64-pc-windows-i686-w64-mingw32-gcc... no
checking for gcc... no
checking for cc... no
checking for x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc... no
checking for i686-w64-mingw32-gcc... no
checking C compiler vendor... msvc-1939
checking whether host executables can be run in the build... yes
checking whether #! works in shell scripts... yes
checking whether the C compiler supports -d2VolatileMetadata-... yes
checking for flexdll sources... $(ROOTDIR)/flexdll
checking for flexlink... no
checking flexdll.h usability... yes
checking flexdll.h presence... yes
checking for flexdll.h... yes
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking for cos in -lm... yes
checking math.h usability... yes
checking math.h presence... yes
checking for math.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... (cached) no
checking for stdint.h... (cached) yes
checking for dirent.h... no
checking for sys/select.h... no
checking for off_t... yes
checking size of int... 4
checking size of long... 4
checking size of long *... 8
checking size of short... 2
checking size of long long... 8
configure: Target is a 64 bits architecture
checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... no
checking alignment of double... 8
checking alignment of long... 4
checking alignment of long long... 8
checking whether the C compiler supports __attribute__((aligned(n)))... no
checking whether the C compiler supports __attribute__((optimize("tree-vectorize")))... no
checking for x86_64-pc-windows-ld... no
checking for ld... no
checking for rlwrap... no
configure: checking semantics of signal handlers
checking for sigaction... no
checking for sigprocmask... no
configure: assuming signals have the System V semantics.
checking for expm1... yes
checking for log1p... yes
checking for hypot... yes
checking for fma... yes
checking for exp2... yes
checking for log2... yes
checking for cbrt... yes
checking for acosh... yes
checking for asinh... yes
checking for atanh... yes
checking for erf... yes
checking for erfc... yes
checking for trunc... yes
checking for round... yes
checking for copysign... yes
checking whether round works... yes
checking whether fma works... yes
checking for getrusage... no
checking for times... no
checking for secure_getenv... no
checking for __secure_getenv... no
checking for issetugid... no
checking for library containing socket... no
checking for socketpair... no
checking for socklen_t... yes
checking for inet_aton... no
checking for afunix.h... yes
checking for struct sockaddr_in6... yes
checking for getaddrinfo... no
checking for rewinddir... no
checking for lockf... no
checking for mkfifo... no
checking for getcwd... yes
checking whether system is declared... yes
checking for utimes... no
checking for fchmod... no
checking for truncate... no
checking for select... no
checking for nanosleep... no
checking for symlink... no
checking for realpath... no
checking for waitpid... no
checking for wait4... no
checking for getgroups... no
checking for setgroups... no
checking for initgroups... no
checking termios.h usability... no
checking termios.h presence... no
checking for termios.h... no
checking for setitimer... no
checking sys/utsname.h usability... no
checking sys/utsname.h presence... no
checking for sys/utsname.h... no
checking for gettimeofday... no
checking for mktime... yes
checking for putenv... yes
checking for setenv... no
checking xlocale.h usability... no
checking xlocale.h presence... no
checking for xlocale.h... no
configure: Dynamic loading of shared libraries is supported.
checking sys/mman.h usability... no
checking sys/mman.h presence... no
checking for sys/mman.h... no
checking for pwrite... no
checking for struct stat.st_atim.tv_nsec... no
configure: stat supports nanosecond precision
checking how many arguments gethostbyname_r() takes... can't tell
checking how many arguments gethostbyaddr_r() takes... can't tell
checking for mkstemp... no
checking for nice... no
checking for dup3... no
checking for pipe2... no
checking for accept4... no
checking for getauxval... no
checking sys/shm.h usability... no
checking sys/shm.h presence... no
checking for sys/shm.h... no
checking for execvpe... yes
checking spawn.h usability... no
checking spawn.h presence... no
checking for spawn.h... no
checking for ffs... no
checking for _BitScanForward... no
configure: replay debugger supported
checking whether stack overflows can be detected... no
configure: the Win32 threads library is supported
configure: not using frame pointers
checking whether mmap supports huge pages... no assumed
configure: No support for function sections on x86_64-pc-windows.
configure: Disabling function sections.
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile.build_config
config.status: creating Makefile.config
config.status: creating stdlib/sys.ml
config.status: creating manual/src/version.tex
config.status: creating manual/src/html_processing/src/common.ml
config.status: creating tools/eventlog_metadata
config.status: creating runtime/caml/m.h
config.status: creating runtime/caml/s.h
config.status: creating runtime/caml/version.h
config.status: executing libtool commands
make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make -C runtime sak.exe
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/runtime'
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fosak.obj sak.c
cl -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -Fesak.exe sak.obj /link /subsystem:console /ENTRY:wmainCRTStartup  && (test ! -f sak.exe.manifest || mt -nologo -outputresource:sak.exe -manifest sak.exe.manifest && rm -f sak.exe.manifest)
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/runtime'
make coldstart
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make -C runtime ocamlruns.exe
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/runtime'
cp primitives.new primitives
tr -d '\r' < caml/instruct.h | \
sed -e '/\/\*/d' \
    -e '/^#/d' \
    -e 's/enum /static char * names_of_/' \
    -e 's/{$/[] = {/' \
    -e 's/\([[:upper:]][[:upper:]_0-9]*\)/"\1"/g' > caml/opnames.h
tr -d '\r' < caml/instruct.h | \
sed -n -e '/^  /s/ \([A-Z]\)/ \&\&lbl_\1/gp' \
       -e '/^}/q' > caml/jumptbl.h
echo '/* This file is generated from ../Makefile.config */' > build_config.h
echo '#define OCAML_STDLIB_DIR L"C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml"' >> build_config.h
(echo '#define CAML_INTERNALS'; \
         echo '#include "caml/mlvalues.h"'; \
 echo '#include "caml/prims.h"'; \
 sed -e 's/.*/extern value &();/' primitives; \
 echo 'c_primitive caml_builtin_cprim[] = {'; \
 sed -e 's/.*/  &,/' primitives; \
 echo '  0 };'; \
 echo 'char * caml_names_of_builtin_cprim[] = {'; \
 sed -e 's/.*/  "&",/' primitives; \
 echo '  0 };') > prims.c
echo '#define HOST "x86_64-pc-windows"' >> build_config.h
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fointerp.b.obj interp.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fomisc.b.obj misc.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fostacks.b.obj stacks.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fofix_code.b.obj fix_code.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fostartup_aux.b.obj startup_aux.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fostartup_byt.b.obj startup_byt.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fofreelist.b.obj freelist.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fomajor_gc.b.obj major_gc.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fominor_gc.b.obj minor_gc.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fomemory.b.obj memory.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Foalloc.b.obj alloc.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Foroots_byt.b.obj roots_byt.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Foglobroots.b.obj globroots.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fofail_byt.b.obj fail_byt.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fosignals.b.obj signals.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fosignals_byt.b.obj signals_byt.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Foprintexc.b.obj printexc.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fobacktrace_byt.b.obj backtrace_byt.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fobacktrace.b.obj backtrace.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Focompare.b.obj compare.c
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cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fofloats.b.obj floats.c
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cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Foarray.b.obj array.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Foio.b.obj io.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Foextern.b.obj extern.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fointern.b.obj intern.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fohash.b.obj hash.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fosys.b.obj sys.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fometa.b.obj meta.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Foparsing.b.obj parsing.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fogc_ctrl.b.obj gc_ctrl.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fomd5.b.obj md5.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Foobj.b.obj obj.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Folexing.b.obj lexing.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Focallback.b.obj callback.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fodebugger.b.obj debugger.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Foweak.b.obj weak.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Focompact.b.obj compact.c
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cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Focustom.b.obj custom.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fodynlink.b.obj dynlink.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Foafl.b.obj afl.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DBUILDING_LIBCAMLRUNS  -Fowin32_non_shared.b.obj win32.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fobigarray.b.obj bigarray.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fomain.b.obj main.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fomemprof.b.obj memprof.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fodomain.b.obj domain.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Foskiplist.b.obj skiplist.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Focodefrag.b.obj codefrag.c
  -Foprims.obj prims.c
link -lib -nologo -machine:AMD64  /out:libcamlrun_non_shared.lib  interp.b.obj misc.b.obj stacks.b.obj fix_code.b.obj startup_aux.b.obj startup_byt.b.obj freelist.b.obj major_gc.b.obj minor_gc.b.obj memory.b.obj alloc.b.obj roots_byt.b.obj globroots.b.obj fail_byt.b.obj signals.b.obj signals_byt.b.obj printexc.b.obj backtrace_byt.b.obj backtrace.b.obj compare.b.obj ints.b.obj eventlog.b.obj floats.b.obj str.b.obj array.b.obj io.b.obj extern.b.obj intern.b.obj hash.b.obj sys.b.obj meta.b.obj parsing.b.obj gc_ctrl.b.obj md5.b.obj obj.b.obj lexing.b.obj callback.b.obj debugger.b.obj weak.b.obj compact.b.obj finalise.b.obj custom.b.obj dynlink.b.obj afl.b.obj win32_non_shared.b.obj bigarray.b.obj main.b.obj memprof.b.obj domain.b.obj skiplist.b.obj codefrag.b.obj
cl -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -Feocamlruns.exe prims.obj libcamlrun_non_shared.lib advapi32.lib ws2_32.lib version.lib /link /subsystem:console /ENTRY:wmainCRTStartup  && (test ! -f ocamlruns.exe.manifest || mt -nologo -outputresource:ocamlruns.exe -manifest ocamlruns.exe.manifest && rm -f ocamlruns.exe.manifest)
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/runtime'
cp runtime/ocamlruns.exe boot/ocamlruns.exe
make -C stdlib OCAMLRUN='$(ROOTDIR)/boot/ocamlruns.exe' \
    CAMLC='$(BOOT_OCAMLC)' all
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/stdlib'
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nopervasives -c camlinternalFormatBasics.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nopervasives -c camlinternalAtomic.mli
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -I../runtime -DRUNTIME_NAME='"ocamlrun"'  \
  -Foheadernt.obj headernt.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -I../runtime -DRUNTIME_NAME='"ocamlrund"'  \
  -Foheaderntd.obj headernt.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -I../runtime -DRUNTIME_NAME='"ocamlruni"'  \
  -Foheadernti.obj headernt.c
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nopervasives -c camlinternalAtomic.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nopervasives -no-alias-deps -w -49  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" -c stdlib.mli
cl -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -Fetmpheader.exe headernt.obj  /link /subsystem:console /ENTRY:wmainCRTStartup  && (test ! -f tmpheader.exe.manifest || mt -nologo -outputresource:tmpheader.exe -manifest tmpheader.exe.manifest && rm -f tmpheader.exe.manifest)
cl -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -Fetmpheaderd.exe headerntd.obj  /link /subsystem:console /ENTRY:wmainCRTStartup  && (test ! -f tmpheaderd.exe.manifest || mt -nologo -outputresource:tmpheaderd.exe -manifest tmpheaderd.exe.manifest && rm -f tmpheaderd.exe.manifest)
cl -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -Fetmpheaderi.exe headernti.obj  /link /subsystem:console /ENTRY:wmainCRTStartup  && (test ! -f tmpheaderi.exe.manifest || mt -nologo -outputresource:tmpheaderi.exe -manifest tmpheaderi.exe.manifest && rm -f tmpheaderi.exe.manifest)
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nopervasives -c camlinternalFormatBasics.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nopervasives -no-alias-deps -w -49  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" -c stdlib.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Pervasives.cmo -c pervasives.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Either.cmi -c either.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Sys.cmi -c sys.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Nativeint.cmi -c nativeint.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Int32.cmi -c int32.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c camlinternalLazy.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Seq.cmi -c seq.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Bool.cmi -c bool.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Char.cmi -c char.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Uchar.cmi -c uchar.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__List.cmi -c list.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Int.cmi -c int.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Bytes.cmi -c bytes.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__String.cmi -c string.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Unit.cmi -c unit.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Marshal.cmi -c marshal.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Array.cmi -c array.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Float.cmi -c float.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Int32.cmo -c int32.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Int64.cmi -c int64.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Nativeint.cmo -c nativeint.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Lexing.cmi -c lexing.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Set.cmi -c set.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Map.cmi -c map.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Stack.cmi -c stack.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Queue.cmi -c queue.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Stream.cmi -c stream.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A \
         -o stdlib__Buffer.cmi -c buffer.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Arg.cmi -c arg.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Atomic.cmi -c atomic.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Printexc.cmi -c printexc.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Fun.cmi -c fun.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Digest.cmi -c digest.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Random.cmi -c random.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Hashtbl.cmi -c hashtbl.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
         -o stdlib__Format.cmi -c format.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
         -o stdlib__Scanf.cmi -c scanf.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Callback.cmi -c callback.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Genlex.cmi -c genlex.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Ephemeron.cmi -c ephemeron.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Filename.cmi -c filename.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Complex.cmi -c complex.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
         -o stdlib__ArrayLabels.cmi -c arrayLabels.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
         -o stdlib__ListLabels.cmi -c listLabels.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
         -o stdlib__BytesLabels.cmi -c bytesLabels.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
         -o stdlib__StringLabels.cmi -c stringLabels.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
         -o stdlib__MoreLabels.cmi -c moreLabels.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Bigarray.cmi -c bigarray.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__In_channel.cmi -c in_channel.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Out_channel.cmi -c out_channel.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c std_exit.ml
rm -f camlheader.exe
rm -f camlheaderd.exe
mv tmpheader.exe camlheader
mv tmpheaderd.exe camlheaderd
rm -f camlheaderi.exe
mv tmpheaderi.exe camlheaderi
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Either.cmo -c either.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Sys.cmo -c sys.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Obj.cmi -c obj.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Lazy.cmi -c lazy.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Option.cmi -c option.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Result.cmi -c result.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Bool.cmo -c bool.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Char.cmo -c char.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Uchar.cmo -c uchar.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__List.cmo -c list.ml
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         -o stdlib__Int.cmo -c int.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Bytes.cmo -c bytes.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__String.cmo -c string.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Unit.cmo -c unit.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Marshal.cmo -c marshal.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Array.cmo -c array.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
         -o stdlib__Float.cmo -c float.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Int64.cmo -c int64.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Lexing.cmo -c lexing.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Parsing.cmi -c parsing.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Set.cmo -c set.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Map.cmo -c map.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Stack.cmo -c stack.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Queue.cmo -c queue.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Stream.cmo -c stream.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A \
         -o stdlib__Buffer.cmo -c buffer.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match -c camlinternalFormat.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
         -o stdlib__Printf.cmi -c printf.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Atomic.cmo -c atomic.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Fun.cmo -c fun.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Gc.cmi -c gc.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Digest.cmo -c digest.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Random.cmo -c random.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Hashtbl.cmo -c hashtbl.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Weak.cmi -c weak.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
         -o stdlib__Format.cmo -c format.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
         -o stdlib__Scanf.cmo -c scanf.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Callback.cmo -c callback.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c camlinternalOO.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c camlinternalMod.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Genlex.cmo -c genlex.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Ephemeron.cmo -c ephemeron.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Filename.cmo -c filename.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Complex.cmo -c complex.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
         -o stdlib__ArrayLabels.cmo -c arrayLabels.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
         -o stdlib__ListLabels.cmo -c listLabels.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
         -o stdlib__BytesLabels.cmo -c bytesLabels.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
         -o stdlib__StringLabels.cmo -c stringLabels.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
         -o stdlib__MoreLabels.cmo -c moreLabels.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
         -o stdlib__StdLabels.cmi -c stdLabels.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Bigarray.cmo -c bigarray.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__In_channel.cmo -c in_channel.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Out_channel.cmo -c out_channel.ml
cp camlheader target_camlheader
cp camlheader camlheader_ur
cp camlheaderd target_camlheaderd
cp camlheaderi target_camlheaderi
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Obj.cmo -c obj.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c camlinternalLazy.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Lazy.cmo -c lazy.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Seq.cmo -c seq.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Option.cmo -c option.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Result.cmo -c result.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Parsing.cmo -c parsing.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match -c camlinternalFormat.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
         -o stdlib__Printf.cmo -c printf.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Arg.cmo -c arg.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Printexc.cmo -c printexc.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Gc.cmo -c gc.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Weak.cmo -c weak.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c camlinternalOO.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -no-principal \
         -o stdlib__Oo.cmi -c oo.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c camlinternalMod.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
         -o stdlib__StdLabels.cmo -c stdLabels.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Oo.cmo -c oo.ml
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -a -o stdlib.cma camlinternalFormatBasics.cmo camlinternalAtomic.cmo stdlib.cmo stdlib__Pervasives.cmo stdlib__Either.cmo stdlib__Sys.cmo stdlib__Obj.cmo camlinternalLazy.cmo stdlib__Lazy.cmo stdlib__Seq.cmo stdlib__Option.cmo stdlib__Result.cmo stdlib__Bool.cmo stdlib__Char.cmo stdlib__Uchar.cmo stdlib__List.cmo stdlib__Int.cmo stdlib__Bytes.cmo stdlib__String.cmo stdlib__Unit.cmo stdlib__Marshal.cmo stdlib__Array.cmo stdlib__Float.cmo stdlib__Int32.cmo stdlib__Int64.cmo stdlib__Nativeint.cmo stdlib__Lexing.cmo stdlib__Parsing.cmo stdlib__Set.cmo stdlib__Map.cmo stdlib__Stack.cmo stdlib__Queue.cmo stdlib__Stream.cmo stdlib__Buffer.cmo camlinternalFormat.cmo stdlib__Printf.cmo stdlib__Arg.cmo stdlib__Atomic.cmo stdlib__Printexc.cmo stdlib__Fun.cmo stdlib__Gc.cmo stdlib__Digest.cmo stdlib__Random.cmo stdlib__Hashtbl.cmo stdlib__Weak.cmo stdlib__Format.cmo stdlib__Scanf.cmo stdlib__Callback.cmo camlinternalOO.cmo stdlib__Oo.cmo camlinternalMod.cmo stdlib__Genlex.cmo stdlib__Ephemeron.cmo stdlib__Filename.cmo stdlib__Complex.cmo stdlib__ArrayLabels.cmo stdlib__ListLabels.cmo stdlib__BytesLabels.cmo stdlib__StringLabels.cmo stdlib__MoreLabels.cmo stdlib__StdLabels.cmo stdlib__Bigarray.cmo stdlib__In_channel.cmo stdlib__Out_channel.cmo
rm headernt.obj headernti.obj headerntd.obj
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/stdlib'
make -C flexdll MSVC_DETECT=0 OCAML_CONFIG_FILE=../Makefile.config CHAINS=msvc64 ROOTDIR=.. \
  OCAMLRUN='$(ROOTDIR)/boot/ocamlruns.exe' NATDYNLINK=false \
  OCAMLOPT='$(OCAMLRUN) $(ROOTDIR)/boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -nostdlib -I ../stdlib' \
  flexlink.exe support
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/flexdll'
echo "let version = \"0.43\"" > version.ml
rm -f COMPILER-*
echo "let mingw_prefix = \"i686-w64-mingw32-\"" >> version.ml
rc version.rc
touch COMPILER-41401
echo "let mingw64_prefix = \"x86_64-w64-mingw32-\"" >> version.ml
cl.exe /nologo /MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /GS- /DMSVC /DMSVC64 -c /Fo"flexdll_msvc64.obj" flexdll.c
cl.exe /nologo /MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /GS- -c /Fo"flexdll_initer_msvc64.obj" flexdll_initer.c
Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 10.0.10011.16384

Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

sed -e '/^401:\|^402:\|^403:\|^405:\|^406:\|^407:/d;s/^[0-9]*://' Compat.ml.in > Compat.ml
Building flexlink.exe with TOOLCHAIN=msvc for OCaml 4.14.1
rm -f flexlink.exe
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -o flexlink.exe -cclib "version.res" version.ml Compat.ml coff.ml cmdline.ml create_dll.ml reloc.ml
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/flexdll'
mv flexdll/flexlink.exe boot/flexlink.byte.exe
cp flexdll/flexdll_msvc64.obj flexdll/flexdll_initer_msvc64.obj boot/
make -C runtime FLEXLINK_CMD="../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/flexlink.byte.exe" all
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/runtime'
echo "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/stublibs" > ld.conf
echo "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml" >> ld.conf
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT=  -Fowin32.b.obj win32.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Fointerp.bd.obj interp.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Fomisc.bd.obj misc.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Fostacks.bd.obj stacks.c
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cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Fostartup_byt.bd.obj startup_byt.c
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cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Fominor_gc.bd.obj minor_gc.c
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cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Foglobroots.bd.obj globroots.c
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cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Fosignals_byt.bd.obj signals_byt.c
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cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Fobacktrace_byt.bd.obj backtrace_byt.c
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cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Foints.bd.obj ints.c
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cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Fostr.bd.obj str.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Foarray.bd.obj array.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Foio.bd.obj io.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Foextern.bd.obj extern.c
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cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Fohash.bd.obj hash.c
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cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Focallback.bd.obj callback.c
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cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Focompact.bd.obj compact.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Fofinalise.bd.obj finalise.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Focustom.bd.obj custom.c
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cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Foafl.bd.obj afl.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Fowin32.bd.obj win32.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Fobigarray.bd.obj bigarray.c
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cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Fomemprof.bd.obj memprof.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Fodomain.bd.obj domain.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Foskiplist.bd.obj skiplist.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Focodefrag.bd.obj codefrag.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DDEBUG  -Foinstrtrace.bd.obj instrtrace.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DCAML_INSTR  -Fointerp.bi.obj interp.c
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cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DCAML_INSTR  -Fostartup_aux.bi.obj startup_aux.c
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cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DCAML_INSTR  -Foio.bi.obj io.c
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cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DCAML_INSTR  -Fogc_ctrl.bi.obj gc_ctrl.c
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cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DCAML_INSTR  -Focallback.bi.obj callback.c
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cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DCAML_INSTR  -Fomemprof.bi.obj memprof.c
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cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DCAML_INSTR  -Foskiplist.bi.obj skiplist.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DCAML_INSTR  -Focodefrag.bi.obj codefrag.c
link -lib -nologo -machine:AMD64  /out:libcamlrun.lib  interp.b.obj misc.b.obj stacks.b.obj fix_code.b.obj startup_aux.b.obj startup_byt.b.obj freelist.b.obj major_gc.b.obj minor_gc.b.obj memory.b.obj alloc.b.obj roots_byt.b.obj globroots.b.obj fail_byt.b.obj signals.b.obj signals_byt.b.obj printexc.b.obj backtrace_byt.b.obj backtrace.b.obj compare.b.obj ints.b.obj eventlog.b.obj floats.b.obj str.b.obj array.b.obj io.b.obj extern.b.obj intern.b.obj hash.b.obj sys.b.obj meta.b.obj parsing.b.obj gc_ctrl.b.obj md5.b.obj obj.b.obj lexing.b.obj callback.b.obj debugger.b.obj weak.b.obj compact.b.obj finalise.b.obj custom.b.obj dynlink.b.obj afl.b.obj win32.b.obj bigarray.b.obj main.b.obj memprof.b.obj domain.b.obj skiplist.b.obj codefrag.b.obj
link -lib -nologo -machine:AMD64  /out:libcamlrund.lib  interp.bd.obj misc.bd.obj stacks.bd.obj fix_code.bd.obj startup_aux.bd.obj startup_byt.bd.obj freelist.bd.obj major_gc.bd.obj minor_gc.bd.obj memory.bd.obj alloc.bd.obj roots_byt.bd.obj globroots.bd.obj fail_byt.bd.obj signals.bd.obj signals_byt.bd.obj printexc.bd.obj backtrace_byt.bd.obj backtrace.bd.obj compare.bd.obj ints.bd.obj eventlog.bd.obj floats.bd.obj str.bd.obj array.bd.obj io.bd.obj extern.bd.obj intern.bd.obj hash.bd.obj sys.bd.obj meta.bd.obj parsing.bd.obj gc_ctrl.bd.obj md5.bd.obj obj.bd.obj lexing.bd.obj callback.bd.obj debugger.bd.obj weak.bd.obj compact.bd.obj finalise.bd.obj custom.bd.obj dynlink.bd.obj afl.bd.obj win32.bd.obj bigarray.bd.obj main.bd.obj memprof.bd.obj domain.bd.obj skiplist.bd.obj codefrag.bd.obj instrtrace.bd.obj
link -lib -nologo -machine:AMD64  /out:libcamlruni.lib  interp.bi.obj misc.bi.obj stacks.bi.obj fix_code.bi.obj startup_aux.bi.obj startup_byt.bi.obj freelist.bi.obj major_gc.bi.obj minor_gc.bi.obj memory.bi.obj alloc.bi.obj roots_byt.bi.obj globroots.bi.obj fail_byt.bi.obj signals.bi.obj signals_byt.bi.obj printexc.bi.obj backtrace_byt.bi.obj backtrace.bi.obj compare.bi.obj ints.bi.obj eventlog.bi.obj floats.bi.obj str.bi.obj array.bi.obj io.bi.obj extern.bi.obj intern.bi.obj hash.bi.obj sys.bi.obj meta.bi.obj parsing.bi.obj gc_ctrl.bi.obj md5.bi.obj obj.bi.obj lexing.bi.obj callback.bi.obj debugger.bi.obj weak.bi.obj compact.bi.obj finalise.bi.obj custom.bi.obj dynlink.bi.obj afl.bi.obj win32.bi.obj bigarray.bi.obj main.bi.obj memprof.bi.obj domain.bi.obj skiplist.bi.obj codefrag.bi.obj
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make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/runtime'
cp runtime/ocamlrun.exe boot/ocamlrun.exe
cd boot; rm -f stdlib.cma std_exit.cmo *.cmi camlheader
cd stdlib; cp stdlib.cma std_exit.cmo *.cmi camlheader ../boot
cd boot; cp ../runtime/libcamlrun.lib .
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make opt.opt
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make checkstack
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'checkstack'.
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make coreall
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make -C runtime FLEXLINK_CMD="../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/flexlink.byte.exe" all
mkdir -p stdlib/flexdll
cp flexdll/flexdll_msvc64.obj stdlib/flexdll/flexdll_msvc64.obj
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/runtime'
cp flexdll/flexdll_initer_msvc64.obj stdlib/flexdll/flexdll_initer_msvc64.obj
make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/runtime'
cd stdlib; cp ../runtime/libcamlrun.lib .
make ocamlc
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/warnings.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/longident.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/build_path_prefix_map.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/identifiable.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/load_path.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/allocated_const.mli
make -C utils config.ml
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/config.mli
make[5]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/utils'
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/build_path_prefix_map.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/arg_helper.mli
sed -e 's!%%AFL_INSTRUMENT%%!false!' \
    -e 's!%%ARCH%%!amd64!' \
    -e 's!%%ARCMD%%!!' \
    -e 's!%%ASM%%!ml64 -nologo -Cp -c -Fo!' \
    -e 's!%%ASM_CFI_SUPPORTED%%!false!' \
    -e 's!%%BYTECCLIBS%%!advapi32.lib ws2_32.lib version.lib!' \
    -e 's!%%CC%%!cl!' \
    -e 's!%%CCOMPTYPE%%!msvc!' \
    -e 's!%%OUTPUTOBJ%%!-Fo!' \
    -e 's!%%EXT_ASM%%!.asm!' \
    -e 's!%%EXT_DLL%%!.dll!' \
    -e 's!%%EXE%%!.exe!' \
    -e 's!%%EXT_LIB%%!.lib!' \
    -e 's!%%EXT_OBJ%%!.obj!' \
    -e 's!%%FLAMBDA%%!false!' \
    -e 's!%%WITH_FLAMBDA_INVARIANTS%%!false!' \
    -e 's!%%WITH_CMM_INVARIANTS%%!false!' \
    -e 's!%%FLEXLINK_FLAGS%%!-x64 -merge-manifest -stack 33554432!' \
    -e 's!%%FLEXDLL_DIR%%!"+flexdll"!' \
    -e 's!%%HOST%%!x86_64-pc-windows!' \
    -e 's!%%BINDIR%%!C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin!' \
    -e 's!%%LIBDIR%%!C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml!' \
    -e 's!%%MKDLL%%!flexlink -x64 -merge-manifest -stack 33554432!' \
    -e 's!%%MKEXE%%!flexlink -x64 -merge-manifest -stack 33554432 -exe -link \\"/ENTRY:wmainCRTStartup\\"!' \
    -e 's!%%FLEXLINK_LDFLAGS%%! -link \\"/ENTRY:wmainCRTStartup\\"!' \
    -e 's!%%FLEXLINK_DLL_LDFLAGS%%!!' \
    -e 's!%%MKMAINDLL%%!flexlink -x64 -merge-manifest -stack 33554432 -maindll!' \
    -e 's!%%MODEL%%!default!' \
    -e 's!%%NATIVECCLIBS%%!advapi32.lib ws2_32.lib version.lib!' \
    -e 's!%%OCAMLC_CFLAGS%%!-nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD   !' \
    -e 's!%%OCAMLOPT_CFLAGS%%!-nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD   !' \
    -e 's!%%PACKLD%%!link -lib -nologo -machine:AMD64  -out:!' \
    -e 's!%%PROFINFO_WIDTH%%!0!' \
    -e 's!%%RPATH%%!!' \
    -e 's!%%MKSHAREDLIBRPATH%%!!' \
    -e 's!%%FORCE_SAFE_STRING%%!true!' \
    -e 's!%%DEFAULT_SAFE_STRING%%!true!' \
    -e 's!%%WINDOWS_UNICODE%%!1!' \
    -e 's!%%NAKED_POINTERS%%!true!' \
    -e 's!%%SUPPORTS_SHARED_LIBRARIES%%!true!' \
    -e 's!%%SYSTEM%%!win64!' \
    -e 's!%%SYSTHREAD_SUPPORT%%!true!' \
    -e 's!%%TARGET%%!x86_64-pc-windows!' \
    -e 's!%%WITH_FRAME_POINTERS%%!false!' \
    -e 's!%%WITH_PROFINFO%%!false!' \
    -e 's!%%FLAT_FLOAT_ARRAY%%!true!' \
    -e 's!%%FUNCTION_SECTIONS%%!false!' \
    -e 's!%%CC_HAS_DEBUG_PREFIX_MAP%%!false!' \
    -e 's!%%AS_HAS_DEBUG_PREFIX_MAP%%!false!' \
    config.mlp > config.ml
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/profile.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/local_store.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/terminfo.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ccomp.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/strongly_connected_components.mli
make[5]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/utils'
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/targetint.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/int_replace_polymorphic_compare.mli
cl -nologo -EP -I runtime/caml utils/domainstate.ml.c > utils/domainstate.ml
cl -nologo -EP -I runtime/caml utils/domainstate.mli.c > utils/domainstate.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/binutils.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/lazy_backtrack.mli
cp boot/menhir/menhirLib.ml parsing/camlinternalMenhirLib.ml
echo '[@@@ocaml.warning "-67"]' > parsing/camlinternalMenhirLib.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamllex -q parsing/lexer.mll
cat boot/menhir/menhirLib.mli >> parsing/camlinternalMenhirLib.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/switch.mli
lambda/generate_runtimedef.sh runtime/caml/fail.h runtime/primitives > lambda/runtimedef.ml
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/runtimedef.mli
make -C tools make_opcodes
make[5]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/tools'
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytesections.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/dll.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/main_args.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/makedepend.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamllex -q make_opcodes.mll
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytelibrarian.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/errors.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. make_opcodes.ml -o make_opcodes.exe
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/maindriver.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/location.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/misc.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ident.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/linkage_name.mli
make[5]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/tools'
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/tag.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/static_exception.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/numbers.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c file_formats/cmxs_format.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/config.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/misc.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/identifiable.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/arg_helper.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/clflags.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/profile.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/local_store.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/load_path.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/terminfo.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ccomp.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/warnings.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/consistbl.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/strongly_connected_components.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/targetint.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/int_replace_polymorphic_compare.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/domainstate.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/binutils.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/lazy_backtrack.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/diffing.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/location.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/longident.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/syntaxerr.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/camlinternalMenhirLib.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ident.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/switch.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/runtimedef.ml -I lambda
./runtime/ocamlrun.exe tools/make_opcodes.exe -opcodes < runtime/caml/instruct.h > bytecomp/opcodes.ml
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytesections.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/dll.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/compenv.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/errors.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/main.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/asttypes.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/annot.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/path.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/compilation_unit.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/numbers.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/clflags.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/consistbl.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/domainstate.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/diffing.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/diffing_with_keys.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/syntaxerr.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/camlinternalMenhirLib.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/path.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -i bytecomp/opcodes.ml > bytecomp/opcodes.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/compenv.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/main_args.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/parsetree.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/shape.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/debuginfo.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/set_of_closures_id.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/export_id.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/diffing_with_keys.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/docstrings.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/pprintast.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/parse.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/printast.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ast_mapper.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ast_iterator.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/attr_helper.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/builtin_attributes.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ast_invariants.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/depend.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/shape.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/debuginfo.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/opcodes.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/pparse.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/type_immediacy.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/set_of_closures_origin.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/backend_var.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/docstrings.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ast_helper.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/printast.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ast_iterator.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/attr_helper.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/builtin_attributes.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ast_invariants.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/depend.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/type_immediacy.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/opcodes.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/pparse.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/outcometree.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ast_helper.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/pprintast.ml -I parsing
sed "s/MenhirLib/CamlinternalMenhirLib/g" boot/menhir/parser.ml > parsing/parser.ml
sed "s/MenhirLib/CamlinternalMenhirLib/g" boot/menhir/parser.mli > parsing/parser.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/ast_mapper.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/oprint.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/primitive.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/parser.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/oprint.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/types.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/primitive.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/parser.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/lexer.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/types.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/btype.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/predef.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/datarepr.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/errortrace.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/signature_group.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/makedepend.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/subst.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c file_formats/cmi_format.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/lexer.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/parse.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/btype.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/subst.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/predef.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/datarepr.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c file_formats/cmi_format.ml -I file_formats
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/persistent_env.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/errortrace.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/signature_group.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/env.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/persistent_env.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/lambda.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/env.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typedtree.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ctype.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/printtyp.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/mtype.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/envaux.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/includecore.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/tast_iterator.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/tast_mapper.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/stypes.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c file_formats/cmt_format.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/untypeast.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/includemod.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typetexp.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/printpat.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/patterns.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/parmatch.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typedecl_properties.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typedecl_unboxed.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typeopt.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/rec_check.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typecore.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typeclass.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/lambda.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/printlambda.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/matching.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/translobj.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/translattribute.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/translprim.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/translcore.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/translclass.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/translmod.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/tmc.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/simplif.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/instruct.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/compmisc.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/compile_common.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytepackager.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c file_formats/cmo_format.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/internal_variable_names.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/clambda_primitives.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typedtree.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/printtyped.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/ctype.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/printtyp.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/includeclass.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/mtype.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/envaux.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/includecore.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/tast_iterator.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/tast_mapper.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/stypes.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c file_formats/cmt_format.ml -I file_formats
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/cmt2annot.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/untypeast.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/includemod.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/includemod_errorprinter.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typetexp.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/printpat.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/patterns.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/parmatch.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typedecl_properties.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typedecl_variance.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typedecl_unboxed.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typedecl_immediacy.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typedecl_separability.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typeopt.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/rec_check.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/printlambda.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/matching.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/translobj.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/translattribute.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/translprim.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/translcore.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/translclass.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/translmod.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/tmc.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/simplif.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/meta.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/symtable.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/instruct.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytegen.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/printinstr.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/emitcode.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytelink.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/compile.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/variable.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/clambda.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/printtyped.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/includeclass.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/includemod_errorprinter.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typedecl_variance.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typedecl_immediacy.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typedecl_separability.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typedecl.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/meta.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/symtable.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytegen.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/printinstr.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/emitcode.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytelink.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytelibrarian.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/compile.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/maindriver.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_element.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/symbol.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/parameter.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/mutable_variable.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typedecl.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typecore.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typeclass.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typemod.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/var_within_closure.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_id.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c typing/typemod.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/compmisc.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/compile_common.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytepackager.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/projection.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_origin.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -a -o compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma bytecomp/instruct.cmo bytecomp/bytegen.cmo bytecomp/printinstr.cmo bytecomp/emitcode.cmo bytecomp/bytelink.cmo bytecomp/bytelibrarian.cmo bytecomp/bytepackager.cmo driver/errors.cmo driver/compile.cmo driver/maindriver.cmo
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/flambda.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/freshening.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/simple_value_approx.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/export_info.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c file_formats/cmx_format.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -a -linkall -o compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma utils/config.cmo utils/build_path_prefix_map.cmo utils/misc.cmo utils/identifiable.cmo utils/numbers.cmo utils/arg_helper.cmo utils/clflags.cmo utils/profile.cmo utils/local_store.cmo utils/load_path.cmo utils/terminfo.cmo utils/ccomp.cmo utils/warnings.cmo utils/consistbl.cmo utils/strongly_connected_components.cmo utils/targetint.cmo utils/int_replace_polymorphic_compare.cmo utils/domainstate.cmo utils/binutils.cmo utils/lazy_backtrack.cmo utils/diffing.cmo utils/diffing_with_keys.cmo parsing/location.cmo parsing/longident.cmo parsing/docstrings.cmo parsing/syntaxerr.cmo parsing/ast_helper.cmo parsing/pprintast.cmo parsing/camlinternalMenhirLib.cmo parsing/parser.cmo parsing/lexer.cmo parsing/parse.cmo parsing/printast.cmo parsing/ast_mapper.cmo parsing/ast_iterator.cmo parsing/attr_helper.cmo parsing/builtin_attributes.cmo parsing/ast_invariants.cmo parsing/depend.cmo typing/ident.cmo typing/path.cmo typing/primitive.cmo typing/type_immediacy.cmo typing/shape.cmo typing/types.cmo typing/btype.cmo typing/oprint.cmo typing/subst.cmo typing/predef.cmo typing/datarepr.cmo file_formats/cmi_format.cmo typing/persistent_env.cmo typing/env.cmo typing/errortrace.cmo typing/typedtree.cmo typing/signature_group.cmo typing/printtyped.cmo typing/ctype.cmo typing/printtyp.cmo typing/includeclass.cmo typing/mtype.cmo typing/envaux.cmo typing/includecore.cmo typing/tast_iterator.cmo typing/tast_mapper.cmo typing/stypes.cmo file_formats/cmt_format.cmo typing/cmt2annot.cmo typing/untypeast.cmo typing/includemod.cmo typing/includemod_errorprinter.cmo typing/typetexp.cmo typing/printpat.cmo typing/patterns.cmo typing/parmatch.cmo typing/typedecl_properties.cmo typing/typedecl_variance.cmo typing/typedecl_unboxed.cmo typing/typedecl_immediacy.cmo typing/typedecl_separability.cmo typing/typedecl.cmo typing/typeopt.cmo typing/rec_check.cmo typing/typecore.cmo typing/typeclass.cmo typing/typemod.cmo lambda/debuginfo.cmo lambda/lambda.cmo lambda/printlambda.cmo lambda/switch.cmo lambda/matching.cmo lambda/translobj.cmo lambda/translattribute.cmo lambda/translprim.cmo lambda/translcore.cmo lambda/translclass.cmo lambda/translmod.cmo lambda/tmc.cmo lambda/simplif.cmo lambda/runtimedef.cmo bytecomp/meta.cmo bytecomp/opcodes.cmo bytecomp/bytesections.cmo bytecomp/dll.cmo bytecomp/symtable.cmo driver/pparse.cmo driver/compenv.cmo driver/main_args.cmo driver/compmisc.cmo driver/makedepend.cmo driver/compile_common.cmo
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives  -compat-32 -o ocamlc.exe compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma driver/main.cmo
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make ocamllex ocamltools library
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make -C yacc FLEXLINK_CMD="../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/flexlink.byte.exe" all
make[5]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/yacc'
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/backend_intf.mli
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -I../runtime  \
  -Fowstr.obj wstr.c
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_cost.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/internal_variable_names.ml -I middle_end
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -I../runtime  \
  -Foclosure.obj closure.c
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/linkage_name.ml -I middle_end
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -I../runtime  \
  -Foerror.obj error.c
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/compilation_unit.ml -I middle_end
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -I../runtime  \
  -Folalr.obj lalr.c
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/variable.ml -I middle_end
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -I../runtime  \
  -Folr0.obj lr0.c
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_element.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -I../runtime  \
  -Fomain.obj main.c
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_id.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -I../runtime  \
  -Fomkpar.obj mkpar.c
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/symbol.ml -I middle_end
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -I../runtime  \
  -Fooutput.obj output.c
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/backend_var.ml -I middle_end
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -I../runtime  \
  -Foreader.obj reader.c
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/clambda_primitives.ml -I middle_end
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -I../runtime  \
  -Foskeleton.obj skeleton.c
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/printclambda_primitives.mli
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -I../runtime  \
  -Fosymtab.obj symtab.c
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/clambda.ml -I middle_end
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -I../runtime  \
  -Foverbose.obj verbose.c
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/printclambda.mli
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -I../runtime  \
  -Fowarshall.obj warshall.c
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/semantics_of_primitives.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/convert_primitives.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/id_types.mli
../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/flexlink.byte.exe -x64 -merge-manifest -stack 33554432 -exe -link "/ENTRY:wmainCRTStartup" -o ocamlyacc.exe wstr.obj closure.obj error.obj lalr.obj lr0.obj main.obj mkpar.obj output.obj reader.obj skeleton.obj symtab.obj verbose.obj warshall.obj 
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/tag.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/mutable_variable.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/set_of_closures_origin.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
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./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/static_exception.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
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./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/allocated_const.ml -I middle_end/flambda
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./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/export_info.ml -I middle_end/flambda
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./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/closure/closure.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/closure/closure_middle_end.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/import_approx.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/lift_code.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/closure_conversion_aux.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/closure_conversion.mli
make[5]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/yacc'
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/initialize_symbol_to_let_symbol.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/lift_let_to_initialize_symbol.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/find_recursive_functions.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/invariant_params.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inconstant_idents.mli
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./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/lift_constants.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/share_constants.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/simplify_common.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_arguments.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_closure_vars.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_program_constructs.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/simplify_primitives.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/remove_free_vars_equal_to_args.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ref_to_variables.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/flambda_invariants.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/traverse_for_exported_symbols.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/build_export_info.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/closure_offsets.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/un_anf.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/flambda_to_clambda.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/flambda_middle_end.mli
make -C stdlib FLEXLINK_CMD="../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/flexlink.byte.exe" all
make -C lex all
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_stats_types.mli
make[5]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/lex'
make[5]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/stdlib'
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/simplify_boxed_integer_ops_intf.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/printclambda_primitives.ml -I middle_end
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/printclambda.ml -I middle_end
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot cset.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/semantics_of_primitives.ml -I middle_end
../yacc/ocamlyacc.exe -v parser.mly
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../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamllex -q lexer.mll
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/id_types.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot table.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/export_id.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot cset.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nopervasives -c camlinternalFormatBasics.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/set_of_closures_id.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot syntax.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/pass_wrapper.ml -I middle_end/flambda
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot table.ml
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/flambda_iterators.ml -I middle_end/flambda
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot syntax.ml
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/flambda_utils.ml -I middle_end/flambda
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nopervasives -c camlinternalAtomic.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot parser.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/freshening.ml -I middle_end/flambda
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot lexgen.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/effect_analysis.ml -I middle_end/flambda
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot parser.ml
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_cost.ml -I middle_end/flambda
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nopervasives -c camlinternalFormatBasics.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot lexer.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/simple_value_approx.ml -I middle_end/flambda
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot lexgen.ml
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/export_info_for_pack.ml -I middle_end/flambda
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot compact.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/compilenv.ml -I middle_end
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nopervasives -c camlinternalAtomic.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot common.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/closure/closure.ml -I middle_end/closure
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot lexer.ml
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/closure/closure_middle_end.ml -I middle_end/closure
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot compact.ml
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/import_approx.ml -I middle_end/flambda
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot common.ml
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/lift_code.ml -I middle_end/flambda
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nopervasives -no-alias-deps -w -49  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" -c stdlib.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot output.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/closure_conversion_aux.ml -I middle_end/flambda
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot outputbis.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/closure_conversion.ml -I middle_end/flambda
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot output.ml
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/initialize_symbol_to_let_symbol.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/lift_let_to_initialize_symbol.ml -I middle_end/flambda
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot outputbis.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot main.ml
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/find_recursive_functions.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/invariant_params.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inconstant_idents.ml -I middle_end/flambda
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives  -compat-32 -o ocamllex.exe cset.cmo syntax.cmo parser.cmo lexer.cmo table.cmo lexgen.cmo compact.cmo common.cmo output.cmo outputbis.cmo main.cmo
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/alias_analysis.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/lift_constants.ml -I middle_end/flambda
make[5]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/lex'
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nopervasives -no-alias-deps -w -49  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" -c stdlib.ml
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/share_constants.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/simplify_common.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_arguments.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_closure_vars.ml -I middle_end/flambda
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Pervasives.cmo -c pervasives.ml
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_program_constructs.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/simplify_boxed_integer_ops.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_stats_types.ml -I middle_end/flambda
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Either.cmi -c either.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_stats.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/remove_free_vars_equal_to_args.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ref_to_variables.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/flambda_invariants.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/traverse_for_exported_symbols.ml -I middle_end/flambda
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Sys.cmi -c sys.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/closure_offsets.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/un_anf.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/flambda_to_clambda.ml -I middle_end/flambda
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Nativeint.cmi -c nativeint.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inline_and_simplify_aux.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/simplify_boxed_integer_ops.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/simplify_primitives.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_stats.ml -I middle_end/flambda
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Int32.cmi -c int32.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inline_and_simplify_aux.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/extract_projections.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/augment_specialised_args.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/unbox_free_vars_of_closures.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c camlinternalLazy.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/unbox_specialised_args.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/unbox_closures.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inline_and_simplify.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Seq.cmi -c seq.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/build_export_info.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_decision_intf.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/extract_projections.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/augment_specialised_args.ml -I middle_end/flambda
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Bool.cmi -c bool.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/unbox_free_vars_of_closures.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/unbox_specialised_args.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/unbox_closures.ml -I middle_end/flambda
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Char.cmi -c char.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_transforms.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_decision.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/flambda_middle_end.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_transforms.ml -I middle_end/flambda
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Uchar.cmi -c uchar.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_decision.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inline_and_simplify.ml -I middle_end/flambda
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__List.cmi -c list.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Int.cmi -c int.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Bytes.cmi -c bytes.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__String.cmi -c string.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Unit.cmi -c unit.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Marshal.cmi -c marshal.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Array.cmi -c array.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Float.cmi -c float.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Int32.cmo -c int32.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Int64.cmi -c int64.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -a -o compilerlibs/ocamlmiddleend.cma middle_end/internal_variable_names.cmo middle_end/linkage_name.cmo middle_end/compilation_unit.cmo middle_end/variable.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_element.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_id.cmo middle_end/symbol.cmo middle_end/backend_var.cmo middle_end/clambda_primitives.cmo middle_end/printclambda_primitives.cmo middle_end/clambda.cmo middle_end/printclambda.cmo middle_end/semantics_of_primitives.cmo middle_end/convert_primitives.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/id_types.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/export_id.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/tag.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/mutable_variable.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/set_of_closures_id.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/set_of_closures_origin.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_origin.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/var_within_closure.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/static_exception.cmo middle_end/flambda/pass_wrapper.cmo middle_end/flambda/allocated_const.cmo middle_end/flambda/parameter.cmo middle_end/flambda/projection.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda_iterators.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda_utils.cmo middle_end/flambda/freshening.cmo middle_end/flambda/effect_analysis.cmo middle_end/flambda/inlining_cost.cmo middle_end/flambda/simple_value_approx.cmo middle_end/flambda/export_info.cmo middle_end/flambda/export_info_for_pack.cmo middle_end/compilenv.cmo middle_end/closure/closure.cmo middle_end/closure/closure_middle_end.cmo middle_end/flambda/import_approx.cmo middle_end/flambda/lift_code.cmo middle_end/flambda/closure_conversion_aux.cmo middle_end/flambda/closure_conversion.cmo middle_end/flambda/initialize_symbol_to_let_symbol.cmo middle_end/flambda/lift_let_to_initialize_symbol.cmo middle_end/flambda/find_recursive_functions.cmo middle_end/flambda/invariant_params.cmo middle_end/flambda/inconstant_idents.cmo middle_end/flambda/alias_analysis.cmo middle_end/flambda/lift_constants.cmo middle_end/flambda/share_constants.cmo middle_end/flambda/simplify_common.cmo middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_arguments.cmo middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_closure_vars.cmo middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_program_constructs.cmo middle_end/flambda/simplify_boxed_integer_ops.cmo middle_end/flambda/simplify_primitives.cmo middle_end/flambda/inlining_stats_types.cmo middle_end/flambda/inlining_stats.cmo middle_end/flambda/inline_and_simplify_aux.cmo middle_end/flambda/remove_free_vars_equal_to_args.cmo middle_end/flambda/extract_projections.cmo middle_end/flambda/augment_specialised_args.cmo middle_end/flambda/unbox_free_vars_of_closures.cmo middle_end/flambda/unbox_specialised_args.cmo middle_end/flambda/unbox_closures.cmo middle_end/flambda/inlining_transforms.cmo middle_end/flambda/inlining_decision.cmo middle_end/flambda/inline_and_simplify.cmo middle_end/flambda/ref_to_variables.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda_invariants.cmo middle_end/flambda/traverse_for_exported_symbols.cmo middle_end/flambda/build_export_info.cmo middle_end/flambda/closure_offsets.cmo middle_end/flambda/un_anf.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda_to_clambda.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda_middle_end.cmo
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Nativeint.cmo -c nativeint.ml
make -C tools all
make[5]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/tools'
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Lexing.cmi -c lexing.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - ocamldep.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Set.cmi -c set.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - ocamlprof.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - ocamlcp.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - ocamloptp.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - ocamlmklib.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Map.cmi -c map.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - ocamlmktop.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - ocamlcmt.ml
../runtime/ocamlrun.exe make_opcodes.exe -opnames < ../runtime/caml/instruct.h > opnames.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Stack.cmi -c stack.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - objinfo.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - primreq.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - stripdebug.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Queue.cmi -c queue.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - cmpbyt.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - profiling.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -compat-32 -I .. -o ocamldep.exe ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma ocamldep.cmo
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Stream.cmi -c stream.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o ocamlprof.exe ../utils/config.cmo ../utils/build_path_prefix_map.cmo ../utils/misc.cmo ../utils/identifiable.cmo ../utils/numbers.cmo ../utils/arg_helper.cmo ../utils/clflags.cmo ../utils/terminfo.cmo ../utils/warnings.cmo ../parsing/location.cmo ../parsing/longident.cmo ../parsing/docstrings.cmo ../parsing/syntaxerr.cmo ../parsing/ast_helper.cmo ../parsing/camlinternalMenhirLib.cmo ../parsing/parser.cmo ../parsing/pprintast.cmo ../parsing/lexer.cmo ../parsing/parse.cmo ocamlprof.cmo
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o ocamlcp.exe ../utils/config.cmo ../utils/build_path_prefix_map.cmo ../utils/misc.cmo ../utils/profile.cmo ../utils/warnings.cmo ../utils/identifiable.cmo ../utils/numbers.cmo ../utils/arg_helper.cmo ../utils/clflags.cmo ../utils/local_store.cmo ../utils/terminfo.cmo ../parsing/location.cmo ../utils/load_path.cmo ../utils/ccomp.cmo ../driver/compenv.cmo ../driver/main_args.cmo ocamlcp.cmo
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o ocamloptp.exe ../utils/config.cmo ../utils/build_path_prefix_map.cmo ../utils/misc.cmo ../utils/profile.cmo ../utils/warnings.cmo ../utils/identifiable.cmo ../utils/numbers.cmo ../utils/arg_helper.cmo ../utils/clflags.cmo ../utils/local_store.cmo ../utils/terminfo.cmo ../parsing/location.cmo ../utils/load_path.cmo ../utils/ccomp.cmo ../driver/compenv.cmo ../driver/main_args.cmo ocamloptp.cmo
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o ocamlmklib.exe ../utils/config.cmo ../utils/build_path_prefix_map.cmo ../utils/misc.cmo ocamlmklib.cmo
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A \
         -o stdlib__Buffer.cmi -c buffer.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o ocamlmktop.exe ../utils/config.cmo ../utils/build_path_prefix_map.cmo ../utils/misc.cmo ../utils/identifiable.cmo ../utils/numbers.cmo ../utils/arg_helper.cmo ../utils/clflags.cmo ../utils/local_store.cmo ../utils/load_path.cmo ../utils/profile.cmo ../utils/ccomp.cmo ocamlmktop.cmo
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o ocamlcmt.exe ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma ocamlcmt.cmo
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - opnames.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o ocamlobjinfo.exe ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma ../compilerlibs/ocamlmiddleend.cma objinfo.cmo
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Arg.cmi -c arg.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o primreq.exe ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma primreq.cmo
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o stripdebug.exe ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma stripdebug.cmo
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o cmpbyt.exe ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma cmpbyt.cmo
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Atomic.cmi -c atomic.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - profiling.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - dumpobj.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Printexc.cmi -c printexc.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Fun.cmi -c fun.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o dumpobj.exe ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma opnames.cmo dumpobj.cmo
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Gc.cmi -c gc.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Digest.cmi -c digest.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Random.cmi -c random.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Hashtbl.cmi -c hashtbl.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
         -o stdlib__Format.cmi -c format.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
         -o stdlib__Scanf.cmi -c scanf.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Callback.cmi -c callback.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Genlex.cmi -c genlex.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Ephemeron.cmi -c ephemeron.mli
make[5]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/tools'
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Filename.cmi -c filename.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Complex.cmi -c complex.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
         -o stdlib__ArrayLabels.cmi -c arrayLabels.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
         -o stdlib__ListLabels.cmi -c listLabels.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
         -o stdlib__BytesLabels.cmi -c bytesLabels.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
         -o stdlib__StringLabels.cmi -c stringLabels.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
         -o stdlib__MoreLabels.cmi -c moreLabels.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Bigarray.cmi -c bigarray.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__In_channel.cmi -c in_channel.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Out_channel.cmi -c out_channel.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c std_exit.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Either.cmo -c either.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Sys.cmo -c sys.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Obj.cmi -c obj.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Lazy.cmi -c lazy.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Option.cmi -c option.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Result.cmi -c result.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Bool.cmo -c bool.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Char.cmo -c char.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Uchar.cmo -c uchar.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__List.cmo -c list.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Int.cmo -c int.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Bytes.cmo -c bytes.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__String.cmo -c string.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Unit.cmo -c unit.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Marshal.cmo -c marshal.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Array.cmo -c array.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
         -o stdlib__Float.cmo -c float.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Int64.cmo -c int64.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Lexing.cmo -c lexing.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Parsing.cmi -c parsing.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Set.cmo -c set.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Map.cmo -c map.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Stack.cmo -c stack.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Queue.cmo -c queue.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Stream.cmo -c stream.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A \
         -o stdlib__Buffer.cmo -c buffer.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match -c camlinternalFormat.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
         -o stdlib__Printf.cmi -c printf.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Atomic.cmo -c atomic.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Fun.cmo -c fun.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Gc.cmo -c gc.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Digest.cmo -c digest.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Random.cmo -c random.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Hashtbl.cmo -c hashtbl.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Weak.cmi -c weak.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
         -o stdlib__Format.cmo -c format.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
         -o stdlib__Scanf.cmo -c scanf.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Callback.cmo -c callback.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c camlinternalOO.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c camlinternalMod.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Genlex.cmo -c genlex.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Ephemeron.cmo -c ephemeron.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Filename.cmo -c filename.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Complex.cmo -c complex.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
         -o stdlib__ArrayLabels.cmo -c arrayLabels.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
         -o stdlib__ListLabels.cmo -c listLabels.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
         -o stdlib__BytesLabels.cmo -c bytesLabels.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
         -o stdlib__StringLabels.cmo -c stringLabels.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
         -o stdlib__MoreLabels.cmo -c moreLabels.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
         -o stdlib__StdLabels.cmi -c stdLabels.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Bigarray.cmo -c bigarray.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__In_channel.cmo -c in_channel.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Out_channel.cmo -c out_channel.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Obj.cmo -c obj.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c camlinternalLazy.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Lazy.cmo -c lazy.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Seq.cmo -c seq.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Option.cmo -c option.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Result.cmo -c result.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Parsing.cmo -c parsing.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match -c camlinternalFormat.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
         -o stdlib__Printf.cmo -c printf.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Arg.cmo -c arg.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Printexc.cmo -c printexc.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Weak.cmo -c weak.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c camlinternalOO.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -no-principal \
         -o stdlib__Oo.cmi -c oo.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c camlinternalMod.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
         -o stdlib__StdLabels.cmo -c stdLabels.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
         -o stdlib__Oo.cmo -c oo.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -a -o stdlib.cma camlinternalFormatBasics.cmo camlinternalAtomic.cmo stdlib.cmo stdlib__Pervasives.cmo stdlib__Either.cmo stdlib__Sys.cmo stdlib__Obj.cmo camlinternalLazy.cmo stdlib__Lazy.cmo stdlib__Seq.cmo stdlib__Option.cmo stdlib__Result.cmo stdlib__Bool.cmo stdlib__Char.cmo stdlib__Uchar.cmo stdlib__List.cmo stdlib__Int.cmo stdlib__Bytes.cmo stdlib__String.cmo stdlib__Unit.cmo stdlib__Marshal.cmo stdlib__Array.cmo stdlib__Float.cmo stdlib__Int32.cmo stdlib__Int64.cmo stdlib__Nativeint.cmo stdlib__Lexing.cmo stdlib__Parsing.cmo stdlib__Set.cmo stdlib__Map.cmo stdlib__Stack.cmo stdlib__Queue.cmo stdlib__Stream.cmo stdlib__Buffer.cmo camlinternalFormat.cmo stdlib__Printf.cmo stdlib__Arg.cmo stdlib__Atomic.cmo stdlib__Printexc.cmo stdlib__Fun.cmo stdlib__Gc.cmo stdlib__Digest.cmo stdlib__Random.cmo stdlib__Hashtbl.cmo stdlib__Weak.cmo stdlib__Format.cmo stdlib__Scanf.cmo stdlib__Callback.cmo camlinternalOO.cmo stdlib__Oo.cmo camlinternalMod.cmo stdlib__Genlex.cmo stdlib__Ephemeron.cmo stdlib__Filename.cmo stdlib__Complex.cmo stdlib__ArrayLabels.cmo stdlib__ListLabels.cmo stdlib__BytesLabels.cmo stdlib__StringLabels.cmo stdlib__MoreLabels.cmo stdlib__StdLabels.cmo stdlib__Bigarray.cmo stdlib__In_channel.cmo stdlib__Out_channel.cmo
make[5]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/stdlib'
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make ocaml
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/expunge.ml -I toplevel
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/genprintval.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/trace.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/toploop.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/topdirs.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/topmain.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/genprintval.ml -I toplevel
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives  -o expunge.exe compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma toplevel/expunge.cmo
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/topcommon.mli
cp toplevel/trace.cmi toplevel/trace.mli toplevel/byte
cp toplevel/topmain.cmi toplevel/topmain.mli toplevel/byte
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/topstart.ml -I toplevel
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/topeval.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/topcommon.ml -I toplevel
cp toplevel/topeval.cmi toplevel/topeval.mli toplevel/byte
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/toploop.ml -I toplevel
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/topdirs.ml -I toplevel
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/byte/topmain.ml -I toplevel/byte
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/byte/topeval.ml -I toplevel/byte
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/byte/trace.ml -I toplevel/byte
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -a -o compilerlibs/ocamltoplevel.cma -I toplevel/byte toplevel/genprintval.cmo toplevel/topcommon.cmo toplevel/byte/topeval.cmo toplevel/byte/trace.cmo toplevel/toploop.cmo toplevel/topdirs.cmo toplevel/byte/topmain.cmo
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives  -I toplevel/byte -linkall -o ocaml.tmp compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma compilerlibs/ocamltoplevel.cma toplevel/topstart.cmo
./boot/ocamlrun.exe expunge.exe ocaml.tmp ocaml.exe  camlinternalFormatBasics camlinternalAtomic stdlib stdlib__Pervasives stdlib__Either stdlib__Sys stdlib__Obj camlinternalLazy stdlib__Lazy stdlib__Seq stdlib__Option stdlib__Result stdlib__Bool stdlib__Char stdlib__Uchar stdlib__List stdlib__Int stdlib__Bytes stdlib__String stdlib__Unit stdlib__Marshal stdlib__Array stdlib__Float stdlib__Int32 stdlib__Int64 stdlib__Nativeint stdlib__Lexing stdlib__Parsing stdlib__Set stdlib__Map stdlib__Stack stdlib__Queue stdlib__Stream stdlib__Buffer camlinternalFormat stdlib__Printf stdlib__Arg stdlib__Atomic stdlib__Printexc stdlib__Fun stdlib__Gc stdlib__Digest stdlib__Random stdlib__Hashtbl stdlib__Weak stdlib__Format stdlib__Scanf stdlib__Callback camlinternalOO stdlib__Oo camlinternalMod stdlib__Genlex stdlib__Ephemeron stdlib__Filename stdlib__Complex stdlib__ArrayLabels stdlib__ListLabels stdlib__BytesLabels stdlib__StringLabels stdlib__MoreLabels stdlib__StdLabels stdlib__Bigarray stdlib__In_channel stdlib__Out_channel outcometree topdirs toploop
rm ocaml.tmp
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make opt-core
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make -C runtime FLEXLINK_CMD="../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/flexlink.byte.exe" allopt
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/runtime'
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cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Foeventlog.ni.obj eventlog.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Fomd5.ni.obj md5.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Foobj.ni.obj obj.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Folexing.ni.obj lexing.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Fowin32.ni.obj win32.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Foprintexc.ni.obj printexc.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Focallback.ni.obj callback.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Foweak.ni.obj weak.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Focompact.ni.obj compact.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Fofinalise.ni.obj finalise.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Focustom.ni.obj custom.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Foglobroots.ni.obj globroots.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Fobacktrace_nat.ni.obj backtrace_nat.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Fobacktrace.ni.obj backtrace.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Fodynlink_nat.ni.obj dynlink_nat.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Fodebugger.ni.obj debugger.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Fometa.ni.obj meta.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Fodynlink.ni.obj dynlink.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Foclambda_checks.ni.obj clambda_checks.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Foafl.ni.obj afl.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Fobigarray.ni.obj bigarray.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Fomemprof.ni.obj memprof.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Fodomain.ni.obj domain.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Foskiplist.ni.obj skiplist.c
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-  -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DSYS_win64 -DCAML_INSTR  -Focodefrag.ni.obj codefrag.c
ml64 -nologo -Cp -c -Foamd64nt.obj  amd64nt.asm
 Assembling: amd64nt.asm
link -lib -nologo -machine:AMD64  /out:libasmrun.lib  startup_aux.n.obj startup_nat.n.obj main.n.obj fail_nat.n.obj roots_nat.n.obj signals.n.obj signals_nat.n.obj misc.n.obj freelist.n.obj major_gc.n.obj minor_gc.n.obj memory.n.obj alloc.n.obj compare.n.obj ints.n.obj floats.n.obj str.n.obj array.n.obj io.n.obj extern.n.obj intern.n.obj hash.n.obj sys.n.obj parsing.n.obj gc_ctrl.n.obj eventlog.n.obj md5.n.obj obj.n.obj lexing.n.obj win32.n.obj printexc.n.obj callback.n.obj weak.n.obj compact.n.obj finalise.n.obj custom.n.obj globroots.n.obj backtrace_nat.n.obj backtrace.n.obj dynlink_nat.n.obj debugger.n.obj meta.n.obj dynlink.n.obj clambda_checks.n.obj afl.n.obj bigarray.n.obj memprof.n.obj domain.n.obj skiplist.n.obj codefrag.n.obj amd64nt.obj
link -lib -nologo -machine:AMD64  /out:libasmrund.lib  startup_aux.nd.obj startup_nat.nd.obj main.nd.obj fail_nat.nd.obj roots_nat.nd.obj signals.nd.obj signals_nat.nd.obj misc.nd.obj freelist.nd.obj major_gc.nd.obj minor_gc.nd.obj memory.nd.obj alloc.nd.obj compare.nd.obj ints.nd.obj floats.nd.obj str.nd.obj array.nd.obj io.nd.obj extern.nd.obj intern.nd.obj hash.nd.obj sys.nd.obj parsing.nd.obj gc_ctrl.nd.obj eventlog.nd.obj md5.nd.obj obj.nd.obj lexing.nd.obj win32.nd.obj printexc.nd.obj callback.nd.obj weak.nd.obj compact.nd.obj finalise.nd.obj custom.nd.obj globroots.nd.obj backtrace_nat.nd.obj backtrace.nd.obj dynlink_nat.nd.obj debugger.nd.obj meta.nd.obj dynlink.nd.obj clambda_checks.nd.obj afl.nd.obj bigarray.nd.obj memprof.nd.obj domain.nd.obj skiplist.nd.obj codefrag.nd.obj amd64nt.obj
link -lib -nologo -machine:AMD64  /out:libasmruni.lib  startup_aux.ni.obj startup_nat.ni.obj main.ni.obj fail_nat.ni.obj roots_nat.ni.obj signals.ni.obj signals_nat.ni.obj misc.ni.obj freelist.ni.obj major_gc.ni.obj minor_gc.ni.obj memory.ni.obj alloc.ni.obj compare.ni.obj ints.ni.obj floats.ni.obj str.ni.obj array.ni.obj io.ni.obj extern.ni.obj intern.ni.obj hash.ni.obj sys.ni.obj parsing.ni.obj gc_ctrl.ni.obj eventlog.ni.obj md5.ni.obj obj.ni.obj lexing.ni.obj win32.ni.obj printexc.ni.obj callback.ni.obj weak.ni.obj compact.ni.obj finalise.ni.obj custom.ni.obj globroots.ni.obj backtrace_nat.ni.obj backtrace.ni.obj dynlink_nat.ni.obj debugger.ni.obj meta.ni.obj dynlink.ni.obj clambda_checks.ni.obj afl.ni.obj bigarray.ni.obj memprof.ni.obj domain.ni.obj skiplist.ni.obj codefrag.ni.obj amd64nt.obj
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/runtime'
cp runtime/libasmrun.lib stdlib/libasmrun.lib
make ocamlopt
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/x86_ast.mli
cd asmcomp; cp amd64/arch.ml .
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmm.mli
cd asmcomp; cp amd64/proc.ml .
cd asmcomp; cp amd64/selection.ml .
cd asmcomp; cp amd64/CSE.ml .
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/coloring.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/linscan.mli
cd asmcomp; cp amd64/reload.ml .
cd asmcomp; cp amd64/scheduling.ml .
make -C tools cvt_emit
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/asmlink.mli
make[5]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/tools'
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/asmlibrarian.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/asmpackager.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/opterrors.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/optcompile.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamllex -q cvt_emit.mll
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/optmaindriver.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/x86_proc.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - cvt_emit.ml
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/x86_dsl.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/x86_gas.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/x86_masm.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/arch.ml -I asmcomp
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -o cvt_emit.exe cvt_emit.cmo
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/printcmm.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/reg.mli
make[5]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/tools'
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/afl_instrument.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/strmatch.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmmgen_state.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmmgen.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmm_invariants.mli
echo \# 1 \"amd64/emit.mlp\" > asmcomp/emit.ml
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/asmlibrarian.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe tools/cvt_emit.exe < asmcomp/amd64/emit.mlp >> asmcomp/emit.ml \
|| { rm -f asmcomp/emit.ml; exit 2; }
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/opterrors.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/optmain.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/x86_proc.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/x86_dsl.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/x86_gas.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/x86_masm.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmm.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/printcmm.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/reg.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/mach.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/afl_instrument.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/strmatch.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmmgen_state.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmm_helpers.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmm_invariants.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/interval.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/printmach.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/dataflow.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/polling.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/selectgen.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/selection.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/comballoc.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/CSEgen.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/liveness.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/spill.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/split.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/interf.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/reloadgen.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/reload.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/deadcode.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/linear.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/mach.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/proc.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmmgen.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/dataflow.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/polling.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/selectgen.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/selection.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/comballoc.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/CSEgen.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/CSE.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/liveness.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/spill.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/split.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/interf.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/coloring.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/linscan.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/reloadgen.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/reload.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/deadcode.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/linear.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/printlinear.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/linearize.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c file_formats/linear_format.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/schedgen.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/scheduling.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/branch_relaxation_intf.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/emitenv.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/emit.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/optmaindriver.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/proc.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmm_helpers.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/interval.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/printmach.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/printlinear.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/linearize.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c file_formats/linear_format.ml -I file_formats
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/schedgen.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/scheduling.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/branch_relaxation.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/emitaux.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/branch_relaxation.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/emitaux.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/emit.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/asmgen.mli
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/asmgen.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/asmlink.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/asmpackager.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/optcompile.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -a -o compilerlibs/ocamloptcomp.cma middle_end/internal_variable_names.cmo middle_end/linkage_name.cmo middle_end/compilation_unit.cmo middle_end/variable.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_element.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_id.cmo middle_end/symbol.cmo middle_end/backend_var.cmo middle_end/clambda_primitives.cmo middle_end/printclambda_primitives.cmo middle_end/clambda.cmo middle_end/printclambda.cmo middle_end/semantics_of_primitives.cmo middle_end/convert_primitives.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/id_types.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/export_id.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/tag.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/mutable_variable.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/set_of_closures_id.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/set_of_closures_origin.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_origin.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/var_within_closure.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/static_exception.cmo middle_end/flambda/pass_wrapper.cmo middle_end/flambda/allocated_const.cmo middle_end/flambda/parameter.cmo middle_end/flambda/projection.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda_iterators.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda_utils.cmo middle_end/flambda/freshening.cmo middle_end/flambda/effect_analysis.cmo middle_end/flambda/inlining_cost.cmo middle_end/flambda/simple_value_approx.cmo middle_end/flambda/export_info.cmo middle_end/flambda/export_info_for_pack.cmo middle_end/compilenv.cmo middle_end/closure/closure.cmo middle_end/closure/closure_middle_end.cmo middle_end/flambda/import_approx.cmo middle_end/flambda/lift_code.cmo middle_end/flambda/closure_conversion_aux.cmo middle_end/flambda/closure_conversion.cmo middle_end/flambda/initialize_symbol_to_let_symbol.cmo middle_end/flambda/lift_let_to_initialize_symbol.cmo middle_end/flambda/find_recursive_functions.cmo middle_end/flambda/invariant_params.cmo middle_end/flambda/inconstant_idents.cmo middle_end/flambda/alias_analysis.cmo middle_end/flambda/lift_constants.cmo middle_end/flambda/share_constants.cmo middle_end/flambda/simplify_common.cmo middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_arguments.cmo middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_closure_vars.cmo middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_program_constructs.cmo middle_end/flambda/simplify_boxed_integer_ops.cmo middle_end/flambda/simplify_primitives.cmo middle_end/flambda/inlining_stats_types.cmo middle_end/flambda/inlining_stats.cmo middle_end/flambda/inline_and_simplify_aux.cmo middle_end/flambda/remove_free_vars_equal_to_args.cmo middle_end/flambda/extract_projections.cmo middle_end/flambda/augment_specialised_args.cmo middle_end/flambda/unbox_free_vars_of_closures.cmo middle_end/flambda/unbox_specialised_args.cmo middle_end/flambda/unbox_closures.cmo middle_end/flambda/inlining_transforms.cmo middle_end/flambda/inlining_decision.cmo middle_end/flambda/inline_and_simplify.cmo middle_end/flambda/ref_to_variables.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda_invariants.cmo middle_end/flambda/traverse_for_exported_symbols.cmo middle_end/flambda/build_export_info.cmo middle_end/flambda/closure_offsets.cmo middle_end/flambda/un_anf.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda_to_clambda.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda_middle_end.cmo asmcomp/x86_proc.cmo asmcomp/x86_dsl.cmo asmcomp/x86_gas.cmo asmcomp/x86_masm.cmo asmcomp/arch.cmo asmcomp/cmm.cmo asmcomp/printcmm.cmo asmcomp/reg.cmo asmcomp/mach.cmo asmcomp/proc.cmo asmcomp/afl_instrument.cmo asmcomp/strmatch.cmo asmcomp/cmmgen_state.cmo asmcomp/cmm_helpers.cmo asmcomp/cmmgen.cmo asmcomp/cmm_invariants.cmo asmcomp/interval.cmo asmcomp/printmach.cmo asmcomp/dataflow.cmo asmcomp/polling.cmo asmcomp/selectgen.cmo asmcomp/selection.cmo asmcomp/comballoc.cmo asmcomp/CSEgen.cmo asmcomp/CSE.cmo asmcomp/liveness.cmo asmcomp/spill.cmo asmcomp/split.cmo asmcomp/interf.cmo asmcomp/coloring.cmo asmcomp/linscan.cmo asmcomp/reloadgen.cmo asmcomp/reload.cmo asmcomp/deadcode.cmo asmcomp/linear.cmo asmcomp/printlinear.cmo asmcomp/linearize.cmo file_formats/linear_format.cmo asmcomp/schedgen.cmo asmcomp/scheduling.cmo asmcomp/branch_relaxation_intf.cmo asmcomp/branch_relaxation.cmo asmcomp/emitaux.cmo asmcomp/emit.cmo asmcomp/asmgen.cmo asmcomp/asmlink.cmo asmcomp/asmlibrarian.cmo asmcomp/asmpackager.cmo driver/opterrors.cmo driver/optcompile.cmo driver/optmaindriver.cmo
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives  -o ocamlopt.exe compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma compilerlibs/ocamloptcomp.cma driver/optmain.cmo
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make libraryopt
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make -C stdlib FLEXLINK_CMD="../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/flexlink.byte.exe" allopt
make[5]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/stdlib'
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -nopervasives -c camlinternalFormatBasics.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -nopervasives -c camlinternalAtomic.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -nopervasives -no-alias-deps -w -49  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" -c stdlib.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Pervasives.cmx -c pervasives.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Either.cmx -c either.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Sys.cmx -c sys.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Bool.cmx -c bool.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Char.cmx -c char.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Int.cmx -c int.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Unit.cmx -c unit.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Int64.cmx -c int64.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Atomic.cmx -c atomic.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Complex.cmx -c complex.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    -c std_exit.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Nativeint.cmx -c nativeint.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Int32.cmx -c int32.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Uchar.cmx -c uchar.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Obj.cmx -c obj.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -afl-inst-ratio 0 -c camlinternalLazy.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Callback.cmx -c callback.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Lazy.cmx -c lazy.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Seq.cmx -c seq.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Option.cmx -c option.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Result.cmx -c result.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__List.cmx -c list.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Bytes.cmx -c bytes.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Array.cmx -c array.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Map.cmx -c map.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Stack.cmx -c stack.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Queue.cmx -c queue.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
           -o stdlib__ArrayLabels.cmx -c arrayLabels.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
           -o stdlib__ListLabels.cmx -c listLabels.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
           -o stdlib__BytesLabels.cmx -c bytesLabels.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Bigarray.cmx -c bigarray.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__String.cmx -c string.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Marshal.cmx -c marshal.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
           -o stdlib__Float.cmx -c float.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Lexing.cmx -c lexing.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Set.cmx -c set.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Stream.cmx -c stream.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -inline 3 \
           -o stdlib__Buffer.cmx -c buffer.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Digest.cmx -c digest.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -inline 0 -afl-inst-ratio 0 -c camlinternalOO.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
           -o stdlib__StringLabels.cmx -c stringLabels.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Parsing.cmx -c parsing.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    -c camlinternalFormat.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Random.cmx -c random.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
           -o stdlib__StdLabels.cmx -c stdLabels.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Oo.cmx -c oo.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    -c camlinternalMod.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Hashtbl.cmx -c hashtbl.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Weak.cmx -c weak.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Genlex.cmx -c genlex.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Ephemeron.cmx -c ephemeron.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
           -o stdlib__MoreLabels.cmx -c moreLabels.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Printf.cmx -c printf.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Format.cmx -c format.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Arg.cmx -c arg.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Printexc.cmx -c printexc.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -inline 9 \
           -o stdlib__Scanf.cmx -c scanf.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Filename.cmx -c filename.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Fun.cmx -c fun.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Gc.cmx -c gc.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__In_channel.cmx -c in_channel.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
           -o stdlib__Out_channel.cmx -c out_channel.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt -a -o stdlib.cmxa camlinternalFormatBasics.cmx camlinternalAtomic.cmx stdlib.cmx stdlib__Pervasives.cmx stdlib__Either.cmx stdlib__Sys.cmx stdlib__Obj.cmx camlinternalLazy.cmx stdlib__Lazy.cmx stdlib__Seq.cmx stdlib__Option.cmx stdlib__Result.cmx stdlib__Bool.cmx stdlib__Char.cmx stdlib__Uchar.cmx stdlib__List.cmx stdlib__Int.cmx stdlib__Bytes.cmx stdlib__String.cmx stdlib__Unit.cmx stdlib__Marshal.cmx stdlib__Array.cmx stdlib__Float.cmx stdlib__Int32.cmx stdlib__Int64.cmx stdlib__Nativeint.cmx stdlib__Lexing.cmx stdlib__Parsing.cmx stdlib__Set.cmx stdlib__Map.cmx stdlib__Stack.cmx stdlib__Queue.cmx stdlib__Stream.cmx stdlib__Buffer.cmx camlinternalFormat.cmx stdlib__Printf.cmx stdlib__Arg.cmx stdlib__Atomic.cmx stdlib__Printexc.cmx stdlib__Fun.cmx stdlib__Gc.cmx stdlib__Digest.cmx stdlib__Random.cmx stdlib__Hashtbl.cmx stdlib__Weak.cmx stdlib__Format.cmx stdlib__Scanf.cmx stdlib__Callback.cmx camlinternalOO.cmx stdlib__Oo.cmx camlinternalMod.cmx stdlib__Genlex.cmx stdlib__Ephemeron.cmx stdlib__Filename.cmx stdlib__Complex.cmx stdlib__ArrayLabels.cmx stdlib__ListLabels.cmx stdlib__BytesLabels.cmx stdlib__StringLabels.cmx stdlib__MoreLabels.cmx stdlib__StdLabels.cmx stdlib__Bigarray.cmx stdlib__In_channel.cmx stdlib__Out_channel.cmx
make[5]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/stdlib'
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make flexlink.opt.exe
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make -C flexdll MSVC_DETECT=0 OCAML_CONFIG_FILE=../Makefile.config CHAINS=msvc64 ROOTDIR=.. \
    OCAML_FLEXLINK='$(ROOTDIR)/boot/ocamlrun$(EXE) $(ROOTDIR)/boot/flexlink.byte.exe' \
  OCAMLOPT="../runtime/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib" flexlink.exe
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/flexdll'
Building flexlink.exe with TOOLCHAIN=msvc for OCaml 4.14.1
rm -f flexlink.exe
../runtime/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -o flexlink.exe -cclib "-link version.res" version.ml Compat.ml coff.ml cmdline.ml create_dll.ml reloc.ml
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/flexdll'
mv flexdll/flexlink.exe flexlink.opt.exe
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make ocamlc.opt
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c utils/config.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c utils/build_path_prefix_map.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c utils/arg_helper.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c utils/local_store.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c utils/terminfo.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c utils/int_replace_polymorphic_compare.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c utils/domainstate.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c utils/binutils.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c utils/lazy_backtrack.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c parsing/camlinternalMenhirLib.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c lambda/switch.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c lambda/runtimedef.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c bytecomp/opcodes.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c bytecomp/bytesections.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c utils/misc.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c utils/identifiable.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c utils/profile.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c utils/load_path.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c utils/warnings.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c utils/consistbl.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c utils/targetint.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c utils/diffing.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c parsing/longident.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c bytecomp/dll.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c utils/numbers.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c utils/diffing_with_keys.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c utils/clflags.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c utils/strongly_connected_components.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c utils/ccomp.ml -I utils
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c parsing/location.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/ident.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/path.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/shape.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c parsing/docstrings.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c parsing/syntaxerr.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c parsing/ast_iterator.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c parsing/attr_helper.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c parsing/builtin_attributes.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c lambda/debuginfo.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c driver/compenv.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c driver/errors.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c parsing/ast_helper.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/primitive.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c parsing/depend.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/type_immediacy.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c parsing/ast_invariants.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c driver/main_args.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c parsing/pprintast.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c parsing/parser.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c parsing/ast_mapper.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/types.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/btype.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c file_formats/cmi_format.ml -I file_formats
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/errortrace.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/persistent_env.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/subst.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/predef.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/datarepr.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/signature_group.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c parsing/printast.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/oprint.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/env.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/typedtree.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/ctype.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/typedecl_properties.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c lambda/lambda.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/printtyped.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/tast_iterator.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/tast_mapper.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/untypeast.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/printpat.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c lambda/translobj.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c lambda/translattribute.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c lambda/tmc.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c bytecomp/instruct.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c parsing/lexer.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/printtyp.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/mtype.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/patterns.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/typedecl_variance.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/typedecl_unboxed.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/typedecl_separability.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c lambda/simplif.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c bytecomp/meta.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c parsing/parse.ml -I parsing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c file_formats/cmt_format.ml -I file_formats
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/parmatch.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/typedecl_immediacy.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/typeopt.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/includeclass.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/envaux.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/includecore.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/stypes.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/typetexp.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c lambda/printlambda.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c bytecomp/symtable.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c driver/pparse.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/rec_check.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/cmt2annot.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/includemod.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/typedecl.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c driver/makedepend.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c lambda/matching.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c bytecomp/printinstr.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/includemod_errorprinter.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/typecore.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c lambda/translprim.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c bytecomp/bytegen.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/typeclass.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c lambda/translcore.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c lambda/translclass.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c typing/typemod.ml -I typing
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c lambda/translmod.ml -I lambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c bytecomp/emitcode.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c bytecomp/bytelink.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c driver/compmisc.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c driver/compile_common.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c bytecomp/bytelibrarian.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c bytecomp/bytepackager.ml -I bytecomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -a -linkall -o compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cmxa utils/config.cmx utils/build_path_prefix_map.cmx utils/misc.cmx utils/identifiable.cmx utils/numbers.cmx utils/arg_helper.cmx utils/clflags.cmx utils/profile.cmx utils/local_store.cmx utils/load_path.cmx utils/terminfo.cmx utils/ccomp.cmx utils/warnings.cmx utils/consistbl.cmx utils/strongly_connected_components.cmx utils/targetint.cmx utils/int_replace_polymorphic_compare.cmx utils/domainstate.cmx utils/binutils.cmx utils/lazy_backtrack.cmx utils/diffing.cmx utils/diffing_with_keys.cmx parsing/location.cmx parsing/longident.cmx parsing/docstrings.cmx parsing/syntaxerr.cmx parsing/ast_helper.cmx parsing/pprintast.cmx parsing/camlinternalMenhirLib.cmx parsing/parser.cmx parsing/lexer.cmx parsing/parse.cmx parsing/printast.cmx parsing/ast_mapper.cmx parsing/ast_iterator.cmx parsing/attr_helper.cmx parsing/builtin_attributes.cmx parsing/ast_invariants.cmx parsing/depend.cmx typing/ident.cmx typing/path.cmx typing/primitive.cmx typing/type_immediacy.cmx typing/shape.cmx typing/types.cmx typing/btype.cmx typing/oprint.cmx typing/subst.cmx typing/predef.cmx typing/datarepr.cmx file_formats/cmi_format.cmx typing/persistent_env.cmx typing/env.cmx typing/errortrace.cmx typing/typedtree.cmx typing/signature_group.cmx typing/printtyped.cmx typing/ctype.cmx typing/printtyp.cmx typing/includeclass.cmx typing/mtype.cmx typing/envaux.cmx typing/includecore.cmx typing/tast_iterator.cmx typing/tast_mapper.cmx typing/stypes.cmx file_formats/cmt_format.cmx typing/cmt2annot.cmx typing/untypeast.cmx typing/includemod.cmx typing/includemod_errorprinter.cmx typing/typetexp.cmx typing/printpat.cmx typing/patterns.cmx typing/parmatch.cmx typing/typedecl_properties.cmx typing/typedecl_variance.cmx typing/typedecl_unboxed.cmx typing/typedecl_immediacy.cmx typing/typedecl_separability.cmx typing/typedecl.cmx typing/typeopt.cmx typing/rec_check.cmx typing/typecore.cmx typing/typeclass.cmx typing/typemod.cmx lambda/debuginfo.cmx lambda/lambda.cmx lambda/printlambda.cmx lambda/switch.cmx lambda/matching.cmx lambda/translobj.cmx lambda/translattribute.cmx lambda/translprim.cmx lambda/translcore.cmx lambda/translclass.cmx lambda/translmod.cmx lambda/tmc.cmx lambda/simplif.cmx lambda/runtimedef.cmx bytecomp/meta.cmx bytecomp/opcodes.cmx bytecomp/bytesections.cmx bytecomp/dll.cmx bytecomp/symtable.cmx driver/pparse.cmx driver/compenv.cmx driver/main_args.cmx driver/compmisc.cmx driver/makedepend.cmx driver/compile_common.cmx
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c driver/compile.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c driver/maindriver.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -a  -o compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cmxa bytecomp/instruct.cmx bytecomp/bytegen.cmx bytecomp/printinstr.cmx bytecomp/emitcode.cmx bytecomp/bytelink.cmx bytecomp/bytelibrarian.cmx bytecomp/bytepackager.cmx driver/errors.cmx driver/compile.cmx driver/maindriver.cmx
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c driver/main.ml -I driver
OCAML_FLEXLINK="./flexlink.opt.exe -I ./stdlib/flexdll" ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink  -o ocamlc.opt.exe compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cmxa compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cmxa driver/main.cmx -cclib "advapi32.lib ws2_32.lib version.lib"
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make otherlibraries ocamldebugger ocamldoc \
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make -C yacc FLEXLINK_CMD="../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/flexlink.byte.exe" all
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/yacc'
make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/yacc'
make -C lex all
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/lex'
make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/lex'
make -C tools all
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/tools'
make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/tools'
make -C otherlibs all
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs'
make[5]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/dynlink'
cp -f dynlink_compilerlibs/Makefile.copy-sources dynlink_compilerlibs/Makefile
for ml in utils/binutils.ml utils/config.ml utils/build_path_prefix_map.ml utils/misc.ml utils/identifiable.ml utils/numbers.ml utils/arg_helper.ml utils/clflags.ml utils/profile.ml utils/consistbl.ml utils/terminfo.ml utils/warnings.ml utils/local_store.ml utils/load_path.ml utils/int_replace_polymorphic_compare.ml utils/lazy_backtrack.ml parsing/location.ml parsing/longident.ml parsing/docstrings.ml parsing/syntaxerr.ml parsing/ast_helper.ml parsing/ast_mapper.ml parsing/attr_helper.ml parsing/builtin_attributes.ml typing/ident.ml typing/path.ml typing/primitive.ml typing/type_immediacy.ml typing/shape.ml typing/types.ml typing/btype.ml typing/subst.ml typing/predef.ml typing/datarepr.ml file_formats/cmi_format.ml typing/persistent_env.ml typing/env.ml lambda/debuginfo.ml lambda/lambda.ml lambda/runtimedef.ml bytecomp/instruct.ml bytecomp/opcodes.ml bytecomp/bytesections.ml bytecomp/dll.ml bytecomp/meta.ml bytecomp/symtable.ml; do \
          echo "dynlink_compilerlibs/$(basename $ml): ../../$ml" \
            >> dynlink_compilerlibs/Makefile; \
          echo "dynlink_compilerlibs/$(basename $ml)i: ../../${ml}i" \
            >> dynlink_compilerlibs/Makefile; \
for mli in parsing/asttypes.mli parsing/parsetree.mli typing/outcometree.mli file_formats/cmo_format.mli file_formats/cmxs_format.mli; do \
          echo "dynlink_compilerlibs/$(basename $mli): ../../$mli" \
            >> dynlink_compilerlibs/Makefile; \
          echo \
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            >> dynlink_compilerlibs/Makefile; \
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          -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/bytesections.cmo dynlink_compilerlibs/bytesections.ml
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          -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/dll.cmo dynlink_compilerlibs/dll.ml
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          -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/asttypes.cmo dynlink_compilerlibs/asttypes.ml
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          -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/cmxs_format.cmi dynlink_compilerlibs/cmxs_format.mli
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cp dynlink.cmi dynlink.mli byte/
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          -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/misc.cmo dynlink_compilerlibs/misc.ml
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          -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/identifiable.cmo dynlink_compilerlibs/identifiable.ml
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          -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/numbers.cmo dynlink_compilerlibs/numbers.ml
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          -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/clflags.cmi dynlink_compilerlibs/clflags.mli
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          -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/profile.cmo dynlink_compilerlibs/profile.ml
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          -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/consistbl.cmi dynlink_compilerlibs/consistbl.mli
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          -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/warnings.cmo dynlink_compilerlibs/warnings.ml
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          -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/load_path.cmo dynlink_compilerlibs/load_path.ml
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          -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/location.cmo dynlink_compilerlibs/location.ml
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          -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/parsetree.cmi dynlink_compilerlibs/parsetree.mli
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          -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/syntaxerr.cmo dynlink_compilerlibs/syntaxerr.ml
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          -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/ident.cmo dynlink_compilerlibs/ident.ml
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          -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/path.cmo dynlink_compilerlibs/path.ml
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          -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/debuginfo.cmi dynlink_compilerlibs/debuginfo.mli
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          -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/parsetree.cmo dynlink_compilerlibs/parsetree.ml
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          -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/clflags.cmo dynlink_compilerlibs/clflags.ml
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          -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/docstrings.cmo dynlink_compilerlibs/docstrings.ml
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          -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/predef.cmo dynlink_compilerlibs/predef.ml
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make[5]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/dynlink'
make[5]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/win32unix'
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cp ../unix/unixLabels.mli unixLabels.mli
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  -Fogetcwd.obj getcwd.c
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         unix.cmo unixLabels.cmo -cclib ws2_32.lib -cclib advapi32.lib
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OCAML_FLEXLINK="../../flexlink.opt.exe -I ../../stdlib/flexdll" ../../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../../tools/ocamlmklib -oc camlstr strstubs.obj 
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  -Fost_stubs.b.obj st_stubs.c
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   thread.cmo mutex.cmo condition.cmo event.cmo threadUnix.cmo semaphore.cmo
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make -C debugger all
make -C ocamldoc all
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../ocamlc.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../driver -I ../bytecomp -I ../toplevel -I ../stdlib -I ../compilerlibs -I ../otherlibs/str -I ../otherlibs/dynlink -I ../otherlibs/dynlink/native -I ../otherlibs/win32unix -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot -principal -c generators/odoc_literate.ml
../ocamlc.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -o ../ocamldoc/ocamldoc.exe -linkall -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../driver -I ../bytecomp -I ../toplevel -I ../stdlib -I ../compilerlibs -I ../otherlibs/str -I ../otherlibs/dynlink -I ../otherlibs/dynlink/native -I ../otherlibs/win32unix -nostdlib ocamlcommon.cma unix.cma str.cma dynlink.cma odoc_config.cmo odoc_messages.cmo odoc_global.cmo odoc_types.cmo odoc_misc.cmo odoc_text_parser.cmo odoc_text_lexer.cmo odoc_text.cmo odoc_name.cmo odoc_parameter.cmo odoc_value.cmo odoc_type.cmo odoc_extension.cmo odoc_exception.cmo odoc_class.cmo odoc_module.cmo odoc_print.cmo odoc_str.cmo odoc_comments_global.cmo odoc_parser.cmo odoc_lexer.cmo odoc_see_lexer.cmo odoc_env.cmo odoc_merge.cmo odoc_sig.cmo odoc_ast.cmo odoc_control.cmo odoc_inherit.cmo odoc_search.cmo odoc_scan.cmo odoc_cross.cmo odoc_comments.cmo odoc_dep.cmo odoc_analyse.cmo odoc_info.cmo odoc_dag2html.cmo odoc_to_text.cmo odoc_ocamlhtml.cmo odoc_html.cmo odoc_man.cmo odoc_latex_style.cmo odoc_latex.cmo odoc_texi.cmo odoc_dot.cmo odoc_gen.cmo odoc_args.cmo odoc.cmo
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/ocamldoc'
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make ocamlopt.opt
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./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/internal_variable_names.ml -I middle_end
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/linkage_name.ml -I middle_end
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/backend_var.ml -I middle_end
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/clambda_primitives.ml -I middle_end
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./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/tag.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/static_exception.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/pass_wrapper.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/allocated_const.ml -I middle_end/flambda
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./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/arch.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c driver/opterrors.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/compilation_unit.ml -I middle_end
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/printclambda_primitives.ml -I middle_end
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/clambda.ml -I middle_end
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/semantics_of_primitives.ml -I middle_end
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/convert_primitives.ml -I middle_end
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/x86_dsl.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/x86_gas.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/x86_masm.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/cmm.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/variable.ml -I middle_end
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/printclambda.ml -I middle_end
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/export_id.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/set_of_closures_id.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/printcmm.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/reg.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/afl_instrument.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/strmatch.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/cmm_invariants.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/emitaux.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_element.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/symbol.ml -I middle_end
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/mutable_variable.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/set_of_closures_origin.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/parameter.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/mach.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_id.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/var_within_closure.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/closure_conversion_aux.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/un_anf.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/proc.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/dataflow.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/comballoc.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/split.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/reloadgen.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/linear.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_origin.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/projection.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/interval.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/polling.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/CSEgen.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/spill.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/interf.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/coloring.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/reload.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/deadcode.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/linearize.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c file_formats/linear_format.ml -I file_formats
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/schedgen.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/branch_relaxation_intf.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/flambda.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/printmach.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/selectgen.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/CSE.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/linscan.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/branch_relaxation.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/scheduling.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/liveness.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/printlinear.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/flambda_iterators.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/effect_analysis.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/initialize_symbol_to_let_symbol.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/alias_analysis.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/selection.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_program_constructs.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/flambda_utils.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_cost.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/lift_code.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/share_constants.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/ref_to_variables.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/flambda_invariants.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_stats_types.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/freshening.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/closure_conversion.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/lift_let_to_initialize_symbol.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/find_recursive_functions.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/invariant_params.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/inconstant_idents.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_closure_vars.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_stats.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/remove_free_vars_equal_to_args.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/closure_offsets.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/simple_value_approx.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_arguments.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/export_info.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/lift_constants.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/simplify_common.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/inline_and_simplify_aux.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/simplify_boxed_integer_ops.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/export_info_for_pack.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/compilenv.ml -I middle_end
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/traverse_for_exported_symbols.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/extract_projections.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/augment_specialised_args.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_transforms.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/simplify_primitives.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/closure/closure.ml -I middle_end/closure
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/import_approx.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/build_export_info.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/flambda_to_clambda.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/cmmgen_state.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/emit.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/unbox_free_vars_of_closures.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/unbox_specialised_args.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/unbox_closures.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_decision.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/cmm_helpers.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/closure/closure_middle_end.ml -I middle_end/closure
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/inline_and_simplify.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c middle_end/flambda/flambda_middle_end.ml -I middle_end/flambda
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/cmmgen.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/asmgen.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/asmlink.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c driver/optcompile.ml -I driver
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/asmlibrarian.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c asmcomp/asmpackager.ml -I asmcomp
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c driver/optmaindriver.ml -I driver
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./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c driver/optmain.ml -I driver
OCAML_FLEXLINK="./flexlink.opt.exe -I ./stdlib/flexdll" ./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink  -o ocamlopt.opt.exe compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cmxa compilerlibs/ocamloptcomp.cmxa driver/optmain.cmx
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make otherlibrariesopt
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make -C otherlibs allopt
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs'
make[5]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/dynlink'
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/binutils.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/binutils.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/config.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/config.ml
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -for-pack Dynlink_compilerlibs -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I byte \
          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/build_path_prefix_map.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/build_path_prefix_map.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/arg_helper.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/arg_helper.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/terminfo.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/terminfo.ml
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -for-pack Dynlink_compilerlibs -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I byte \
          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/local_store.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/local_store.ml
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -for-pack Dynlink_compilerlibs -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I byte \
          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/int_replace_polymorphic_compare.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/int_replace_polymorphic_compare.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/lazy_backtrack.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/lazy_backtrack.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/runtimedef.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/runtimedef.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/opcodes.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/opcodes.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/bytesections.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/bytesections.ml
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cp dynlink.cmi dynlink.mli native/
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/misc.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/misc.ml
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../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -for-pack Dynlink_compilerlibs -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I byte \
          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/identifiable.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/identifiable.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/profile.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/profile.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/consistbl.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/consistbl.ml
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../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -for-pack Dynlink_compilerlibs -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I byte \
          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/load_path.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/load_path.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/longident.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/longident.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/dll.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/dll.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/cmxs_format.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/cmxs_format.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/numbers.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/numbers.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/clflags.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/clflags.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/location.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/location.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/ident.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/ident.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/path.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/path.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/asttypes.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/asttypes.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/syntaxerr.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/syntaxerr.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/shape.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/shape.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/parsetree.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/parsetree.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/debuginfo.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/debuginfo.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/docstrings.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/docstrings.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/attr_helper.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/attr_helper.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/builtin_attributes.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/builtin_attributes.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/ast_helper.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/ast_helper.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/outcometree.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/outcometree.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/ast_mapper.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/ast_mapper.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/types.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/types.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/btype.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/btype.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/cmi_format.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/cmi_format.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/persistent_env.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/persistent_env.ml
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          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/subst.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/subst.ml
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -for-pack Dynlink_compilerlibs -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I byte \
          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/predef.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/predef.ml
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -for-pack Dynlink_compilerlibs -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I byte \
          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/datarepr.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/datarepr.ml
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -for-pack Dynlink_compilerlibs -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I byte \
          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/env.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/env.ml
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -for-pack Dynlink_compilerlibs -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I byte \
          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/lambda.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/lambda.ml
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -for-pack Dynlink_compilerlibs -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I byte \
          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/instruct.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/instruct.ml
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -for-pack Dynlink_compilerlibs -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I byte \
          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/cmo_format.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/cmo_format.ml
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -for-pack Dynlink_compilerlibs -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I byte \
          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/meta.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/meta.ml
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -for-pack Dynlink_compilerlibs -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I byte \
          -I native -I dynlink_compilerlibs -o dynlink_compilerlibs/symtable.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/symtable.ml
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I byte -I native -pack -o native/dynlink_compilerlibs.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/binutils.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/config.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/build_path_prefix_map.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/misc.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/identifiable.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/numbers.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/arg_helper.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/clflags.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/profile.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/consistbl.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/terminfo.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/warnings.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/local_store.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/load_path.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/int_replace_polymorphic_compare.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/lazy_backtrack.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/location.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/longident.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/docstrings.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/syntaxerr.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/ast_helper.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/ast_mapper.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/attr_helper.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/builtin_attributes.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/ident.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/path.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/primitive.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/type_immediacy.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/shape.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/types.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/btype.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/subst.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/predef.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/datarepr.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/cmi_format.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/persistent_env.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/env.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/debuginfo.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/lambda.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/runtimedef.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/instruct.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/opcodes.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/bytesections.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/dll.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/meta.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/symtable.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/asttypes.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/parsetree.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/outcometree.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/cmo_format.cmx dynlink_compilerlibs/cmxs_format.cmx
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I byte -I native dynlink_common.ml
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I byte -I native native/dynlink.ml
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I byte -ccopt "" -a -I native \
            -o dynlink.cmxa native/dynlink_compilerlibs.cmx dynlink_types.cmx dynlink_platform_intf.cmx dynlink_common.cmx native/dynlink.cmx
cp native/dynlink.cmx dynlink.cmx
make[5]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/dynlink'
make[5]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/win32unix'
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -g -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -nolabels  unix.ml
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -g -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -nolabels  unixLabels.ml
../../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../../tools/ocamlmklib -o unix -oc unix -ocamlopt '../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib' -linkall \
         unix.cmx unixLabels.cmx -cclib ws2_32.lib -cclib advapi32.lib
OCAML_FLEXLINK="../../flexlink.opt.exe -I ../../stdlib/flexdll" ../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -shared -o unix.cmxs -I . unix.cmxa
make[5]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/win32unix'
make[5]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/bigarray'
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -g -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats   bigarray.ml
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -o bigarray.cmxa -a -linkall bigarray.cmx 
OCAML_FLEXLINK="../../flexlink.opt.exe -I ../../stdlib/flexdll" ../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -shared -o bigarray.cmxs -I . bigarray.cmxa
make[5]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/bigarray'
make[5]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/str'
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -g -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats   str.ml
../../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../../tools/ocamlmklib -o str -oc camlstr -ocamlopt '../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib' -linkall \
OCAML_FLEXLINK="../../flexlink.opt.exe -I ../../stdlib/flexdll" ../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -shared -o str.cmxs -I . str.cmxa
make[5]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/str'
make[5]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/systhreads'
cl -c -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD  -d2VolatileMetadata-   -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I ../../flexdll -DCAML_NAME_SPACE -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DWINDOWS_UNICODE=1 -I../../runtime -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_win64 -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_amd64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_win64  \
  -Fost_stubs.n.obj st_stubs.c
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/win32unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string  thread.ml
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/win32unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string  mutex.ml
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/win32unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string  threadUnix.ml
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/win32unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string  condition.ml
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/win32unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string  event.ml
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/win32unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string  semaphore.ml
../../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/win32unix -linkall -a -cclib -lthreadsnat  -o threads.cmxa thread.cmx mutex.cmx condition.cmx event.cmx threadUnix.cmx semaphore.cmx
OCAML_FLEXLINK="../../flexlink.opt.exe -I ../../stdlib/flexdll" ../../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../../tools/ocamlmklib.exe -o threadsnat st_stubs.n.obj
make[5]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/systhreads'
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs'
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make ocamllex.opt ocamltoolsopt ocamltoolsopt.opt ocamldoc.opt \
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make -C lex allopt
make -C tools opt
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/lex'
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/tools'
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -a -o compilerlibs/ocamlmiddleend.cmxa middle_end/internal_variable_names.cmx middle_end/linkage_name.cmx middle_end/compilation_unit.cmx middle_end/variable.cmx middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_element.cmx middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_id.cmx middle_end/symbol.cmx middle_end/backend_var.cmx middle_end/clambda_primitives.cmx middle_end/printclambda_primitives.cmx middle_end/clambda.cmx middle_end/printclambda.cmx middle_end/semantics_of_primitives.cmx middle_end/convert_primitives.cmx middle_end/flambda/base_types/id_types.cmx middle_end/flambda/base_types/export_id.cmx middle_end/flambda/base_types/tag.cmx middle_end/flambda/base_types/mutable_variable.cmx middle_end/flambda/base_types/set_of_closures_id.cmx middle_end/flambda/base_types/set_of_closures_origin.cmx middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_origin.cmx middle_end/flambda/base_types/var_within_closure.cmx middle_end/flambda/base_types/static_exception.cmx middle_end/flambda/pass_wrapper.cmx middle_end/flambda/allocated_const.cmx middle_end/flambda/parameter.cmx middle_end/flambda/projection.cmx middle_end/flambda/flambda.cmx middle_end/flambda/flambda_iterators.cmx middle_end/flambda/flambda_utils.cmx middle_end/flambda/freshening.cmx middle_end/flambda/effect_analysis.cmx middle_end/flambda/inlining_cost.cmx middle_end/flambda/simple_value_approx.cmx middle_end/flambda/export_info.cmx middle_end/flambda/export_info_for_pack.cmx middle_end/compilenv.cmx middle_end/closure/closure.cmx middle_end/closure/closure_middle_end.cmx middle_end/flambda/import_approx.cmx middle_end/flambda/lift_code.cmx middle_end/flambda/closure_conversion_aux.cmx middle_end/flambda/closure_conversion.cmx middle_end/flambda/initialize_symbol_to_let_symbol.cmx middle_end/flambda/lift_let_to_initialize_symbol.cmx middle_end/flambda/find_recursive_functions.cmx middle_end/flambda/invariant_params.cmx middle_end/flambda/inconstant_idents.cmx middle_end/flambda/alias_analysis.cmx middle_end/flambda/lift_constants.cmx middle_end/flambda/share_constants.cmx middle_end/flambda/simplify_common.cmx middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_arguments.cmx middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_closure_vars.cmx middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_program_constructs.cmx middle_end/flambda/simplify_boxed_integer_ops.cmx middle_end/flambda/simplify_primitives.cmx middle_end/flambda/inlining_stats_types.cmx middle_end/flambda/inlining_stats.cmx middle_end/flambda/inline_and_simplify_aux.cmx middle_end/flambda/remove_free_vars_equal_to_args.cmx middle_end/flambda/extract_projections.cmx middle_end/flambda/augment_specialised_args.cmx middle_end/flambda/unbox_free_vars_of_closures.cmx middle_end/flambda/unbox_specialised_args.cmx middle_end/flambda/unbox_closures.cmx middle_end/flambda/inlining_transforms.cmx middle_end/flambda/inlining_decision.cmx middle_end/flambda/inline_and_simplify.cmx middle_end/flambda/ref_to_variables.cmx middle_end/flambda/flambda_invariants.cmx middle_end/flambda/traverse_for_exported_symbols.cmx middle_end/flambda/build_export_info.cmx middle_end/flambda/closure_offsets.cmx middle_end/flambda/un_anf.cmx middle_end/flambda/flambda_to_clambda.cmx middle_end/flambda/flambda_middle_end.cmx
make -C yacc FLEXLINK_CMD="../boot/ocamlruns.exe ../boot/flexlink.byte.exe" all
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot cset.ml
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/native/tophooks.mli
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -c - profiling.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot table.ml
cp toplevel/topeval.cmi toplevel/topeval.mli toplevel/native
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/yacc'
cp toplevel/trace.cmi toplevel/trace.mli toplevel/native
cp toplevel/topmain.cmi toplevel/topmain.mli toplevel/native
make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/yacc'
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot syntax.ml
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/tools'
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c toplevel/genprintval.ml -I toplevel
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c toplevel/native/trace.ml -I toplevel/native
make -C lex all
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/lex'
make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/lex'
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot parser.ml
make -C ocamldoc opt.opt
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot lexgen.ml
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/ocamldoc'
./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c toplevel/topcommon.ml -I toplevel
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot lexer.ml
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./boot/ocamlrun.exe ./ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I stdlib -I otherlibs/dynlink -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel  -c toplevel/native/tophooks.ml -I toplevel/native
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot compact.ml
../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../driver -I ../bytecomp -I ../toplevel -I ../stdlib -I ../compilerlibs -I ../otherlibs/str -I ../otherlibs/dynlink -I ../otherlibs/dynlink/native -I ../otherlibs/win32unix -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot -principal -c odoc_print.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot common.ml
../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../driver -I ../bytecomp -I ../toplevel -I ../stdlib -I ../compilerlibs -I ../otherlibs/str -I ../otherlibs/dynlink -I ../otherlibs/dynlink/native -I ../otherlibs/win32unix -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot -principal -c odoc_comments_global.ml
../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../driver -I ../bytecomp -I ../toplevel -I ../stdlib -I ../compilerlibs -I ../otherlibs/str -I ../otherlibs/dynlink -I ../otherlibs/dynlink/native -I ../otherlibs/win32unix -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot -principal -c odoc_control.ml
../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../driver -I ../bytecomp -I ../toplevel -I ../stdlib -I ../compilerlibs -I ../otherlibs/str -I ../otherlibs/dynlink -I ../otherlibs/dynlink/native -I ../otherlibs/win32unix -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot -principal -c odoc_inherit.ml
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make -C tools opt.opt
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../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../driver -I ../bytecomp -I ../toplevel -I ../stdlib -I ../compilerlibs -I ../otherlibs/str -I ../otherlibs/dynlink -I ../otherlibs/dynlink/native -I ../otherlibs/win32unix -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot -principal -c odoc_man.ml
../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlc.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib \
  -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I ../otherlibs/str -I ../otherlibs/win32unix -linkall -o caml-tex.exe -no-alias-deps ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma ../compilerlibs/ocamltoplevel.cma ../otherlibs/str/str.cma ../otherlibs/win32unix/unix.cma caml_tex.ml
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OCAML_FLEXLINK="../flexlink.opt.exe -I ../stdlib/flexdll" ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o ocamldep.opt.exe ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cmxa ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cmxa ocamldep.cmx
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../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../driver -I ../bytecomp -I ../toplevel -I ../stdlib -I ../compilerlibs -I ../otherlibs/str -I ../otherlibs/dynlink -I ../otherlibs/dynlink/native -I ../otherlibs/win32unix -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot -principal -c odoc_latex.ml
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OCAML_FLEXLINK="../flexlink.opt.exe -I ../stdlib/flexdll" ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o ocamlmklib.opt.exe ../utils/config.cmx ../utils/build_path_prefix_map.cmx ../utils/misc.cmx ocamlmklib.cmx
OCAML_FLEXLINK="../flexlink.opt.exe -I ../stdlib/flexdll" ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o ocamlmktop.opt.exe ../utils/config.cmx ../utils/build_path_prefix_map.cmx ../utils/misc.cmx ../utils/identifiable.cmx ../utils/numbers.cmx ../utils/arg_helper.cmx ../utils/clflags.cmx ../utils/local_store.cmx ../utils/load_path.cmx ../utils/profile.cmx ../utils/ccomp.cmx ocamlmktop.cmx
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OCAML_FLEXLINK="../flexlink.opt.exe -I ../stdlib/flexdll" ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o ocamlobjinfo.opt.exe ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cmxa ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cmxa ../compilerlibs/ocamlmiddleend.cmxa objinfo.cmx
../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../driver -I ../bytecomp -I ../toplevel -I ../stdlib -I ../compilerlibs -I ../otherlibs/str -I ../otherlibs/dynlink -I ../otherlibs/dynlink/native -I ../otherlibs/win32unix -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot -principal -c odoc_gen.ml
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OCAML_FLEXLINK="../flexlink.opt.exe -I ../stdlib/flexdll" ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o stripdebug.opt.exe ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cmxa ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cmxa stripdebug.cmx
OCAML_FLEXLINK="../flexlink.opt.exe -I ../stdlib/flexdll" ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o cmpbyt.opt.exe ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cmxa ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cmxa cmpbyt.cmx
OCAML_FLEXLINK="../flexlink.opt.exe -I ../stdlib/flexdll" ../boot/ocamlrun.exe ../ocamlopt.exe -g -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o dumpobj.opt.exe ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cmxa ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cmxa opnames.cmx dumpobj.cmx
../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../driver -I ../bytecomp -I ../toplevel -I ../stdlib -I ../compilerlibs -I ../otherlibs/str -I ../otherlibs/dynlink -I ../otherlibs/dynlink/native -I ../otherlibs/win32unix -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot -principal -c odoc_args.ml
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OCAML_FLEXLINK="../flexlink.opt.exe -I ../stdlib/flexdll" ../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -shared -o generators/odoc_todo.cmxs -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../driver -I ../bytecomp -I ../toplevel -I ../stdlib -I ../compilerlibs -I ../otherlibs/str -I ../otherlibs/dynlink -I ../otherlibs/dynlink/native -I ../otherlibs/win32unix -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot -principal generators/odoc_todo.ml
OCAML_FLEXLINK="../flexlink.opt.exe -I ../stdlib/flexdll" ../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -shared -o generators/odoc_literate.cmxs -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../driver -I ../bytecomp -I ../toplevel -I ../stdlib -I ../compilerlibs -I ../otherlibs/str -I ../otherlibs/dynlink -I ../otherlibs/dynlink/native -I ../otherlibs/win32unix -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot -principal generators/odoc_literate.ml
OCAML_FLEXLINK="../flexlink.opt.exe -I ../stdlib/flexdll" ../ocamlopt.opt.exe -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -o ../ocamldoc/ocamldoc.opt.exe -linkall -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../driver -I ../bytecomp -I ../toplevel -I ../stdlib -I ../compilerlibs -I ../otherlibs/str -I ../otherlibs/dynlink -I ../otherlibs/dynlink/native -I ../otherlibs/win32unix -nostdlib ocamlcommon.cmxa unix.cmxa str.cmxa dynlink.cmxa odoc_config.cmx odoc_messages.cmx odoc_global.cmx odoc_types.cmx odoc_misc.cmx odoc_text_parser.cmx odoc_text_lexer.cmx odoc_text.cmx odoc_name.cmx odoc_parameter.cmx odoc_value.cmx odoc_type.cmx odoc_extension.cmx odoc_exception.cmx odoc_class.cmx odoc_module.cmx odoc_print.cmx odoc_str.cmx odoc_comments_global.cmx odoc_parser.cmx odoc_lexer.cmx odoc_see_lexer.cmx odoc_env.cmx odoc_merge.cmx odoc_sig.cmx odoc_ast.cmx odoc_control.cmx odoc_inherit.cmx odoc_search.cmx odoc_scan.cmx odoc_cross.cmx odoc_comments.cmx odoc_dep.cmx odoc_analyse.cmx odoc_info.cmx odoc_dag2html.cmx odoc_to_text.cmx odoc_ocamlhtml.cmx odoc_html.cmx odoc_man.cmx odoc_latex_style.cmx odoc_latex.cmx odoc_texi.cmx odoc_dot.cmx odoc_gen.cmx odoc_args.cmx odoc.cmx
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/tools'
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/ocamldoc'
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"
mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml"
mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/stublibs"
mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs"
mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/share/doc/ocaml"
make -C runtime install
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/runtime'
/usr/bin/install -c -p ocamlrun.exe ocamlrund.exe ocamlruni.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 ld.conf libcamlrun.lib libcamlrund.lib libcamlruni.lib "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml"
mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/caml"
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 caml/domain_state.tbl caml/*.h "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/caml"
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/runtime'
/usr/bin/install -c -p ocaml.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"
/usr/bin/install -c -p ocamlc.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin/ocamlc.byte.exe"
make -C stdlib install
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/stdlib'
stale=""; \
  if test -n "$stale" ; then \
    echo "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml contains stale stdlib artefacts"; \
    echo "Please rm C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/stdlib__*.cm* and re-run make install"; \
    exit 1; \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  stdlib.cma std_exit.cmo *.cmi camlheader_ur \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  *.cmt *.cmti *.mli *.ml \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 target_camlheader "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/camlheader"
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 target_camlheaderd "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/camlheaderd"
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 target_camlheaderi "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/camlheaderi"
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/stdlib'
/usr/bin/install -c -p lex/ocamllex.exe \
/usr/bin/install -c -p yacc/ocamlyacc.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
   utils/*.cmi \
   parsing/*.cmi \
   typing/*.cmi \
   bytecomp/*.cmi \
   file_formats/*.cmi \
   lambda/*.cmi \
   driver/*.cmi \
   toplevel/*.cmi \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
   toplevel/byte/*.cmi \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
   utils/*.cmt utils/*.cmti utils/*.mli \
   parsing/*.cmt parsing/*.cmti parsing/*.mli \
   typing/*.cmt typing/*.cmti typing/*.mli \
   file_formats/*.cmt file_formats/*.cmti file_formats/*.mli \
   lambda/*.cmt lambda/*.cmti lambda/*.mli \
   bytecomp/*.cmt bytecomp/*.cmti bytecomp/*.mli \
   driver/*.cmt driver/*.cmti driver/*.mli \
   toplevel/*.cmt toplevel/*.cmti toplevel/*.mli \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
   toplevel/byte/*.cmt \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  compilerlibs/*.cma \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
   driver/main.cmo toplevel/topstart.cmo \
/usr/bin/install -c -p expunge.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml"
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
   toplevel/topdirs.cmi \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
   toplevel/topdirs.cmt \
   toplevel/topdirs.cmti toplevel/topdirs.mli \
make -C tools install
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/tools'
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  profiling.cmi profiling.cmo \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  profiling.cmt profiling.cmti \
for i in ocamldep ocamlprof ocamlcp ocamloptp ocamlmklib ocamlmktop ocamlobjinfo; \
do \
  /usr/bin/install -c -p "$i.exe" "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin/$i.byte.exe"; \
  if test -f "$i".opt.exe; then \
    /usr/bin/install -c -p "$i.opt.exe" "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin" && \
    (cd "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin" && cp -pf "$i.opt.exe" "$i.exe"); \
  else \
    (cd "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin" && cp -pf "$i.byte.exe" "$i.exe"); \
  fi; \
if test -f ocamlcmt.opt.exe; then \
  /usr/bin/install -c -p\
    ocamlcmt.opt.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin/ocamlcmt.exe"; \
else \
  /usr/bin/install -c -p ocamlcmt.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"; \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  eventlog_metadata \
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/tools'
for i in dynlink win32unix bigarray str systhreads; do \
  make -C otherlibs/$i install || exit $?; \
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/dynlink'
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  dynlink.cmi dynlink.cma \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  dynlink.cmti dynlink.mli \
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/dynlink'
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/win32unix'
if test -f dllunix.dll; then \
  /usr/bin/install -c -p \
    dllunix.dll "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/stublibs"; \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 libunix.lib "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/"
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  unix.cma unix.cmi unixLabels.cmi \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  unix.mli unixLabels.mli \
          unix.cmti unixLabels.cmti \
if test -n "unixsupport.h ../unix/socketaddr.h"; then \
  /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 unixsupport.h ../unix/socketaddr.h "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/caml/"; \
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/win32unix'
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/bigarray'
if test -f dllbigarray.dll; then \
  /usr/bin/install -c -p \
    dllbigarray.dll "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/stublibs"; \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  bigarray.cma bigarray.cmi \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  bigarray.mli \
          bigarray.cmti \
if test -n ""; then \
  /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644  "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/caml/"; \
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/bigarray'
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/str'
if test -f dllcamlstr.dll; then \
  /usr/bin/install -c -p \
    dllcamlstr.dll "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/stublibs"; \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 libcamlstr.lib "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/"
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  str.cma str.cmi \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  str.mli \
          str.cmti \
if test -n ""; then \
  /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644  "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/caml/"; \
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/str'
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/systhreads'
if test -f dllthreads.dll; then \
  /usr/bin/install -c -p dllthreads.dll "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/stublibs"; \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 libthreads.lib "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml"
mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/threads"
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  thread.cmi mutex.cmi condition.cmi event.cmi threadUnix.cmi semaphore.cmi threads.cma \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  thread.cmti mutex.cmti condition.cmti event.cmti threadUnix.cmti semaphore.cmti \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 thread.mli mutex.mli condition.mli event.mli threadUnix.mli semaphore.mli "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/threads"
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 threads.h "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/caml"
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/systhreads'
make -C ocamldoc install
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/ocamldoc'
mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"
mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/ocamldoc"
/usr/bin/install -c -p ../ocamldoc/ocamldoc.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  ocamldoc.hva *.cmi odoc_info.cma \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  odoc_info.cmi \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  odoc_info.mli odoc_info.cmt odoc_info.cmti \
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/ocamldoc'
if test -n "ocamldebugger"; then \
  make -C debugger install; \
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/debugger'
/usr/bin/install -c -p ocamldebug.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/debugger'
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 flexdll/default_amd64.manifest \
/usr/bin/install -c -p \
  boot/flexlink.byte.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin/flexlink.byte.exe"
mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/flexdll"
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 stdlib/flexdll/flexdll_msvc64.obj stdlib/flexdll/flexdll_initer_msvc64.obj \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 Makefile.config "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml"
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 Changes README.adoc README.win32.adoc LICENSE "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/share/doc/ocaml"
if test -f ocamlopt.exe; then make installopt; else \
   cd "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"; \
   cp ocamlc.byte.exe ocamlc.exe; \
   cp ocamllex.byte.exe ocamllex.exe; \
   (test -f flexlink.byte.exe && \
      cp flexlink.byte.exe flexlink.exe) || true; \
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make -C runtime installopt
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/runtime'
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 libasmrun.lib libasmrund.lib libasmruni.lib "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml"
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/runtime'
/usr/bin/install -c -p ocamlopt.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin/ocamlopt.byte.exe"
make -C stdlib installopt
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/stdlib'
stale=""; \
  if test -n "$stale" ; then \
    echo "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml contains stale stdlib artefacts"; \
    echo "Please rm C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/stdlib__*.cmx and re-run make install"; \
    exit 1; \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  stdlib.cmxa stdlib.lib std_exit.obj *.cmx \
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/stdlib'
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
    middle_end/*.cmi \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
    middle_end/closure/*.cmi \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
    middle_end/flambda/*.cmi \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
    middle_end/flambda/base_types/*.cmi \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
    asmcomp/*.cmi \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
    middle_end/*.cmt middle_end/*.cmti \
    middle_end/*.mli \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
    middle_end/closure/*.cmt middle_end/closure/*.cmti \
    middle_end/closure/*.mli \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
    middle_end/flambda/*.cmt middle_end/flambda/*.cmti \
    middle_end/flambda/*.mli \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
    middle_end/flambda/base_types/*.cmt \
            middle_end/flambda/base_types/*.cmti \
    middle_end/flambda/base_types/*.mli \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
    asmcomp/*.cmt asmcomp/*.cmti \
    asmcomp/*.mli \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
    driver/optmain.cmo \
make -C ocamldoc installopt
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/ocamldoc'
if test -f ../ocamldoc/ocamldoc.opt.exe; then make installopt_really ; fi
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/ocamldoc'
mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"
mkdir -p "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/ocamldoc"
/usr/bin/install -c -p ../ocamldoc/ocamldoc.opt.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  odoc_info.cmi \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  odoc_info.mli odoc_info.cmt odoc_info.cmti \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  ocamldoc.hva *.cmx odoc_info.lib odoc_info.cmxa \
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/ocamldoc'
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/ocamldoc'
for i in dynlink win32unix bigarray str systhreads; do \
  make -C otherlibs/$i installopt || exit $?; \
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/dynlink'
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  native/dynlink_compilerlibs.cmx dynlink_types.cmx dynlink_platform_intf.cmx dynlink_common.cmx native/dynlink.cmx dynlink.cmxa dynlink.lib \
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/dynlink'
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/win32unix'
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
   unix.cmx unixLabels.cmx unix.cmxa unix.lib \
if test -f unix.cmxs; then \
  /usr/bin/install -c -p unix.cmxs "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml"; \
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/win32unix'
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/bigarray'
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
   bigarray.cmx bigarray.cmxa bigarray.lib \
if test -f bigarray.cmxs; then \
  /usr/bin/install -c -p bigarray.cmxs "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml"; \
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/bigarray'
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/str'
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
   str.cmx str.cmxa str.lib \
if test -f str.cmxs; then \
  /usr/bin/install -c -p str.cmxs "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml"; \
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/str'
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/systhreads'
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 libthreadsnat.lib "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml"
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
  thread.cmx mutex.cmx condition.cmx event.cmx threadUnix.cmx semaphore.cmx threads.cmxa threads.lib \
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/otherlibs/systhreads'
if test -f ocamlopt.opt.exe; then make installoptopt; else \
   cd "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"; \
   cp ocamlc.byte.exe ocamlc.exe; \
   cp ocamlopt.byte.exe ocamlopt.exe; \
   cp ocamllex.byte.exe ocamllex.exe; \
   (test -f flexlink.byte.exe && \
     cp flexlink.byte.exe flexlink.exe) || true; \
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
/usr/bin/install -c -p ocamlc.opt.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"
/usr/bin/install -c -p ocamlopt.opt.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"
/usr/bin/install -c -p lex/ocamllex.opt.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"
cd "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"; \
   cp ocamlc.opt.exe ocamlc.exe; \
   cp ocamlopt.opt.exe ocamlopt.exe; \
   cp ocamllex.opt.exe ocamllex.exe
/usr/bin/install -c -p flexlink.opt.exe "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"
cd "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"; \
  cp flexlink.opt.exe flexlink.exe
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
   utils/*.cmx parsing/*.cmx typing/*.cmx bytecomp/*.cmx \
   toplevel/*.cmx toplevel/native/*.cmx \
   toplevel/native/tophooks.cmi \
   file_formats/*.cmx \
   lambda/*.cmx \
   driver/*.cmx asmcomp/*.cmx middle_end/*.cmx \
           middle_end/closure/*.cmx \
           middle_end/flambda/*.cmx \
           middle_end/flambda/base_types/*.cmx \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
   compilerlibs/*.cmxa compilerlibs/*.lib \
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
   driver/main.cmx driver/main.obj \
   driver/optmain.cmx driver/optmain.obj \
   toplevel/topstart.obj \
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make -C tools installopt
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/tools'
/usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
          profiling.cmx profiling.obj \
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1/tools'
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml-4.14.1'
make -j -C src_ext lib-pkg
make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext'
[ -e cppo.tar.gz ] || \
    cp archives/v1.6.9.tar.gz cppo.tar.gz 2>/dev/null || { echo ' * Downloading cppo...' && { { curl -LSfs -o cppo.tar.gz https://github.com/ocaml-community/cppo/archive/v1.6.9.tar.gz && { sum=`md5sum cppo.tar.gz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 cppo.tar.gz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "d23ffe85ac7dc8f0afd1ddf622770d09" && echo 'cppo.tar.gz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f cppo.tar.gz; echo 'MD5 for cppo.tar.gz differs:'; echo '  expected: d23ffe85ac7dc8f0afd1ddf622770d09'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; }; } || { echo 'Failed to download https://github.com/ocaml-community/cppo/archive/v1.6.9.tar.gz'; false; }; } || { { curl -LSfs -o cppo.tar.gz https://opam.ocaml.org/cache/md5/d2/d23ffe85ac7dc8f0afd1ddf622770d09 && { sum=`md5sum cppo.tar.gz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 cppo.tar.gz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "d23ffe85ac7dc8f0afd1ddf622770d09" && echo 'cppo.tar.gz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f cppo.tar.gz; echo 'MD5 for cppo.tar.gz differs:'; echo '  expected: d23ffe85ac7dc8f0afd1ddf622770d09'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; } && echo 'Warning: downloaded https://github.com/ocaml-community/cppo/archive/v1.6.9.tar.gz from opam cache'; } || { echo 'Failed to download cppo from opam cache'; false; }; }; }
[ -e base64.tbz ] || \
    cp archives/base64-3.5.1.tbz base64.tbz 2>/dev/null || { echo ' * Downloading base64...' && { { curl -LSfs -o base64.tbz https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-base64/releases/download/v3.5.1/base64-3.5.1.tbz && { sum=`md5sum base64.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 base64.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "bfdd16aa8c136412878109df8791fc01" && echo 'base64.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f base64.tbz; echo 'MD5 for base64.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: bfdd16aa8c136412878109df8791fc01'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; }; } || { echo 'Failed to download https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-base64/releases/download/v3.5.1/base64-3.5.1.tbz'; false; }; } || { { curl -LSfs -o base64.tbz https://opam.ocaml.org/cache/md5/bf/bfdd16aa8c136412878109df8791fc01 && { sum=`md5sum base64.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 base64.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "bfdd16aa8c136412878109df8791fc01" && echo 'base64.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f base64.tbz; echo 'MD5 for base64.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: bfdd16aa8c136412878109df8791fc01'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; } && echo 'Warning: downloaded https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-base64/releases/download/v3.5.1/base64-3.5.1.tbz from opam cache'; } || { echo 'Failed to download base64 from opam cache'; false; }; }; }
 * Downloading cppo...
 * Downloading base64...
[ -e extlib.tar.gz ] || \
    cp archives/extlib-1.7.9.tar.gz extlib.tar.gz 2>/dev/null || { echo ' * Downloading extlib...' && { { curl -LSfs -o extlib.tar.gz https://github.com/ygrek/ocaml-extlib/releases/download/1.7.9/extlib-1.7.9.tar.gz && { sum=`md5sum extlib.tar.gz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 extlib.tar.gz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "f7ca7f1c82e15a99603b88f730fd7b8a" && echo 'extlib.tar.gz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f extlib.tar.gz; echo 'MD5 for extlib.tar.gz differs:'; echo '  expected: f7ca7f1c82e15a99603b88f730fd7b8a'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; }; } || { echo 'Failed to download https://github.com/ygrek/ocaml-extlib/releases/download/1.7.9/extlib-1.7.9.tar.gz'; false; }; } || { { curl -LSfs -o extlib.tar.gz https://opam.ocaml.org/cache/md5/f7/f7ca7f1c82e15a99603b88f730fd7b8a && { sum=`md5sum extlib.tar.gz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 extlib.tar.gz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "f7ca7f1c82e15a99603b88f730fd7b8a" && echo 'extlib.tar.gz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f extlib.tar.gz; echo 'MD5 for extlib.tar.gz differs:'; echo '  expected: f7ca7f1c82e15a99603b88f730fd7b8a'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; } && echo 'Warning: downloaded https://github.com/ygrek/ocaml-extlib/releases/download/1.7.9/extlib-1.7.9.tar.gz from opam cache'; } || { echo 'Failed to download extlib from opam cache'; false; }; }; }
 * Downloading extlib...
[ -e re.tbz ] || \
    cp archives/re-1.11.0.tbz re.tbz 2>/dev/null || { echo ' * Downloading re...' && { { curl -LSfs -o re.tbz https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-re/releases/download/1.11.0/re-1.11.0.tbz && { sum=`md5sum re.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 re.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "e0199e32947fd33fcc1b8e69de2308a1" && echo 're.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f re.tbz; echo 'MD5 for re.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: e0199e32947fd33fcc1b8e69de2308a1'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; }; } || { echo 'Failed to download https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-re/releases/download/1.11.0/re-1.11.0.tbz'; false; }; } || { { curl -LSfs -o re.tbz https://opam.ocaml.org/cache/md5/e0/e0199e32947fd33fcc1b8e69de2308a1 && { sum=`md5sum re.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 re.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "e0199e32947fd33fcc1b8e69de2308a1" && echo 're.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f re.tbz; echo 'MD5 for re.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: e0199e32947fd33fcc1b8e69de2308a1'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; } && echo 'Warning: downloaded https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-re/releases/download/1.11.0/re-1.11.0.tbz from opam cache'; } || { echo 'Failed to download re from opam cache'; false; }; }; }
 * Downloading re...
[ -e cmdliner.tbz ] || \
    cp archives/cmdliner-1.2.0.tbz cmdliner.tbz 2>/dev/null || { echo ' * Downloading cmdliner...' && { { curl -LSfs -o cmdliner.tbz https://erratique.ch/software/cmdliner/releases/cmdliner-1.2.0.tbz && { sum=`md5sum cmdliner.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 cmdliner.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "b860881cc90c68b703dca0f35bdd4cdb" && echo 'cmdliner.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f cmdliner.tbz; echo 'MD5 for cmdliner.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: b860881cc90c68b703dca0f35bdd4cdb'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; }; } || { echo 'Failed to download https://erratique.ch/software/cmdliner/releases/cmdliner-1.2.0.tbz'; false; }; } || { { curl -LSfs -o cmdliner.tbz https://opam.ocaml.org/cache/md5/b8/b860881cc90c68b703dca0f35bdd4cdb && { sum=`md5sum cmdliner.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 cmdliner.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "b860881cc90c68b703dca0f35bdd4cdb" && echo 'cmdliner.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f cmdliner.tbz; echo 'MD5 for cmdliner.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: b860881cc90c68b703dca0f35bdd4cdb'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; } && echo 'Warning: downloaded https://erratique.ch/software/cmdliner/releases/cmdliner-1.2.0.tbz from opam cache'; } || { echo 'Failed to download cmdliner from opam cache'; false; }; }; }
 * Downloading cmdliner...
[ -e ocamlgraph.tbz ] || \
    cp archives/ocamlgraph-2.1.0.tbz ocamlgraph.tbz 2>/dev/null || { echo ' * Downloading ocamlgraph...' && { { curl -LSfs -o ocamlgraph.tbz https://github.com/backtracking/ocamlgraph/releases/download/2.1.0/ocamlgraph-2.1.0.tbz && { sum=`md5sum ocamlgraph.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 ocamlgraph.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "4200d8f223aa7a32b4024e4553821c7c" && echo 'ocamlgraph.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f ocamlgraph.tbz; echo 'MD5 for ocamlgraph.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: 4200d8f223aa7a32b4024e4553821c7c'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; }; } || { echo 'Failed to download https://github.com/backtracking/ocamlgraph/releases/download/2.1.0/ocamlgraph-2.1.0.tbz'; false; }; } || { { curl -LSfs -o ocamlgraph.tbz https://opam.ocaml.org/cache/md5/42/4200d8f223aa7a32b4024e4553821c7c && { sum=`md5sum ocamlgraph.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 ocamlgraph.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "4200d8f223aa7a32b4024e4553821c7c" && echo 'ocamlgraph.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f ocamlgraph.tbz; echo 'MD5 for ocamlgraph.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: 4200d8f223aa7a32b4024e4553821c7c'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; } && echo 'Warning: downloaded https://github.com/backtracking/ocamlgraph/releases/download/2.1.0/ocamlgraph-2.1.0.tbz from opam cache'; } || { echo 'Failed to download ocamlgraph from opam cache'; false; }; }; }
[ -e cudf.tar.gz ] || \
    cp archives/cudf-v0.10.tar.gz cudf.tar.gz 2>/dev/null || { echo ' * Downloading cudf...' && { { curl -LSfs -o cudf.tar.gz https://gitlab.com/irill/cudf/-/archive/v0.10/cudf-v0.10.tar.gz && { sum=`md5sum cudf.tar.gz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 cudf.tar.gz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "ed8fea314d0c6dc0d8811ccf860c53dd" && echo 'cudf.tar.gz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f cudf.tar.gz; echo 'MD5 for cudf.tar.gz differs:'; echo '  expected: ed8fea314d0c6dc0d8811ccf860c53dd'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; }; } || { echo 'Failed to download https://gitlab.com/irill/cudf/-/archive/v0.10/cudf-v0.10.tar.gz'; false; }; } || { { curl -LSfs -o cudf.tar.gz https://opam.ocaml.org/cache/md5/ed/ed8fea314d0c6dc0d8811ccf860c53dd && { sum=`md5sum cudf.tar.gz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 cudf.tar.gz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "ed8fea314d0c6dc0d8811ccf860c53dd" && echo 'cudf.tar.gz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f cudf.tar.gz; echo 'MD5 for cudf.tar.gz differs:'; echo '  expected: ed8fea314d0c6dc0d8811ccf860c53dd'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; } && echo 'Warning: downloaded https://gitlab.com/irill/cudf/-/archive/v0.10/cudf-v0.10.tar.gz from opam cache'; } || { echo 'Failed to download cudf from opam cache'; false; }; }; }
cppo.tar.gz has the expected MD5.
cmdliner.tbz has the expected MD5.
base64.tbz has the expected MD5.
 * Downloading ocamlgraph...
 * Downloading cudf...
[ -e dose3.tar.gz ] || \
    cp archives/dose3-7.0.0.tar.gz dose3.tar.gz 2>/dev/null || { echo ' * Downloading dose3...' && { { curl -LSfs -o dose3.tar.gz https://gitlab.com/irill/dose3/-/archive/7.0.0/dose3-7.0.0.tar.gz && { sum=`md5sum dose3.tar.gz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 dose3.tar.gz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "bc99cbcea8fca29dca3ebbee54be45e1" && echo 'dose3.tar.gz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f dose3.tar.gz; echo 'MD5 for dose3.tar.gz differs:'; echo '  expected: bc99cbcea8fca29dca3ebbee54be45e1'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; }; } || { echo 'Failed to download https://gitlab.com/irill/dose3/-/archive/7.0.0/dose3-7.0.0.tar.gz'; false; }; } || { { curl -LSfs -o dose3.tar.gz https://opam.ocaml.org/cache/md5/bc/bc99cbcea8fca29dca3ebbee54be45e1 && { sum=`md5sum dose3.tar.gz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 dose3.tar.gz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "bc99cbcea8fca29dca3ebbee54be45e1" && echo 'dose3.tar.gz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f dose3.tar.gz; echo 'MD5 for dose3.tar.gz differs:'; echo '  expected: bc99cbcea8fca29dca3ebbee54be45e1'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; } && echo 'Warning: downloaded https://gitlab.com/irill/dose3/-/archive/7.0.0/dose3-7.0.0.tar.gz from opam cache'; } || { echo 'Failed to download dose3 from opam cache'; false; }; }; }
extlib.tar.gz has the expected MD5.
re.tbz has the expected MD5.
 * Downloading dose3...
[ -e opam-file-format.tar.gz ] || \
    cp archives/2.1.6.tar.gz opam-file-format.tar.gz 2>/dev/null || { echo ' * Downloading opam-file-format...' && { { curl -LSfs -o opam-file-format.tar.gz https://github.com/ocaml/opam-file-format/archive/refs/tags/2.1.6.tar.gz && { sum=`md5sum opam-file-format.tar.gz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 opam-file-format.tar.gz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "706ce5fc3e77db746a4c8b11d79cefef" && echo 'opam-file-format.tar.gz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f opam-file-format.tar.gz; echo 'MD5 for opam-file-format.tar.gz differs:'; echo '  expected: 706ce5fc3e77db746a4c8b11d79cefef'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; }; } || { echo 'Failed to download https://github.com/ocaml/opam-file-format/archive/refs/tags/2.1.6.tar.gz'; false; }; } || { { curl -LSfs -o opam-file-format.tar.gz https://opam.ocaml.org/cache/md5/70/706ce5fc3e77db746a4c8b11d79cefef && { sum=`md5sum opam-file-format.tar.gz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 opam-file-format.tar.gz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "706ce5fc3e77db746a4c8b11d79cefef" && echo 'opam-file-format.tar.gz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f opam-file-format.tar.gz; echo 'MD5 for opam-file-format.tar.gz differs:'; echo '  expected: 706ce5fc3e77db746a4c8b11d79cefef'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; } && echo 'Warning: downloaded https://github.com/ocaml/opam-file-format/archive/refs/tags/2.1.6.tar.gz from opam cache'; } || { echo 'Failed to download opam-file-format from opam cache'; false; }; }; }
 * Downloading opam-file-format...
[ -e seq.tar.gz ] || \
    cp archives/v0.3.1.tar.gz seq.tar.gz 2>/dev/null || { echo ' * Downloading seq...' && { { curl -LSfs -o seq.tar.gz https://github.com/c-cube/seq/archive/v0.3.1.tar.gz && { sum=`md5sum seq.tar.gz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 seq.tar.gz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "de05d9dedd492fa4e3c0c87bc2792475" && echo 'seq.tar.gz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f seq.tar.gz; echo 'MD5 for seq.tar.gz differs:'; echo '  expected: de05d9dedd492fa4e3c0c87bc2792475'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; }; } || { echo 'Failed to download https://github.com/c-cube/seq/archive/v0.3.1.tar.gz'; false; }; } || { { curl -LSfs -o seq.tar.gz https://opam.ocaml.org/cache/md5/de/de05d9dedd492fa4e3c0c87bc2792475 && { sum=`md5sum seq.tar.gz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 seq.tar.gz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "de05d9dedd492fa4e3c0c87bc2792475" && echo 'seq.tar.gz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f seq.tar.gz; echo 'MD5 for seq.tar.gz differs:'; echo '  expected: de05d9dedd492fa4e3c0c87bc2792475'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; } && echo 'Warning: downloaded https://github.com/c-cube/seq/archive/v0.3.1.tar.gz from opam cache'; } || { echo 'Failed to download seq from opam cache'; false; }; }; }
 * Downloading seq...
[ -e stdlib-shims.tbz ] || \
    cp archives/stdlib-shims-0.3.0.tbz stdlib-shims.tbz 2>/dev/null || { echo ' * Downloading stdlib-shims...' && { { curl -LSfs -o stdlib-shims.tbz https://github.com/ocaml/stdlib-shims/releases/download/0.3.0/stdlib-shims-0.3.0.tbz && { sum=`md5sum stdlib-shims.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 stdlib-shims.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "09db7af8b4a3a96048a61cb6ae2496ef" && echo 'stdlib-shims.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f stdlib-shims.tbz; echo 'MD5 for stdlib-shims.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: 09db7af8b4a3a96048a61cb6ae2496ef'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; }; } || { echo 'Failed to download https://github.com/ocaml/stdlib-shims/releases/download/0.3.0/stdlib-shims-0.3.0.tbz'; false; }; } || { { curl -LSfs -o stdlib-shims.tbz https://opam.ocaml.org/cache/md5/09/09db7af8b4a3a96048a61cb6ae2496ef && { sum=`md5sum stdlib-shims.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 stdlib-shims.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "09db7af8b4a3a96048a61cb6ae2496ef" && echo 'stdlib-shims.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f stdlib-shims.tbz; echo 'MD5 for stdlib-shims.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: 09db7af8b4a3a96048a61cb6ae2496ef'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; } && echo 'Warning: downloaded https://github.com/ocaml/stdlib-shims/releases/download/0.3.0/stdlib-shims-0.3.0.tbz from opam cache'; } || { echo 'Failed to download stdlib-shims from opam cache'; false; }; }; }
 * Downloading stdlib-shims...
cudf.tar.gz has the expected MD5.
ocamlgraph.tbz has the expected MD5.
[ -e spdx_licenses.tar.gz ] || \
    cp archives/spdx_licenses-1.2.0.tar.gz spdx_licenses.tar.gz 2>/dev/null || { echo ' * Downloading spdx_licenses...' && { { curl -LSfs -o spdx_licenses.tar.gz https://github.com/kit-ty-kate/spdx_licenses/releases/download/v1.2.0/spdx_licenses-1.2.0.tar.gz && { sum=`md5sum spdx_licenses.tar.gz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 spdx_licenses.tar.gz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "b581124aeebd7facb856d8b942cb58a5" && echo 'spdx_licenses.tar.gz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f spdx_licenses.tar.gz; echo 'MD5 for spdx_licenses.tar.gz differs:'; echo '  expected: b581124aeebd7facb856d8b942cb58a5'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; }; } || { echo 'Failed to download https://github.com/kit-ty-kate/spdx_licenses/releases/download/v1.2.0/spdx_licenses-1.2.0.tar.gz'; false; }; } || { { curl -LSfs -o spdx_licenses.tar.gz https://opam.ocaml.org/cache/md5/b5/b581124aeebd7facb856d8b942cb58a5 && { sum=`md5sum spdx_licenses.tar.gz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 spdx_licenses.tar.gz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "b581124aeebd7facb856d8b942cb58a5" && echo 'spdx_licenses.tar.gz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f spdx_licenses.tar.gz; echo 'MD5 for spdx_licenses.tar.gz differs:'; echo '  expected: b581124aeebd7facb856d8b942cb58a5'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; } && echo 'Warning: downloaded https://github.com/kit-ty-kate/spdx_licenses/releases/download/v1.2.0/spdx_licenses-1.2.0.tar.gz from opam cache'; } || { echo 'Failed to download spdx_licenses from opam cache'; false; }; }; }
[ -e opam-0install-cudf.tbz ] || \
    cp archives/opam-0install-cudf-0.4.3.tbz opam-0install-cudf.tbz 2>/dev/null || { echo ' * Downloading opam-0install-cudf...' && { { curl -LSfs -o opam-0install-cudf.tbz https://github.com/ocaml-opam/opam-0install-solver/releases/download/v0.4.3/opam-0install-cudf-0.4.3.tbz && { sum=`md5sum opam-0install-cudf.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 opam-0install-cudf.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "ae0c197deace373ad87737468a04f76b" && echo 'opam-0install-cudf.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f opam-0install-cudf.tbz; echo 'MD5 for opam-0install-cudf.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: ae0c197deace373ad87737468a04f76b'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; }; } || { echo 'Failed to download https://github.com/ocaml-opam/opam-0install-solver/releases/download/v0.4.3/opam-0install-cudf-0.4.3.tbz'; false; }; } || { { curl -LSfs -o opam-0install-cudf.tbz https://opam.ocaml.org/cache/md5/ae/ae0c197deace373ad87737468a04f76b && { sum=`md5sum opam-0install-cudf.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 opam-0install-cudf.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "ae0c197deace373ad87737468a04f76b" && echo 'opam-0install-cudf.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f opam-0install-cudf.tbz; echo 'MD5 for opam-0install-cudf.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: ae0c197deace373ad87737468a04f76b'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; } && echo 'Warning: downloaded https://github.com/ocaml-opam/opam-0install-solver/releases/download/v0.4.3/opam-0install-cudf-0.4.3.tbz from opam cache'; } || { echo 'Failed to download opam-0install-cudf from opam cache'; false; }; }; }
opam-file-format.tar.gz has the expected MD5.
 * Downloading spdx_licenses...
dose3.tar.gz has the expected MD5.
 * Downloading opam-0install-cudf...
seq.tar.gz has the expected MD5.
[ -e 0install-solver.tbz ] || \
    cp archives/0install-2.18.tbz 0install-solver.tbz 2>/dev/null || { echo ' * Downloading 0install-solver...' && { { curl -LSfs -o 0install-solver.tbz https://github.com/0install/0install/releases/download/v2.18/0install-2.18.tbz && { sum=`md5sum 0install-solver.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 0install-solver.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "030edc9b1d3676c06d51397ffb5a737d" && echo '0install-solver.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f 0install-solver.tbz; echo 'MD5 for 0install-solver.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: 030edc9b1d3676c06d51397ffb5a737d'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; }; } || { echo 'Failed to download https://github.com/0install/0install/releases/download/v2.18/0install-2.18.tbz'; false; }; } || { { curl -LSfs -o 0install-solver.tbz https://opam.ocaml.org/cache/md5/03/030edc9b1d3676c06d51397ffb5a737d && { sum=`md5sum 0install-solver.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 0install-solver.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "030edc9b1d3676c06d51397ffb5a737d" && echo '0install-solver.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f 0install-solver.tbz; echo 'MD5 for 0install-solver.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: 030edc9b1d3676c06d51397ffb5a737d'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; } && echo 'Warning: downloaded https://github.com/0install/0install/releases/download/v2.18/0install-2.18.tbz from opam cache'; } || { echo 'Failed to download 0install-solver from opam cache'; false; }; }; }
 * Downloading 0install-solver...
[ -e uutf.tbz ] || \
    cp archives/uutf-1.0.3.tbz uutf.tbz 2>/dev/null || { echo ' * Downloading uutf...' && { { curl -LSfs -o uutf.tbz https://erratique.ch/software/uutf/releases/uutf-1.0.3.tbz && { sum=`md5sum uutf.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 uutf.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "a308285514259d20b48abc92f00a3708" && echo 'uutf.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f uutf.tbz; echo 'MD5 for uutf.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: a308285514259d20b48abc92f00a3708'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; }; } || { echo 'Failed to download https://erratique.ch/software/uutf/releases/uutf-1.0.3.tbz'; false; }; } || { { curl -LSfs -o uutf.tbz https://opam.ocaml.org/cache/md5/a3/a308285514259d20b48abc92f00a3708 && { sum=`md5sum uutf.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 uutf.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "a308285514259d20b48abc92f00a3708" && echo 'uutf.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f uutf.tbz; echo 'MD5 for uutf.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: a308285514259d20b48abc92f00a3708'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; } && echo 'Warning: downloaded https://erratique.ch/software/uutf/releases/uutf-1.0.3.tbz from opam cache'; } || { echo 'Failed to download uutf from opam cache'; false; }; }; }
stdlib-shims.tbz has the expected MD5.
 * Downloading uutf...
[ -e jsonm.tbz ] || \
    cp archives/jsonm-1.0.2.tbz jsonm.tbz 2>/dev/null || { echo ' * Downloading jsonm...' && { { curl -LSfs -o jsonm.tbz https://erratique.ch/software/jsonm/releases/jsonm-1.0.2.tbz && { sum=`md5sum jsonm.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 jsonm.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "bb21574ddd58543120430ff306b462e6" && echo 'jsonm.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f jsonm.tbz; echo 'MD5 for jsonm.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: bb21574ddd58543120430ff306b462e6'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; }; } || { echo 'Failed to download https://erratique.ch/software/jsonm/releases/jsonm-1.0.2.tbz'; false; }; } || { { curl -LSfs -o jsonm.tbz https://opam.ocaml.org/cache/md5/bb/bb21574ddd58543120430ff306b462e6 && { sum=`md5sum jsonm.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 jsonm.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "bb21574ddd58543120430ff306b462e6" && echo 'jsonm.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f jsonm.tbz; echo 'MD5 for jsonm.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: bb21574ddd58543120430ff306b462e6'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; } && echo 'Warning: downloaded https://erratique.ch/software/jsonm/releases/jsonm-1.0.2.tbz from opam cache'; } || { echo 'Failed to download jsonm from opam cache'; false; }; }; }
 * Downloading jsonm...
uutf.tbz has the expected MD5.
[ -e sha.tbz ] || \
    cp archives/sha-1.15.4.tbz sha.tbz 2>/dev/null || { echo ' * Downloading sha...' && { { curl -LSfs -o sha.tbz https://github.com/djs55/ocaml-sha/releases/download/v1.15.4/sha-1.15.4.tbz && { sum=`md5sum sha.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 sha.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "08bc953d9a26380bc220b05d680791fb" && echo 'sha.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f sha.tbz; echo 'MD5 for sha.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: 08bc953d9a26380bc220b05d680791fb'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; }; } || { echo 'Failed to download https://github.com/djs55/ocaml-sha/releases/download/v1.15.4/sha-1.15.4.tbz'; false; }; } || { { curl -LSfs -o sha.tbz https://opam.ocaml.org/cache/md5/08/08bc953d9a26380bc220b05d680791fb && { sum=`md5sum sha.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 sha.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "08bc953d9a26380bc220b05d680791fb" && echo 'sha.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f sha.tbz; echo 'MD5 for sha.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: 08bc953d9a26380bc220b05d680791fb'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; } && echo 'Warning: downloaded https://github.com/djs55/ocaml-sha/releases/download/v1.15.4/sha-1.15.4.tbz from opam cache'; } || { echo 'Failed to download sha from opam cache'; false; }; }; }
spdx_licenses.tar.gz has the expected MD5.
 * Downloading sha...
jsonm.tbz has the expected MD5.
opam-0install-cudf.tbz has the expected MD5.
[ -e swhid_core.tar.gz ] || \
    cp archives/0.1.tar.gz swhid_core.tar.gz 2>/dev/null || { echo ' * Downloading swhid_core...' && { { curl -LSfs -o swhid_core.tar.gz https://github.com/OCamlPro/swhid_core/archive/refs/tags/0.1.tar.gz && { sum=`md5sum swhid_core.tar.gz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 swhid_core.tar.gz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "77d88d4b1d96261c866f140c64d89af8" && echo 'swhid_core.tar.gz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f swhid_core.tar.gz; echo 'MD5 for swhid_core.tar.gz differs:'; echo '  expected: 77d88d4b1d96261c866f140c64d89af8'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; }; } || { echo 'Failed to download https://github.com/OCamlPro/swhid_core/archive/refs/tags/0.1.tar.gz'; false; }; } || { { curl -LSfs -o swhid_core.tar.gz https://opam.ocaml.org/cache/md5/77/77d88d4b1d96261c866f140c64d89af8 && { sum=`md5sum swhid_core.tar.gz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 swhid_core.tar.gz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "77d88d4b1d96261c866f140c64d89af8" && echo 'swhid_core.tar.gz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f swhid_core.tar.gz; echo 'MD5 for swhid_core.tar.gz differs:'; echo '  expected: 77d88d4b1d96261c866f140c64d89af8'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; } && echo 'Warning: downloaded https://github.com/OCamlPro/swhid_core/archive/refs/tags/0.1.tar.gz from opam cache'; } || { echo 'Failed to download swhid_core from opam cache'; false; }; }; }
 * Downloading swhid_core...
[ -e dune-local.tbz ] || \
    cp archives/dune-3.14.2.tbz dune-local.tbz 2>/dev/null || { echo ' * Downloading dune-local...' && { { curl -LSfs -o dune-local.tbz https://github.com/ocaml/dune/releases/download/3.14.2/dune-3.14.2.tbz && { sum=`md5sum dune-local.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 dune-local.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "9496e02635c05a8288781b55fb837b6f" && echo 'dune-local.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f dune-local.tbz; echo 'MD5 for dune-local.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: 9496e02635c05a8288781b55fb837b6f'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; }; } || { echo 'Failed to download https://github.com/ocaml/dune/releases/download/3.14.2/dune-3.14.2.tbz'; false; }; } || { { curl -LSfs -o dune-local.tbz https://opam.ocaml.org/cache/md5/94/9496e02635c05a8288781b55fb837b6f && { sum=`md5sum dune-local.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 dune-local.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "9496e02635c05a8288781b55fb837b6f" && echo 'dune-local.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f dune-local.tbz; echo 'MD5 for dune-local.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: 9496e02635c05a8288781b55fb837b6f'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; } && echo 'Warning: downloaded https://github.com/ocaml/dune/releases/download/3.14.2/dune-3.14.2.tbz from opam cache'; } || { echo 'Failed to download dune-local from opam cache'; false; }; }; }
0install-solver.tbz has the expected MD5.
 * Downloading dune-local...
[ -e findlib.tar.gz ] || \
    cp archives/findlib-1.9.5.tar.gz findlib.tar.gz 2>/dev/null || { echo ' * Downloading findlib...' && { { curl -LSfs -o findlib.tar.gz http://download.camlcity.org/download/findlib-1.9.5.tar.gz && { sum=`md5sum findlib.tar.gz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 findlib.tar.gz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "8b893525ce36cb3d4d4952483bcc7cf4" && echo 'findlib.tar.gz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f findlib.tar.gz; echo 'MD5 for findlib.tar.gz differs:'; echo '  expected: 8b893525ce36cb3d4d4952483bcc7cf4'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; }; } || { echo 'Failed to download http://download.camlcity.org/download/findlib-1.9.5.tar.gz'; false; }; } || { { curl -LSfs -o findlib.tar.gz https://opam.ocaml.org/cache/md5/8b/8b893525ce36cb3d4d4952483bcc7cf4 && { sum=`md5sum findlib.tar.gz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 findlib.tar.gz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "8b893525ce36cb3d4d4952483bcc7cf4" && echo 'findlib.tar.gz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f findlib.tar.gz; echo 'MD5 for findlib.tar.gz differs:'; echo '  expected: 8b893525ce36cb3d4d4952483bcc7cf4'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; } && echo 'Warning: downloaded http://download.camlcity.org/download/findlib-1.9.5.tar.gz from opam cache'; } || { echo 'Failed to download findlib from opam cache'; false; }; }; }
 * Downloading findlib...
[ -e ocamlbuild.tar.gz ] || \
    cp archives/0.14.2.tar.gz ocamlbuild.tar.gz 2>/dev/null || { echo ' * Downloading ocamlbuild...' && { { curl -LSfs -o ocamlbuild.tar.gz https://github.com/ocaml/ocamlbuild/archive/refs/tags/0.14.2.tar.gz && { sum=`md5sum ocamlbuild.tar.gz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 ocamlbuild.tar.gz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "2f407fadd57b073155a6aead887d9676" && echo 'ocamlbuild.tar.gz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f ocamlbuild.tar.gz; echo 'MD5 for ocamlbuild.tar.gz differs:'; echo '  expected: 2f407fadd57b073155a6aead887d9676'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; }; } || { echo 'Failed to download https://github.com/ocaml/ocamlbuild/archive/refs/tags/0.14.2.tar.gz'; false; }; } || { { curl -LSfs -o ocamlbuild.tar.gz https://opam.ocaml.org/cache/md5/2f/2f407fadd57b073155a6aead887d9676 && { sum=`md5sum ocamlbuild.tar.gz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 ocamlbuild.tar.gz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "2f407fadd57b073155a6aead887d9676" && echo 'ocamlbuild.tar.gz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f ocamlbuild.tar.gz; echo 'MD5 for ocamlbuild.tar.gz differs:'; echo '  expected: 2f407fadd57b073155a6aead887d9676'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; } && echo 'Warning: downloaded https://github.com/ocaml/ocamlbuild/archive/refs/tags/0.14.2.tar.gz from opam cache'; } || { echo 'Failed to download ocamlbuild from opam cache'; false; }; }; }
 * Downloading ocamlbuild...
[ -e topkg.tbz ] || \
    cp archives/topkg-1.0.6.tbz topkg.tbz 2>/dev/null || { echo ' * Downloading topkg...' && { { curl -LSfs -o topkg.tbz https://erratique.ch/software/topkg/releases/topkg-1.0.6.tbz && { sum=`md5sum topkg.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 topkg.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "12f6f0a0220da2e4f685a94cb5248157" && echo 'topkg.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f topkg.tbz; echo 'MD5 for topkg.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: 12f6f0a0220da2e4f685a94cb5248157'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; }; } || { echo 'Failed to download https://erratique.ch/software/topkg/releases/topkg-1.0.6.tbz'; false; }; } || { { curl -LSfs -o topkg.tbz https://opam.ocaml.org/cache/md5/12/12f6f0a0220da2e4f685a94cb5248157 && { sum=`md5sum topkg.tbz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 topkg.tbz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "12f6f0a0220da2e4f685a94cb5248157" && echo 'topkg.tbz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f topkg.tbz; echo 'MD5 for topkg.tbz differs:'; echo '  expected: 12f6f0a0220da2e4f685a94cb5248157'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; } && echo 'Warning: downloaded https://erratique.ch/software/topkg/releases/topkg-1.0.6.tbz from opam cache'; } || { echo 'Failed to download topkg from opam cache'; false; }; }; }
sha.tbz has the expected MD5.
swhid_core.tar.gz has the expected MD5.
mkdir -p tmp-cppo
 * Downloading topkg...
mkdir -p tmp-base64
[ -e mccs.tar.gz ] || \
    cp archives/1.1+17.tar.gz mccs.tar.gz 2>/dev/null || { echo ' * Downloading mccs...' && { { curl -LSfs -o mccs.tar.gz https://github.com/ocaml-opam/ocaml-mccs/archive/refs/tags/1.1+17.tar.gz && { sum=`md5sum mccs.tar.gz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 mccs.tar.gz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "844d99bc531e0713238fe4b6b8511ed1" && echo 'mccs.tar.gz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f mccs.tar.gz; echo 'MD5 for mccs.tar.gz differs:'; echo '  expected: 844d99bc531e0713238fe4b6b8511ed1'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; }; } || { echo 'Failed to download https://github.com/ocaml-opam/ocaml-mccs/archive/refs/tags/1.1+17.tar.gz'; false; }; } || { { curl -LSfs -o mccs.tar.gz https://opam.ocaml.org/cache/md5/84/844d99bc531e0713238fe4b6b8511ed1 && { sum=`md5sum mccs.tar.gz 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^[^a-f0-9]*\([a-f0-9]*\).*/\1/'`; test -n "$sum" || sum=`md5 mccs.tar.gz | sed -e 's/^.* = //'`; { test "$sum" = "844d99bc531e0713238fe4b6b8511ed1" && echo 'mccs.tar.gz has the expected MD5.'; } || { rm -f mccs.tar.gz; echo 'MD5 for mccs.tar.gz differs:'; echo '  expected: 844d99bc531e0713238fe4b6b8511ed1'; echo "    actual: $sum"; false; }; } && echo 'Warning: downloaded https://github.com/ocaml-opam/ocaml-mccs/archive/refs/tags/1.1+17.tar.gz from opam cache'; } || { echo 'Failed to download mccs from opam cache'; false; }; }; }
findlib.tar.gz has the expected MD5.
cd tmp-base64 && tar xfj ../base64.tbz
cd tmp-cppo && tar xfz ../cppo.tar.gz
 * Downloading mccs...
mkdir -p tmp-extlib
mkdir -p tmp-re
cd tmp-extlib && tar xfz ../extlib.tar.gz
topkg.tbz has the expected MD5.
dune-local.tbz has the expected MD5.
cd tmp-re && tar xfj ../re.tbz
mkdir -p tmp-cmdliner
ocamlbuild.tar.gz has the expected MD5.
rm -rf base64
cd tmp-cmdliner && tar xfj ../cmdliner.tbz
rm -rf extlib
rm -rf cppo
rm -rf re
rm -rf cmdliner
mkdir -p tmp-ocamlgraph
cd tmp-ocamlgraph && tar xfj ../ocamlgraph.tbz
mkdir -p tmp-cudf
cd tmp-cudf && tar xfz ../cudf.tar.gz
mkdir -p tmp-dose3
mkdir -p tmp-opam-file-format
cd tmp-dose3 && tar xfz ../dose3.tar.gz
mkdir -p tmp-seq
cd tmp-opam-file-format && tar xfz ../opam-file-format.tar.gz
rm -rf ocamlgraph
cd tmp-seq && tar xfz ../seq.tar.gz
mkdir -p tmp-stdlib-shims
mccs.tar.gz has the expected MD5.
cd tmp-stdlib-shims && tar xfj ../stdlib-shims.tbz
rm -rf cudf
rm -rf opam-file-format
rm -rf seq
rm -rf stdlib-shims
rm -rf dose3
mkdir -p tmp-spdx_licenses
mkdir -p tmp-opam-0install-cudf
cd tmp-opam-0install-cudf && tar xfj ../opam-0install-cudf.tbz
cd tmp-spdx_licenses && tar xfz ../spdx_licenses.tar.gz
mkdir -p tmp-0install-solver
mkdir -p tmp-uutf
cd tmp-0install-solver && tar xfj ../0install-solver.tbz
rm -rf opam-0install-cudf
cd tmp-uutf && tar xfj ../uutf.tbz
rm -rf spdx_licenses
mkdir -p tmp-jsonm
rm -rf uutf
cd tmp-jsonm && tar xfj ../jsonm.tbz
rm -rf jsonm
rm -rf 0install-solver
mkdir -p tmp-sha
cd tmp-sha && tar xfj ../sha.tbz
mkdir -p tmp-swhid_core
mkdir -p tmp-dune-local
cd tmp-swhid_core && tar xfz ../swhid_core.tar.gz
cd tmp-dune-local && tar xfj ../dune-local.tbz
rm -rf sha
rm -rf swhid_core
mkdir -p tmp-findlib
cd tmp-findlib && tar xfz ../findlib.tar.gz
mkdir -p tmp-ocamlbuild
mkdir -p tmp-topkg
cd tmp-topkg && tar xfj ../topkg.tbz
cd tmp-ocamlbuild && tar xfz ../ocamlbuild.tar.gz
mkdir -p tmp-mccs
rm -rf findlib
rm -rf topkg
rm -rf ocamlbuild
cd tmp-mccs && tar xfz ../mccs.tar.gz
rm -rf mccs
make MAKEFLAGS= -f ../Makefile.packages -C findlib findlib-pkg-build && touch findlib.pkgbuild
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/findlib'
./configure -sitelib "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib"
Welcome to findlib version 1.9.5
Configuring core...
Cygwin build environment found; using .exe as suffix for binaries
Checking for #remove_directory...
Testing threading model...
systhread_supported: true
Testing DLLs...
Testing whether ppxopt can be supported...
Checking for ocamlc -opaque...
Querying installation: META list not found
make install will double-check installed META files
Configuring libraries...
unix: found
dynlink: found
bigarray: found
compiler-libs: found
dbm: not present (normal since 4.00)
graphics: not present (normal since 4.09)
num: not present (normal since 4.06)
ocamlbuild: not present (normal since 4.03)
ocamldoc: found (in +ocamldoc)
raw_spacetime: not present (normal since 4.12)
threads: found (in +threads)
runtime_events: not present
str: found
labltk: not present (normal since 4.02)
native dynlink: found
camlp4: not present (normal since OCaml-4.02)
bytes: found, installing fake library
Configuration for stdlib written to site-lib-src/stdlib/META
Configuration for unix written to site-lib-src/unix/META
Configuration for dynlink written to site-lib-src/dynlink/META
Configuration for bigarray written to site-lib-src/bigarray/META
Configuration for compiler-libs written to site-lib-src/compiler-libs/META
Configuration for ocamldoc written to site-lib-src/ocamldoc/META
Configuration for threads written to site-lib-src/threads/META
Configuration for str written to site-lib-src/str/META
Configuration for bytes written to site-lib-src/bytes/META
Detecting compiler arguments: (extractor built) rm -rf dune-local

About the OCAML core installation:
    Standard library:      /tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml
    Binaries:              /tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin
    Manual pages:          /usr/local/man
    Multi-threading type:  posix
The directory of site-specific packages will be
    site-lib:              C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib
The configuration file is written to:
    findlib config file:   /tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/etc/findlib.conf
Software will be installed:
    Libraries:             in <site-lib>/findlib
    Binaries:              /tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin
    Manual pages:          /usr/local/man
    topfind script:        /tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml
Topfind ppxopt support:    yes
Toolbox:                   no
Link custom runtime:       yes
Need bytes compatibility:  no

Configuration has been written to Makefile.config

You can now do 'make all', and optionally 'make opt', to build ocamlfind.
echo "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/stublibs" >> "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/ld.conf"
make all opt install
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/findlib'
for p in findlib; do ( cd src/$p; make all ) || exit; done
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/findlib/src/findlib'
ocamllex fl_meta.mll
22 states, 392 transitions, table size 1700 bytes
export USE_CYGPATH; \
cat findlib_config.mlp | \
         ../../tools/patch '@CONFIGFILE@' '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/etc/findlib.conf' | \
         ../../tools/patch '@STDLIB@' '/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml' | \
	sed -e 's;@AUTOLINK@;true;g' \
	    -e 's;@SYSTEM@;win64;g' \
if [ "true" = "true" ]; then                 \
	cp topfind.ml.in topfind.ml;                             \
else                                                             \
	sed -e '/PPXOPT_BEGIN/,/PPXOPT_END/ d' topfind.ml.in     \
		> topfind.ml ;                                   \
ocamldep *.ml *.mli >depend
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c findlib_config.ml
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c fl_split.ml
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c fl_metatoken.ml
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c fl_meta.ml
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_metascanner.mli
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c fl_metascanner.ml
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_topo.mli
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c fl_topo.ml
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_package_base.mli
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c fl_package_base.ml
File "fl_package_base.ml", line 304, characters 22-40:
304 | 	 let pkg_ancestors = query_requirements predlist pkg in
Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
File "fl_package_base.ml", line 350, characters 18-36:
350 |   let ancestors = query_requirements predlist package_name in
Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
File "fl_package_base.ml", line 375, characters 23-41:
375 | 	  let pkg_ancestors = query_requirements predlist pkg in
Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
File "fl_package_base.ml", line 510, characters 16-35:
510 | 	     ( let c = package_definitions search_path pkg.package_name in
Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label search_path was omitted in the application of this function.
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -c findlib.mli
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c findlib.ml
File "findlib.ml", line 390, characters 2-26:
390 |   Fl_package_base.requires predlist pkg
Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
File "findlib.ml", line 396, characters 2-33:
396 |   Fl_package_base.requires_deeply predlist pkglist
Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c fl_args.ml
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c fl_lint.ml
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -a -o findlib.cma findlib_config.cmo fl_split.cmo fl_metatoken.cmo fl_meta.cmo fl_metascanner.cmo fl_topo.cmo fl_package_base.cmo findlib.cmo fl_args.cmo fl_lint.cmo
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c ocaml_args.ml
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c frontend.ml
File "frontend.ml", line 859, characters 10-39:
859 |           Fl_package_base.package_users predicates1 packages1
Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -custom -o ocamlfind.exe -g findlib.cma unix.cma \
           -I +unix -I +dynlink ocaml_args.cmo frontend.cmo
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -c topfind.mli
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c topfind.ml
File "topfind.ml", line 126, characters 40-63:
126 |                      match Hashtbl.find Toploop.directive_table "ppx" with
Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
File "topfind.ml", line 256, characters 4-27:
256 |     Toploop.directive_table
Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
File "topfind.ml", line 266, characters 4-27:
266 |     Toploop.directive_table
Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
File "topfind.ml", line 278, characters 4-27:
278 |     Toploop.directive_table
Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
File "topfind.ml", line 291, characters 4-27:
291 |     Toploop.directive_table
Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
File "topfind.ml", line 305, characters 4-27:
305 |     Toploop.directive_table
Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
File "topfind.ml", line 317, characters 4-27:
317 |     Toploop.directive_table
Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -a -o findlib_top.cma topfind.cmo
export USE_CYGPATH; \
cat topfind_rd1.p | \
         ../../tools/patch '@SITELIB@' 'C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib' \
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_dynload.mli
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c fl_dynload.ml
ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -a -o findlib_dynload.cma fl_dynload.cmo
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/findlib/src/findlib'
make all-config
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/findlib'
export USE_CYGPATH; \
cat findlib.conf.in | \
     tools/patch '@SITELIB@' 'C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib' >findlib.conf
if ./tools/cmd_from_same_dir ocamlc; then \
	echo 'ocamlc="ocamlc.opt"' >>findlib.conf; \
if ./tools/cmd_from_same_dir ocamlopt; then \
	echo 'ocamlopt="ocamlopt.opt"' >>findlib.conf; \
if ./tools/cmd_from_same_dir ocamldep; then \
	echo 'ocamldep="ocamldep.opt"' >>findlib.conf; \
if ./tools/cmd_from_same_dir ocamldoc; then \
	echo 'ocamldoc="ocamldoc.opt"' >>findlib.conf; \
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/findlib'
for p in findlib; do ( cd src/$p; make opt ) || exit; done
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/findlib/src/findlib'
ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c findlib_config.ml
ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_split.ml
ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_metatoken.ml
ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_meta.ml
ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_metascanner.ml
ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_topo.ml
ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_package_base.ml
File "fl_package_base.ml", line 304, characters 22-40:
304 | 	 let pkg_ancestors = query_requirements predlist pkg in
Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
File "fl_package_base.ml", line 350, characters 18-36:
350 |   let ancestors = query_requirements predlist package_name in
Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
File "fl_package_base.ml", line 375, characters 23-41:
375 | 	  let pkg_ancestors = query_requirements predlist pkg in
Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
File "fl_package_base.ml", line 510, characters 16-35:
510 | 	     ( let c = package_definitions search_path pkg.package_name in
Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label search_path was omitted in the application of this function.
ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c findlib.ml
File "findlib.ml", line 390, characters 2-26:
390 |   Fl_package_base.requires predlist pkg
Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
File "findlib.ml", line 396, characters 2-33:
396 |   Fl_package_base.requires_deeply predlist pkglist
Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_args.ml
ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_lint.ml
ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -a -o findlib.cmxa findlib_config.cmx fl_split.cmx fl_metatoken.cmx fl_meta.cmx fl_metascanner.cmx fl_topo.cmx fl_package_base.cmx findlib.cmx fl_args.cmx fl_lint.cmx
if [ 1 -gt 0 ]; then \
    ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -shared -o findlib.cmxs findlib_config.cmx fl_split.cmx fl_metatoken.cmx fl_meta.cmx fl_metascanner.cmx fl_topo.cmx fl_package_base.cmx findlib.cmx fl_args.cmx fl_lint.cmx; \
ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c ocaml_args.ml
ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c frontend.ml
File "frontend.ml", line 859, characters 10-39:
859 |           Fl_package_base.package_users predicates1 packages1
Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -o ocamlfind_opt.exe findlib.cmxa unix.cmxa \
	   -I +unix -I +dynlink ocaml_args.cmx frontend.cmx
ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c topfind.ml
File "topfind.ml", line 126, characters 40-63:
126 |                      match Hashtbl.find Toploop.directive_table "ppx" with
Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
File "topfind.ml", line 256, characters 4-27:
256 |     Toploop.directive_table
Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
File "topfind.ml", line 266, characters 4-27:
266 |     Toploop.directive_table
Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
File "topfind.ml", line 278, characters 4-27:
278 |     Toploop.directive_table
Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
File "topfind.ml", line 291, characters 4-27:
291 |     Toploop.directive_table
Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
File "topfind.ml", line 305, characters 4-27:
305 |     Toploop.directive_table
Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
File "topfind.ml", line 317, characters 4-27:
317 |     Toploop.directive_table
Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -a -o findlib_top.cmxa topfind.cmx
if [ 1 -gt 0 ]; then \
    ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -shared -o findlib_top.cmxs topfind.cmx; \
ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_dynload.ml
ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -a -o findlib_dynload.cmxa fl_dynload.cmx
if [ 1 -gt 0 ]; then \
    ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -shared -o findlib_dynload.cmxs fl_dynload.cmx; \
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/findlib/src/findlib'
if [ "1" -eq 1 ]; then \
    for x in camlp4 dbm graphics labltk num ocamlbuild; do \
      if [ -f "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/$x/META" ]; then \
        if ! grep -Fq '[distributed with Ocaml]' "/C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/$x/META"; then \
          rm -f site-lib-src/$x/META; \
        fi; \
      fi; \
    done; \
    test -f "site-lib-src/num/META" || rm -f "site-lib-src/num-top/META"; \
echo 'SITELIB_META =' > Makefile.packages.in
for x in `ls site-lib-src`; do test ! -f "site-lib-src/$x/META" || echo $x >> Makefile.packages.in; done
tr '\n' ' ' < Makefile.packages.in > Makefile.packages
rm Makefile.packages.in
install -d "/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"
install -d "/usr/local/man"
make install-config
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/findlib'
install -d "`dirname \"/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/etc/findlib.conf\"`"
test -f "/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/etc/findlib.conf" || install -c findlib.conf "/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/etc/findlib.conf"
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/findlib'
for p in findlib; do ( cd src/$p; make install ); done
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/findlib/src/findlib'
install -d "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/findlib"
install -d "/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"
install -d "/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml"
test 1 -eq 0 || install -c topfind "/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/"
files=` ../../tools/collect_files ../../Makefile.config \
findlib.cmi findlib.mli findlib.cma findlib.cmxa findlib.lib findlib.cmxs \
findlib_config.cmi findlib_config.ml topfind.cmi topfind.mli \
fl_args.cmi fl_lint.cmi fl_meta.cmi fl_split.cmi fl_topo.cmi ocaml_args.cmi \
fl_package_base.mli fl_package_base.cmi fl_metascanner.mli fl_metascanner.cmi \
fl_metatoken.cmi findlib_top.cma findlib_top.cmxa findlib_top.lib findlib_top.cmxs \
findlib_dynload.cma findlib_dynload.cmxa findlib_dynload.lib findlib_dynload.cmxs fl_dynload.mli fl_dynload.cmi \
META` && \
install -c $files "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/findlib/"
f="ocamlfind.exe"; { test -f ocamlfind_opt.exe && f="ocamlfind_opt.exe"; }; \
install -c $f "/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin/ocamlfind.exe"
# the following "if" block is only needed for 4.00beta2
if [ 1 -eq 0 -a -f "/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs/topdirs.cmi" ]; then \
    cd "/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs/"; \
    install -c topdirs.cmi toploop.cmi "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/findlib/"; \
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/findlib/src/findlib'
make install-meta
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/findlib'
for x in bigarray bytes compiler-libs dynlink ocamldoc stdlib str threads unix ; do install -d "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/$x"; install -c site-lib-src/$x/META "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/$x/META.tmp" && mv "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/$x/META.tmp" "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/$x/META"; done
install -d "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/findlib"; install -c Makefile.packages "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/findlib/Makefile.packages"
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/findlib'
test ! -f 'site-lib-src/num-top/META' || { cd src/findlib; make install-num-top; }
test ! -f 'site-lib-src/camlp4/META' ||	install -c tools/safe_camlp4 "/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"
make install-doc
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/findlib'
install -d "/usr/local/man/man1" "/usr/local/man/man3" "/usr/local/man/man5"
install -c doc/ref-man/ocamlfind.1 "/usr/local/man/man1"
install -c doc/ref-man/META.5 doc/ref-man/site-lib.5 doc/ref-man/findlib.conf.5 "/usr/local/man/man5"
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/findlib'
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/findlib'
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/findlib'
make MAKEFLAGS= -f ../Makefile.packages -C dune-local dune-local-pkg-build && touch dune-local.pkgbuild
make MAKEFLAGS= -f ../Makefile.packages -C ocamlbuild ocamlbuild-pkg-build && touch ocamlbuild.pkgbuild
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/dune-local'
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/ocamlbuild'
ocaml boot/bootstrap.ml
make -f configure.make all OCAMLBUILD_PREFIX=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/ OCAMLBUILD_BINDIR=/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin/ OCAMLBUILD_LIBDIR=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib OCAML_NATIVE=true OCAML_NATIVE_TOOLS=true
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/ocamlbuild'
ocamlc -output-complete-exe -w -24 -g -o .duneboot.exe -I boot unix.cma boot/libs.ml boot/duneboot.ml
(echo "# This file was generated from configure.make"; \
echo ;\
echo "OCAML_PREFIX="; \
echo "OCAML_BINDIR=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin"; \
echo "OCAML_LIBDIR=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml"; \
echo "OCAML_MANDIR=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/man"; \
echo ;\
echo "EXT_OBJ=.obj"; \
echo "EXT_ASM=.asm"; \
echo "EXT_LIB=.lib"; \
echo "EXT_DLL=.dll"; \
echo "EXE=.exe"; \
echo ;\
echo "OCAML_NATIVE=true"; \
echo "OCAML_NATIVE_TOOLS=true"; \
echo "NATDYNLINK=true"; \
echo ;\
echo "PREFIX=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/"; \
echo "BINDIR=/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin/"; \
echo "LIBDIR=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib"; \
echo "MANDIR=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/man"; \
) > Makefile.config
(echo "(* This file was generated from ../configure.make *)"; \
echo ;\
echo 'let bindir = "/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin/"'; \
echo 'let libdir = "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib"'; \
echo 'let ocaml_libdir = "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml"'; \
echo 'let libdir_abs = "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib"'; \
echo 'let ocaml_native = true'; \
echo 'let ocaml_native_tools = true'; \
echo 'let supports_shared_libraries = true';\
echo 'let a = "lib"'; \
echo 'let o = "obj"'; \
echo 'let so = "dll"'; \
echo 'let ext_dll = ".dll"'; \
echo 'let exe = ".exe"'; \
echo 'let version = "0.14.2"'; \
) > src/ocamlbuild_config.ml
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/ocamlbuild'
make all findlib-install
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/ocamlbuild'
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/const.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/loc.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/loc.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/discard_printf.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/discard_printf.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/signatures.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/my_std.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/my_std.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/my_unix.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/my_unix.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/tags.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/tags.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/display.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/display.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/log.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/log.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/shell.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/shell.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/bool.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/bool.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/glob_ast.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/glob_ast.ml
ocamllex.opt src/glob_lexer.mll
55 states, 419 transitions, table size 2006 bytes
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/glob_lexer.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/glob_lexer.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/glob.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/glob.ml
ocamllex.opt src/lexers.mll
251 states, 1051 transitions, table size 5710 bytes
4334 additional bytes used for bindings
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/lexers.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/lexers.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/param_tags.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/param_tags.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/command.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/command.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocamlbuild_config.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocamlbuild_where.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocamlbuild_where.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/slurp.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/slurp.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/options.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/options.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/pathname.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/pathname.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/configuration.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/configuration.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/flags.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/flags.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/hygiene.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/hygiene.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/digest_cache.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/digest_cache.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/resource.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/resource.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/rule.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/rule.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/solver.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/solver.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/report.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/report.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/tools.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/tools.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/fda.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/fda.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/findlib.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/findlib.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_arch.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_arch.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_utils.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_utils.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_dependencies.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_dependencies.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_compiler.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_compiler.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_tools.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_tools.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_specific.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_specific.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/exit_codes.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/exit_codes.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/plugin.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/plugin.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/hooks.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/hooks.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/main.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/main.ml
mkdir -p tmp
ocamlc.opt -pack src/const.cmo src/loc.cmo src/discard_printf.cmo src/signatures.cmi src/my_std.cmo src/my_unix.cmo src/tags.cmo src/display.cmo src/log.cmo src/shell.cmo src/bool.cmo src/glob_ast.cmo src/glob_lexer.cmo src/glob.cmo src/lexers.cmo src/param_tags.cmo src/command.cmo src/ocamlbuild_config.cmo src/ocamlbuild_where.cmo src/slurp.cmo src/options.cmo src/pathname.cmo src/configuration.cmo src/flags.cmo src/hygiene.cmo src/digest_cache.cmo src/resource.cmo src/rule.cmo src/solver.cmo src/report.cmo src/tools.cmo src/fda.cmo src/findlib.cmo src/ocaml_arch.cmo src/ocaml_utils.cmo src/ocaml_dependencies.cmo src/ocaml_compiler.cmo src/ocaml_tools.cmo src/ocaml_specific.cmo src/exit_codes.cmo src/plugin.cmo src/hooks.cmo src/main.cmo -o tmp/ocamlbuild_pack.cmo
mv tmp/ocamlbuild_pack.cmi src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmi
mv tmp/ocamlbuild_pack.cmo src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmo
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.ml
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c bin/ocamlbuild.mli
ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c bin/ocamlbuild.ml
ocamlc.opt -I +unix -I src -o ocamlbuild.byte unix.cma src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmo plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.cmo plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.cmo plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.cmo bin/ocamlbuild.cmo
ocamlc.opt -a -o plugin-lib/ocamlbuildlib.cma src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmo plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.cmo plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.cmo plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.cmo
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/const.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/loc.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/discard_printf.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/my_std.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/my_unix.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/tags.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/display.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/log.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/shell.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/bool.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/glob_ast.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/glob_lexer.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/glob.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/lexers.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/param_tags.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/command.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocamlbuild_config.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocamlbuild_where.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/slurp.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/options.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/pathname.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/configuration.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/flags.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/hygiene.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/digest_cache.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/resource.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/rule.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/solver.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/report.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/tools.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/fda.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/findlib.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_arch.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_utils.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_dependencies.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_compiler.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_tools.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_specific.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/exit_codes.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/plugin.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/hooks.ml
ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/main.ml
mkdir -p tmp
ocamlopt.opt -pack src/const.cmx src/loc.cmx src/discard_printf.cmx src/signatures.cmi src/my_std.cmx src/my_unix.cmx src/tags.cmx src/display.cmx src/log.cmx src/shell.cmx src/bool.cmx src/glob_ast.cmx src/glob_lexer.cmx src/glob.cmx src/lexers.cmx src/param_tags.cmx src/command.cmx src/ocamlbuild_config.cmx src/ocamlbuild_where.cmx src/slurp.cmx src/options.cmx src/pathname.cmx src/configuration.cmx src/flags.cmx src/hygiene.cmx src/digest_cache.cmx src/resource.cmx src/rule.cmx src/solver.cmx src/report.cmx src/tools.cmx src/fda.cmx src/findlib.cmx src/ocaml_arch.cmx src/ocaml_utils.cmx src/ocaml_dependencies.cmx src/ocaml_compiler.cmx src/ocaml_tools.cmx src/ocaml_specific.cmx src/exit_codes.cmx src/plugin.cmx src/hooks.cmx src/main.cmx -o tmp/ocamlbuild_pack.cmx
mv tmp/ocamlbuild_pack.cmx src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmx
mv tmp/ocamlbuild_pack.obj src/ocamlbuild_pack.obj
ocamlopt.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.ml
ocamlopt.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.ml
ocamlopt.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.ml
ocamlopt.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c bin/ocamlbuild.ml
ocamlopt.opt -I +unix -I src -o ocamlbuild.native unix.cmxa src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.cmx bin/ocamlbuild.cmx
ocamlopt.opt -a -o plugin-lib/ocamlbuildlib.cmxa src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.cmx
ocamlc.opt src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmo -I src man/options_man.ml -o man/options_man.byte
./man/options_man.byte > man/ocamlbuild.options.1
cat man/ocamlbuild.header.1 man/ocamlbuild.options.1 man/ocamlbuild.footer.1 > man/ocamlbuild.1
if test -d C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/ocamlbuild; then\
  >&2 echo "ERROR: Preinstalled ocamlbuild detected at"\
  >&2 echo "Installation aborted; if you want to bypass this"\
        "safety check, pass CHECK_IF_PREINSTALLED=false to make";\
  exit 2;\
make install-bin install-lib-findlib
make[4]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/ocamlbuild'
mkdir -p /tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin/
cp ocamlbuild.byte /tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin//ocamlbuild.byte.exe
mkdir -p /tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin/
cp ocamlbuild.native /tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin//ocamlbuild.exe
cp ocamlbuild.native /tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin//ocamlbuild.native.exe
ocamlfind install ocamlbuild \
  META src/signatures.mli src/signatures.cmi src/signatures.cmti plugin-lib/ocamlbuildlib.cma bin/ocamlbuild.cmo src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmi plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.cmi plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.cmi plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.cmi plugin-lib/ocamlbuildlib.cmxa plugin-lib/ocamlbuildlib.lib bin/ocamlbuild.cmx bin/ocamlbuild.obj src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.obj plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.obj plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.obj
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\ocamlbuild\ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.obj
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\ocamlbuild\ocamlbuild_executor.obj
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\ocamlbuild\ocamlbuild_plugin.obj
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\ocamlbuild\ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\ocamlbuild\ocamlbuild_executor.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\ocamlbuild\ocamlbuild_plugin.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\ocamlbuild\ocamlbuild_pack.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\ocamlbuild\ocamlbuild.obj
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\ocamlbuild\ocamlbuild.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\ocamlbuild\ocamlbuildlib.lib
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\ocamlbuild\ocamlbuildlib.cmxa
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\ocamlbuild\ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.cmi
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\ocamlbuild\ocamlbuild_executor.cmi
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\ocamlbuild\ocamlbuild_plugin.cmi
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\ocamlbuild\ocamlbuild_pack.cmi
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\ocamlbuild\ocamlbuild.cmo
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\ocamlbuild\ocamlbuildlib.cma
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\ocamlbuild\signatures.cmti
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\ocamlbuild\signatures.cmi
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\ocamlbuild\signatures.mli
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\ocamlbuild\META
make[4]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/ocamlbuild'
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/ocamlbuild'
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/ocamlbuild'
make MAKEFLAGS= -f ../Makefile.packages -C topkg topkg-pkg-build && touch topkg.pkgbuild
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/topkg'
ocaml pkg/pkg.ml build --pkg-name topkg --dev-pkg false
mkdir 'C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\src_ext\topkg\_build'
The system cannot find the path specified.
mkdir pkg
mkdir src
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg.ml > src/topkg.ml.depends
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg.mli > src/topkg.mli.depends
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg.cmi src/topkg.mli
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_build.ml > src/topkg_build.ml.depends
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_build.mli > src/topkg_build.mli.depends
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_cmd.mli > src/topkg_cmd.mli.depends
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_fpath.mli > src/topkg_fpath.mli.depends
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_fpath.cmi src/topkg_fpath.mli
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_codec.mli > src/topkg_codec.mli.depends
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_cmd.cmi src/topkg_cmd.mli
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_result.mli > src/topkg_result.mli.depends
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_result.cmi src/topkg_result.mli
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_conf.mli > src/topkg_conf.mli.depends
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_codec.cmi src/topkg_codec.mli
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_conf.cmi src/topkg_conf.mli
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_build.cmi src/topkg_build.mli
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_cmd.ml > src/topkg_cmd.ml.depends
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_fpath.ml > src/topkg_fpath.ml.depends
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_string.ml > src/topkg_string.ml.depends
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_string.mli > src/topkg_string.mli.depends
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_string.cmi src/topkg_string.mli
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_string.cmx src/topkg_string.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_fpath.cmx src/topkg_fpath.ml
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_codec.ml > src/topkg_codec.ml.depends
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_cmd.cmx src/topkg_cmd.ml
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_os.ml > src/topkg_os.ml.depends
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_os.mli > src/topkg_os.mli.depends
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_os.cmi src/topkg_os.mli
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_log.ml > src/topkg_log.ml.depends
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_log.mli > src/topkg_log.mli.depends
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_log.cmi src/topkg_log.mli
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_result.ml > src/topkg_result.ml.depends
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_result.cmx src/topkg_result.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_log.cmx src/topkg_log.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_os.cmx src/topkg_os.ml
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_conf.ml > src/topkg_conf.ml.depends
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_codec.cmx src/topkg_codec.ml
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_vcs.ml > src/topkg_vcs.ml.depends
cd _boot && C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\bin\ocamlopt.opt.exe -c -g -no-alias-deps -w -49-6 -alert -unstable -I +threads opamLocal.ml
File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\opamLocal.ml", lines 109-114, characters 46-34:

Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.

Here is an example of a case that is not matched:

Checksum_mismatch _

File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\opamLocal.ml", lines 170-189, characters 44-56:

Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.

Here is an example of a case that is not matched:

Checksum_mismatch _

File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\opamLocal.ml", lines 209-231, characters 8-44:

Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.

Here is an example of a case that is not matched:

Checksum_mismatch _

cd _boot && C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\bin\ocamlopt.opt.exe -c -g -no-alias-deps -w -49-6 -alert -unstable -I +threads opamVCS.ml
File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\opamVCS.ml", lines 179-182, characters 11-40:

Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.

Here is an example of a case that is not matched:

Checksum_mismatch _

''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_vcs.mli > src/topkg_vcs.mli.depends
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_vcs.cmi src/topkg_vcs.mli
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_vcs.cmx src/topkg_vcs.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_conf.cmx src/topkg_conf.ml
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_distrib.ml > src/topkg_distrib.ml.depends
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_distrib.mli > src/topkg_distrib.mli.depends
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_distrib.cmi src/topkg_distrib.mli
cd _boot && C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\bin\ocamlopt.opt.exe -c -g -no-alias-deps -w -49-6 -alert -unstable -I +threads opamDownload.ml
File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\opamDownload.ml", lines 323-361, characters 42-41:

Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.

Here is an example of a case that is not matched:

Checksum_mismatch _

''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_opam.ml > src/topkg_opam.ml.depends
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_opam.mli > src/topkg_opam.mli.depends
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_opam.cmi src/topkg_opam.mli
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_opam.cmx src/topkg_opam.ml
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_fexts.ml > src/topkg_fexts.ml.depends
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_fexts.mli > src/topkg_fexts.mli.depends
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_fexts.cmi src/topkg_fexts.mli
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_install.ml > src/topkg_install.ml.depends
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_install.mli > src/topkg_install.mli.depends
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_test.mli > src/topkg_test.mli.depends
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_test.cmi src/topkg_test.mli
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_install.cmi src/topkg_install.mli
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_fexts.cmx src/topkg_fexts.ml
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_test.ml > src/topkg_test.ml.depends
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_test.cmx src/topkg_test.ml
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_ipc.ml > src/topkg_ipc.ml.depends
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_ipc.mli > src/topkg_ipc.mli.depends
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_pkg.mli > src/topkg_pkg.mli.depends
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_publish.mli > src/topkg_publish.mli.depends
cd _boot && C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\bin\ocamlopt.opt.exe -c -g -no-alias-deps -w -49-6 -alert -unstable -I +threads opamRepository.ml
File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\opamRepository.ml", lines 88-90, characters 45-77:

Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.

Here is an example of a case that is not matched:

Checksum_mismatch _

File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\opamRepository.ml", lines 277-281, characters 38-17:

Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.

Here is an example of a case that is not matched:

Checksum_mismatch _

File "vendor/opam/src/repository\\opamRepository.ml", lines 423-427, characters 12-42:

Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.

Here is an example of a case that is not matched:

(_, Checksum_mismatch _)

''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_publish.cmi src/topkg_publish.mli
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_pkg.cmi src/topkg_pkg.mli
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_ipc.cmi src/topkg_ipc.mli
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_pkg.ml > src/topkg_pkg.ml.depends
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_build.cmx src/topkg_build.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_distrib.cmx src/topkg_distrib.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_install.cmx src/topkg_install.ml
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_publish.ml > src/topkg_publish.ml.depends
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_publish.cmx src/topkg_publish.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_pkg.cmx src/topkg_pkg.ml
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_main.ml > src/topkg_main.ml.depends
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_main.mli > src/topkg_main.mli.depends
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_main.cmi src/topkg_main.mli
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_ipc.cmx src/topkg_ipc.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_main.cmx src/topkg_main.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg.cmx src/topkg.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -I src src/topkg_string.cmx src/topkg_fpath.cmx src/topkg_cmd.cmx src/topkg_result.cmx src/topkg_log.cmx src/topkg_os.cmx src/topkg_codec.cmx src/topkg_vcs.cmx src/topkg_conf.cmx src/topkg_build.cmx src/topkg_opam.cmx src/topkg_distrib.cmx src/topkg_fexts.cmx src/topkg_test.cmx src/topkg_install.cmx src/topkg_publish.cmx src/topkg_pkg.cmx src/topkg_ipc.cmx src/topkg_main.cmx src/topkg.cmx -o src/topkg.cmxa
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -I src src/topkg.cmxa -o src/topkg.cmxs
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg.cmo src/topkg.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_build.cmo src/topkg_build.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_cmd.cmo src/topkg_cmd.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_codec.cmo src/topkg_codec.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_conf.cmo src/topkg_conf.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_distrib.cmo src/topkg_distrib.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_fexts.cmo src/topkg_fexts.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_fpath.cmo src/topkg_fpath.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_install.cmo src/topkg_install.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_ipc.cmo src/topkg_ipc.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_log.cmo src/topkg_log.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_main.cmo src/topkg_main.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_opam.cmo src/topkg_opam.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_os.cmo src/topkg_os.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_pkg.cmo src/topkg_pkg.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_publish.cmo src/topkg_publish.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_result.cmo src/topkg_result.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_string.cmo src/topkg_string.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_test.cmo src/topkg_test.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -I src-care -I src-bin -o src/topkg_vcs.cmo src/topkg_vcs.ml
''ocamlfind ocamlc -a -I src src/topkg_string.cmo src/topkg_fpath.cmo src/topkg_cmd.cmo src/topkg_result.cmo src/topkg_log.cmo src/topkg_os.cmo src/topkg_codec.cmo src/topkg_vcs.cmo src/topkg_conf.cmo src/topkg_build.cmo src/topkg_opam.cmo src/topkg_distrib.cmo src/topkg_fexts.cmo src/topkg_test.cmo src/topkg_install.cmo src/topkg_publish.cmo src/topkg_pkg.cmo src/topkg_ipc.cmo src/topkg_main.cmo src/topkg.cmo -o src/topkg.cma
# Parallel statistics: { count(total): 2(84), max: 20, min: 2, average(total): 11.000(1.238) }
ocamlfind install topkg _build/pkg/META _build/src/topkg.lib _build/src/topkg.mli _build/src/topkg.cma _build/src/topkg.cmi _build/src/topkg.cmti _build/src/topkg.cmxa _build/src/topkg.cmxs _build/src/topkg*.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg_vcs.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg_test.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg_string.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg_result.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg_publish.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg_pkg.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg_os.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg_opam.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg_main.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg_log.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg_ipc.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg_install.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg_fpath.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg_fexts.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg_distrib.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg_conf.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg_codec.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg_cmd.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg_build.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg.cmxs
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg.cmxa
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg.cmti
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg.cmi
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg.cma
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg.mli
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\topkg.lib
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\topkg\META
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/topkg'

cp _boot/dune.exe /tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin//dune.exe
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/dune-local'
make MAKEFLAGS= -f ../Makefile.packages -C cppo cppo-pkg-build && touch cppo.pkgbuild
make MAKEFLAGS= -f ../Makefile.packages -C base64 base64-pkg-build && touch base64.pkgbuild
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/cppo'
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/base64'
make MAKEFLAGS= -f ../Makefile.packages -C seq seq-pkg-build && touch seq.pkgbuild
make MAKEFLAGS= -f ../Makefile.packages -C cmdliner cmdliner-pkg-build && touch cmdliner.pkgbuild
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/seq'
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/cmdliner'
make MAKEFLAGS= -f ../Makefile.packages -C stdlib-shims stdlib-shims-pkg-build && touch stdlib-shims.pkgbuild
make MAKEFLAGS= -f ../Makefile.packages -C opam-file-format opam-file-format-pkg-build && touch opam-file-format.pkgbuild
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/stdlib-shims'
make MAKEFLAGS= -f ../Makefile.packages -C spdx_licenses spdx_licenses-pkg-build && touch spdx_licenses.pkgbuild
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/opam-file-format'
make MAKEFLAGS= -f ../Makefile.packages -C 0install-solver 0install-solver-pkg-build && touch 0install-solver.pkgbuild
make MAKEFLAGS= -f ../Makefile.packages -C swhid_core swhid_core-pkg-build && touch swhid_core.pkgbuild
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/spdx_licenses'
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/0install-solver'
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/swhid_core'
dune build @install -p base64
dune build @install -p seq
dune install "--prefix=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/" -p seq seq
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/seq'
make MAKEFLAGS= -f ../Makefile.packages -C re re-pkg-build && touch re.pkgbuild
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/re'
dune build @install -p cppo
dune build @install -p opam-file-format
dune build @install -p cmdliner
dune build @install -p spdx_licenses
dune install "--prefix=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/" -p base64 base64
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/base64'
dune build @install -p stdlib-shims
dune install "--prefix=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/" -p opam-file-format opam-file-format
dune install "--prefix=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/" -p stdlib-shims stdlib-shims
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/stdlib-shims'
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/opam-file-format'
dune install "--prefix=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/" -p spdx_licenses spdx_licenses
dune build @install -p swhid_core
make MAKEFLAGS= -f ../Makefile.packages -C ocamlgraph ocamlgraph-pkg-build && touch ocamlgraph.pkgbuild
make MAKEFLAGS= -f ../Makefile.packages -C sha sha-pkg-build && touch sha.pkgbuild
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/ocamlgraph'
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/sha'
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/spdx_licenses'
cp _build/install/default/bin/cppo.exe /tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/bin//
mkdir -p C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/cppo
cp _build/install/default/lib/cppo/META C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/cppo/
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/cppo'
make MAKEFLAGS= -f ../Makefile.packages -C extlib extlib-pkg-build && touch extlib.pkgbuild
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/extlib'
dune build @install -p 0install-solver
dune build @install -p re
dune install "--prefix=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/" -p swhid_core swhid_core
dune install "--prefix=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/" -p cmdliner cmdliner
dune installed-libraries
Entering directory 'C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master'
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/cmdliner'
base64                        (version: 3.5.1)
base64.rfc2045                (version: 3.5.1)
bigarray                      (version: [distributed with Ocaml])
bytes                         (version: [distributed with OCaml 4.02 or above])
cmdliner                      (version: 1.2.0)
compiler-libs                 (version: [distributed with Ocaml])
compiler-libs.bytecomp        (version: [distributed with Ocaml])
compiler-libs.common          (version: [distributed with Ocaml])
compiler-libs.native-toplevel (version: [distributed with Ocaml])
compiler-libs.optcomp         (version: [distributed with Ocaml])
compiler-libs.toplevel        (version: [distributed with Ocaml])
cppo                          (version: n/a)
dynlink                       (version: [distributed with Ocaml])
findlib                       (version: 1.9.5)
findlib.dynload               (version: 1.9.5)
findlib.internal              (version: 1.9.5)
findlib.top                   (version: 1.9.5)
ocamlbuild                    (version: 0.14.2)
ocamldoc                      (version: [distributed with Ocaml])
opam-file-format              (version: 2.1.6)
seq                           (version: 0.3.1)
spdx_licenses                 (version: 1.2.0)
stdlib                        (version: [distributed with Ocaml])
stdlib-shims                  (version: 0.3.0)
str                           (version: [distributed with Ocaml])
swhid_core                    (version: n/a)
threads                       (version: [distributed with Ocaml])
threads.none                  (version: [internal])
threads.posix                 (version: [internal])
topkg                         (version: 1.0.6)
unix                          (version: [distributed with Ocaml])
Leaving directory 'C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master'
dune build @install -p ocamlgraph
make MAKEFLAGS= -f ../Makefile.packages -C uutf uutf-pkg-build && touch uutf.pkgbuild
dune build @install -p extlib
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/uutf'
grep -q "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/stublibs" C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/ld.conf || echo C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/stublibs >> C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/ld.conf
dune build @install -p sha
ocaml pkg/pkg.ml build --pkg-name uutf --dev-pkg false --with-cmdliner true
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/swhid_core'
(cd _build/default/.dune/ccomp && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" /EP header_check.h) > _build/default/.dune/ccomp/ccomp
Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.39.33523 for x64
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

mkdir 'C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\src_ext\uutf\_build'
(cd _build/default && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\stdlib-shims /Fosha1_stubs.obj -c sha1_stubs.c)
dune install "--prefix=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/" -p 0install-solver 0install-solver
(cd _build/default && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\stdlib-shims /Fosha256_stubs.obj -c sha256_stubs.c)
The system cannot find the path specified.
mkdir pkg
(cd _build/default && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\stdlib-shims /Fosha512_stubs.obj -c sha512_stubs.c)
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/0install-solver'
mkdir src
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/uutf.ml > src/uutf.ml.depends
''ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/uutf.mli > src/uutf.mli.depends
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/uutf.cmi src/uutf.mli
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/uutf.cmx src/uutf.ml
dune install "--prefix=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/" -p sha sha
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/sha'
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -I src src/uutf.cmx -o src/uutf.cmxa
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -I src src/uutf.cmxa -o src/uutf.cmxs
dune install "--prefix=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/" -p extlib extlib
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/uutf.cmo src/uutf.ml
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/extlib'
''ocamlfind ocamlc -a -I src src/uutf.cmo -o src/uutf.cma
make MAKEFLAGS= -f ../Makefile.packages -C cudf cudf-pkg-build && touch cudf.pkgbuild
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/cudf'
mkdir test
''ocamlfind ocamldep -package unix -package cmdliner -modules test/utftrip.ml > test/utftrip.ml.depends
dune install "--prefix=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/" -p re re
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package unix -package cmdliner -I test -I src -o test/utftrip.cmo test/utftrip.ml
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/re'
dune build @install -p cudf
File "test/utftrip.ml", line 385, characters 8-12:
385 |   Term.(pure do_cmd $ cmd $ file $ sin $ sout $ use_unix $ usize $
Alert deprecated: Cmdliner.Term.pure
Use Term.const instead.
File "test/utftrip.ml", line 387, characters 2-11:
387 |   Term.info "utftrip" ~version:"v1.0.3" ~doc ~man
Alert deprecated: Cmdliner.Term.info
Use Cmd.info instead.
File "test/utftrip.ml", line 389, characters 15-24:
389 | let () = match Term.eval cmd with
Alert deprecated: Cmdliner.Term.eval
Use Cmd.v and one of Cmd.eval* instead.
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package unix -package cmdliner -I test -I src -o test/utftrip.cmx test/utftrip.ml
File "test/utftrip.ml", line 385, characters 8-12:
385 |   Term.(pure do_cmd $ cmd $ file $ sin $ sout $ use_unix $ usize $
Alert deprecated: Cmdliner.Term.pure
Use Term.const instead.
File "test/utftrip.ml", line 387, characters 2-11:
387 |   Term.info "utftrip" ~version:"v1.0.3" ~doc ~man
Alert deprecated: Cmdliner.Term.info
Use Cmd.info instead.
File "test/utftrip.ml", line 389, characters 15-24:
389 | let () = match Term.eval cmd with
Alert deprecated: Cmdliner.Term.eval
Use Cmd.v and one of Cmd.eval* instead.
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -linkpkg -g -package unix -package cmdliner -I src -I test src/uutf.cmx test/utftrip.cmx -o test/utftrip.native
# No parallelism done
ocamlfind install uutf _build/pkg/META _build/src/uutf.lib _build/src/uutf.mli _build/src/uutf.cma _build/src/uutf.cmi _build/src/uutf.cmti _build/src/uutf.cmxa _build/src/uutf.cmxs _build/src/uutf*.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\uutf\uutf.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\uutf\uutf.cmxs
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\uutf\uutf.cmxa
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\uutf\uutf.cmti
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\uutf\uutf.cmi
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\uutf\uutf.cma
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\uutf\uutf.mli
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\uutf\uutf.lib
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\uutf\META
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/uutf'
make MAKEFLAGS= -f ../Makefile.packages -C jsonm jsonm-pkg-build && touch jsonm.pkgbuild
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/jsonm'
ocaml pkg/pkg.ml build --pkg-name jsonm --pinned false
mkdir 'C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\src_ext\jsonm\_build'
The system cannot find the path specified.
mkdir pkg
mkdir src
''ocamlfind ocamldep -package uutf -modules src/jsonm.ml > src/jsonm.ml.depends
''ocamlfind ocamldep -package uutf -modules src/jsonm.mli > src/jsonm.mli.depends
dune install "--prefix=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/" -p cudf cudf
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package uutf -I src -I test -o src/jsonm.cmi src/jsonm.mli
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/cudf'
make MAKEFLAGS= -f ../Makefile.packages -C opam-0install-cudf opam-0install-cudf-pkg-build && touch opam-0install-cudf.pkgbuild
make MAKEFLAGS= -f ../Makefile.packages -C mccs mccs-pkg-build && touch mccs.pkgbuild
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/opam-0install-cudf'
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package uutf -I src -I test -o src/jsonm.cmx src/jsonm.ml
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/mccs'
dune install "--prefix=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/" -p ocamlgraph ocamlgraph
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -package uutf -I src src/jsonm.cmx -o src/jsonm.cmxa
dune build @install -p opam-0install-cudf
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -package uutf -I src src/jsonm.cmxa -o src/jsonm.cmxs
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/ocamlgraph'
make MAKEFLAGS= -f ../Makefile.packages -C dose3 dose3-pkg-build && touch dose3.pkgbuild
grep -q "C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/stublibs" C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/ld.conf || echo C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/stublibs >> C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml/ld.conf
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/dose3'
dune build @install -p mccs
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package uutf -I src -I test -o src/jsonm.cmo src/jsonm.ml
dune build @install -p dose3
''ocamlfind ocamlc -a -package uutf -I src src/jsonm.cmo -o src/jsonm.cma
mkdir test
(cd _build/default/src && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD /EHsc -DUSEGLPK -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\cudf -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\extlib -I glpk /Fochanged_criteria.obj -c changed_criteria.cpp)
''ocamlfind ocamldep -package unix -package uutf -modules test/jsontrip.ml > test/jsontrip.ml.depends
dune install "--prefix=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/" -p opam-0install-cudf opam-0install-cudf
(cd _build/default/src && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD /EHsc -DUSEGLPK -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\cudf -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\extlib -I glpk /Foconstraint_generation.obj -c constraint_generation.cpp)
(cd _build/default/src && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD /EHsc -DUSEGLPK -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\cudf -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\extlib -I glpk /Focount_criteria.obj -c count_criteria.cpp)
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/opam-0install-cudf'
(cd _build/default/src && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD /EHsc -DUSEGLPK -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\cudf -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\extlib -I glpk /Focudf_tools.obj -c cudf_tools.cpp)
(cd _build/default/src && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD /EHsc -DUSEGLPK -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\cudf -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\extlib -I glpk /Focudf_reductions.obj -c cudf_reductions.cpp)
''ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package unix -package uutf -I test -I src -o test/jsontrip.cmo test/jsontrip.ml
(cd _build/default/src && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD /EHsc -DUSEGLPK -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\cudf -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\extlib -I glpk /Foglpk_solver.obj -c glpk_solver.cpp)
(cd _build/default/src && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD /EHsc -DUSEGLPK -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\cudf -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\extlib -I glpk /Folexagregate_combiner.obj -c lexagregate_combiner.cpp)
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package unix -package uutf -I test -I src -o test/jsontrip.cmx test/jsontrip.ml
(cd _build/default/src && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD /EHsc -DUSEGLPK -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\cudf -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\extlib -I glpk /Folp_solver.obj -c lp_solver.cpp)
(cd _build/default/src && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD /EHsc -DUSEGLPK -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\cudf -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\extlib -I glpk /Fomccs_stubs.obj -c mccs_stubs.cpp)
(cd _build/default/src && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD /EHsc -DUSEGLPK -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\cudf -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\extlib -I glpk /Fonew_criteria.obj -c new_criteria.cpp)
(cd _build/default/src && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD /EHsc -DUSEGLPK -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\cudf -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\extlib -I glpk /Fomccscudf.obj -c mccscudf.cpp)
(cd _build/default/src && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD /EHsc -DUSEGLPK -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\cudf -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\extlib -I glpk /Fonotuptodate_criteria.obj -c notuptodate_criteria.cpp)
(cd _build/default/src && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD /EHsc -DUSEGLPK -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\cudf -I C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\extlib -I glpk /Foremoved_criteria.obj -c removed_criteria.cpp)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foadvbas.obj -c advbas.c)
''ocamlfind ocamlopt -linkpkg -g -package unix -package uutf -I src -I test src/jsonm.cmx test/jsontrip.cmx -o test/jsontrip.native
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foalloc.obj -c alloc.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foavl.obj -c avl.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fobfd.obj -c bfd.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fobtf.obj -c btf.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fobtfint.obj -c btfint.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Focfg.obj -c cfg.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Focfg1.obj -c cfg1.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Focfg2.obj -c cfg2.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foclqcut.obj -c clqcut.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Focovgen.obj -c covgen.c)
C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\src_ext\mccs\_build\default\src\glpk\src\glpk\intopt\covgen.c(155) : warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'type' used
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Focpxbas.obj -c cpxbas.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fodlsup.obj -c dlsup.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fodmp.obj -c dmp.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foenv.obj -c env.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foerror.obj -c error.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fofhv.obj -c fhv.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fofhvint.obj -c fhvint.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fofvs.obj -c fvs.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fofpump.obj -c fpump.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fogcd.obj -c gcd.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foglpapi06.obj -c glpapi06.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foglpapi09.obj -c glpapi09.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foglpapi10.obj -c glpapi10.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foglpapi12.obj -c glpapi12.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foglpapi13.obj -c glpapi13.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foglpios01.obj -c glpios01.c)
C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\src_ext\mccs\_build\default\src\glpk\src\glpk\draft\glpios01.c(1494) : warning C4716: '_glp_ios_find_row': must return a value
mkdir doc
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foglpios02.obj -c glpios02.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foglpios03.obj -c glpios03.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foglpios07.obj -c glpios07.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foglpios09.obj -c glpios09.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foglpios11.obj -c glpios11.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foglpios12.obj -c glpios12.c)
# No parallelism done
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foglpscl.obj -c glpscl.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fogmicut.obj -c gmicut.c)
ocamlfind install jsonm _build/pkg/META _build/src/jsonm.lib _build/src/jsonm.mli _build/src/jsonm.cma _build/src/jsonm.cmi _build/src/jsonm.cmti _build/src/jsonm.cmxa _build/src/jsonm.cmxs _build/src/jsonm*.cmx
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foifu.obj -c ifu.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fogmigen.obj -c gmigen.c)
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\jsonm\jsonm.cmx
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\jsonm\jsonm.cmxs
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\jsonm\jsonm.cmxa
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\jsonm\jsonm.cmti
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\jsonm\jsonm.cmi
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\jsonm\jsonm.cma
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\jsonm\jsonm.mli
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\jsonm\jsonm.lib
Installed C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib\jsonm\META
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fojd.obj -c jd.c)
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/jsonm'
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foks.obj -c ks.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Folufint.obj -c lufint.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foluf.obj -c luf.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fomc13d.obj -c mc13d.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fomc21a.obj -c mc21a.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fomt1.obj -c mt1.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fomirgen.obj -c mirgen.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fonpp1.obj -c npp1.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fonpp2.obj -c npp2.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fonpp3.obj -c npp3.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fonpp4.obj -c npp4.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fonpp5.obj -c npp5.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foprob1.obj -c prob1.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foprob2.obj -c prob2.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foprob4.obj -c prob4.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foprob5.obj -c prob5.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foproxy.obj -c proxy.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foproxy1.obj -c proxy1.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Forng.obj -c rng.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Forng1.obj -c rng1.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foround2n.obj -c round2n.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foscf.obj -c scf.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Foscfint.obj -c scfint.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fospv.obj -c spv.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fosgf.obj -c sgf.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fospxat.obj -c spxat.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fospxchuzc.obj -c spxchuzc.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fospxchuzr.obj -c spxchuzr.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fospxlp.obj -c spxlp.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fospxnt.obj -c spxnt.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fospxprim.obj -c spxprim.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fospxprob.obj -c spxprob.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fospychuzc.obj -c spychuzc.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fospychuzr.obj -c spychuzr.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fostdc.obj -c stdc.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fostdout.obj -c stdout.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fospydual.obj -c spydual.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fosva.obj -c sva.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fotime.obj -c time.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fotls.obj -c tls.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fotriang.obj -c triang.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fowclique.obj -c wclique.c)
(cd _build/default/src/glpk && "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe" -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD -I C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml /Fowclique1.obj -c wclique1.c)
dune install "--prefix=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/" -p dose3 dose3
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/dose3'
dune install "--prefix=C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/" -p mccs mccs
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext/mccs'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/opam-build-master/src_ext'
Removing intermediate container 9926e9c650f5
 ---> 7dde8a433acc
Step 33/56 : RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "cd /tmp/opam-build-master && eval $(msvs-detect --arch=x64) && export PATH="$MSVS_PATH:$PATH" && export LIB="$MSVS_LIB" && export INCLUDE="$MSVS_INC" && ./configure --enable-cold-check  --with-0install-solver && make && make install"
 ---> Running in 2f57917a1537
tzset: can't find matching POSIX timezone for Windows timezone ""
Bootstrap compiler found -- activating
checking for ocamlc... ocamlc
OCaml version is 4.14.1
OCaml library path is C:/cygwin64/tmp/opam-build-master/bootstrap/ocaml/lib/ocaml
checking for ocamlopt... ocamlopt
checking for ocamlc.opt... ocamlc.opt
checking for ocamlopt.opt... ocamlopt.opt
checking for ocaml... ocaml
checking for ocamldep... ocamldep
checking for ocamldep.opt... ocamldep.opt
checking for ocamlmktop... ocamlmktop
checking for ocamlmklib... ocamlmklib
checking for ocamldoc... ocamldoc
checking for ocamldoc.opt... ocamldoc.opt
checking for ocamlbuild... ocamlbuild
checking OCaml Sys.os_type... Win32
checking for gawk... gawk
checking for compiler type... msvc
checking for compiler architecture... amd64
checking for compiler system... win64
checking for compiler target... x86_64-pc-windows
checking for an installed Microsoft C Compiler for x64... from PATH
checking for cl... cl -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD    -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... conftest.exe
checking for suffix of executables... .exe
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... obj
checking whether the compiler supports GNU C... no
checking whether cl -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD    -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE accepts -g... no
checking for cl -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD    -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE option to enable C11 features... unsupported
checking for cl -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD    -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE option to enable C99 features... unsupported
checking for cl -nologo -O2 -Gy- -MD    -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE option to enable C89 features... unsupported
checking for stdio.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for strings.h... no
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... no
checking for acl/libacl.h... no
checking for library containing acl_get_perm... no
checking whether Microsoft Linker needs a PATH shim... no
checking for a way to invoke an x86 C compiler... from Visual Studio Build Tools 2022
checking for ocamlobjinfo... ocamlobjinfo
checking for ocamlfind... ocamlfind
checking for curl... curl
checking for dune... dune
checking for patch... patch
checking for bunzip2... bunzip2
checking for a workable solution for ln -s... ln -s
checking for linking method... shared

checking for OCaml findlib package unix... found
checking for OCaml findlib package re 1.9.0 or later... found 1.11.0
checking for OCaml findlib package base64 3.1.0 or later... found 3.5.1
checking for OCaml findlib package cmdliner... found
checking for OCaml findlib package ocamlgraph... found
checking for OCaml findlib package cudf 0.7 or later... found 0.10
checking for OCaml findlib package dose3.common 6.1 or later... found 7.0.0
checking for OCaml findlib package dose3.algo 6.1 or later... found 7.0.0
checking for OCaml findlib package opam-file-format 2.1.4 or later... found 2.1.6
checking for OCaml findlib package spdx_licenses... found
checking for OCaml findlib package opam-0install-cudf 0.4 or later... found v0.4.3
checking for OCaml findlib package jsonm... found
checking for OCaml findlib package uutf... found
checking for OCaml findlib package sha... found
checking for OCaml findlib package swhid_core... found
checking for OCaml findlib package mccs 1.1+17 or later... found 1.1+17

configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile.config
config.status: creating src/ocaml-flags-configure.sexp
config.status: creating src/stubs/c-flags.sexp
config.status: creating src/stubs/libacl/c-libraries.sexp

Opam will be built WITH its default built-in solver

Executables will be installed in /usr/local/bin
Manual pages will be installed in /usr/local/share/man
dune build --profile=release --root .  --promote-install-files -- opam-installer.install opam.install
sed -f process.sed opam.install > processed-opam.install
dune build --profile=release --root .  --promote-install-files -- opam-installer.install
sed -f process.sed opam-installer.install > processed-opam-installer.install
./opam-installer.exe --prefix "C:\cygwin64\usr\local" --mandir "C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man" --libdir "C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib" --docdir "C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\doc" processed-opam.install
_build\install\default\bin\opam-putenv.exe => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\opam-putenv.exe
_build\install\default\bin\opam.exe => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\opam.exe
Creating directory C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-add-constraint.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-add-constraint.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-add-hashes.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-add-hashes.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-cache.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-cache.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-check.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-check.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-filter.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-filter.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-help.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-help.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-index.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-index.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-lint.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-lint.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-list.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-list.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-make.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-make.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-update-extrafiles.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-update-extrafiles.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin-upgrade.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin-upgrade.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-admin.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-admin.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-clean.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-clean.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-config.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-config.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-env.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-env.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-exec.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-exec.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-help.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-help.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-info.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-info.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-init.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-init.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-install.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-install.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-lint.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-lint.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-list.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-list.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-lock.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-lock.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-option.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-option.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-pin.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-pin.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-reinstall.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-reinstall.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-remote.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-remote.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-remove.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-remove.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-repository.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-repository.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-search.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-search.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-show.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-show.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-source.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-source.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-switch.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-switch.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-tree.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-tree.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-uninstall.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-uninstall.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-unpin.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-unpin.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-update.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-update.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-upgrade.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-upgrade.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-var.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-var.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-why.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-why.1
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam.1
./opam-installer.exe --prefix "C:\cygwin64\usr\local" --mandir "C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man" --libdir "C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\lib" --docdir "C:\cygwin64\tmp\opam-build-master\bootstrap\ocaml\doc" processed-opam-installer.install
_build\install\default\bin\opam-installer.exe => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\opam-installer.exe
_build\install\default\man\man1\opam-installer.1 => C:\cygwin64\usr\local\share\man\man1\opam-installer.1
Removing intermediate container 2f57917a1537
 ---> 1f6a7709415e
Step 34/56 : RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "cd /usr/local/bin && tar -cf /cygdrive/c/opam.tar ."
 ---> Running in 10cf0532fe71
tzset: can't find matching POSIX timezone for Windows timezone ""
Removing intermediate container 10cf0532fe71
 ---> db85361d2481
Step 35/56 : FROM cygwin-msvc
 ---> cd27adcdcd3e
Step 36/56 : LABEL distro_style="windows"
 ---> Running in e8c00e2988b3
Removing intermediate container e8c00e2988b3
 ---> 0a1150b90c5b
Step 37/56 : USER ContainerAdministrator
 ---> Running in 2f053080269d
Removing intermediate container 2f053080269d
 ---> e51242bf7b3e
Step 38/56 : RUN C:\cygwin64\setup-x86_64.exe --quiet-mode --no-shortcuts --no-startmenu --no-desktop --only-site --local-package-dir C:\TEMP\cache --root C:\cygwin64 --site https://mirrors.kernel.org/sourceware/cygwin/ --symlink-type=native --packages curl,diffutils,git,m4,make,patch,perl,rsync,unzip &&   powershell -Command "Remove-Item 'C:\TEMP' -Recurse"
 ---> Running in 3872f4fbe4c6
Starting cygwin install, version 2.931
User has backup/restore rights
User has symlink creation right
Current Directory: C:\TEMP\cache
root: C:\cygwin64 system
Changing gid to Administrators
Selected local directory: C:\TEMP\cache
net: Preconfig
site: https://mirrors.kernel.org/sourceware/cygwin/
solving: 9 tasks, update: no, use test packages: no
solving: 3 tasks, update: no, use test packages: no
Augmented Transaction List:
   0 install curl  8.7.1-1  
   1 install m4    1.4.19-1 
   2 install unzip 6.0-18   
Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/curl/curl-8.7.1-1.tar.xz
Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/m4/m4-1.4.19-1.tar.xz
Downloaded C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/unzip/unzip-6.0-18.tar.xz
Registry value set: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cygwin\setup\rootdir = "C:\cygwin64"
Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/curl/curl-8.7.1-1.tar.xz
Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/m4/m4-1.4.19-1.tar.xz
Extracting from file://C:\TEMP\cache/https%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsourceware%2fcygwin%2f/x86_64/release/unzip/unzip-6.0-18.tar.xz
running: C:\cygwin64\bin\dash.exe "/etc/postinstall/0p_000_autorebase.dash"
running: C:\cygwin64\bin\dash.exe "/etc/postinstall/0p_update-info-dir.dash"
running: C:\cygwin64\bin\dash.exe "/etc/postinstall/zp_man-db-update-index.dash"
running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/zp_zcygsympathy.sh"
Ending cygwin install
Removing intermediate container 3872f4fbe4c6
 ---> bead64c8b903
Step 39/56 : ADD [ "https://github.com/fdopen/opam-repository-mingw/releases/download/", "C:\\TEMP\\" ]

 ---> 56a654a568c7
Step 40/56 : RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "cd /tmp && tar -xf /cygdrive/c/TEMP/opam64.tar.xz && ./opam64/install.sh --prefix=/usr && rm -rf opam64 opam64.tar.xz"
 ---> Running in 2291c28cda9d
tzset: can't find matching POSIX timezone for Windows timezone ""
please install either mingw64-i686-gcc-core (32-bit) or mingw64-x86_64-gcc-core (64-bit)
you need a working C compiler to compile native ocaml programs
opam is now installed. In order to compile and install OCaml, proceed with either
$ opam init default "https://github.com/fdopen/opam-repository-mingw.git#opam2" -c "ocaml-variants.4.14.0+mingw32" --disable-sandboxing
$ opam init default "https://github.com/fdopen/opam-repository-mingw.git#opam2" -c "ocaml-variants.4.14.0+mingw64" --disable-sandboxing

Alternatively, you can download and use a pre-compiled version with: (note the 'c' suffix)
$ opam init default "https://github.com/fdopen/opam-repository-mingw.git#opam2" -c "ocaml-variants.4.14.0+mingw32c" --disable-sandboxing
$ opam init default "https://github.com/fdopen/opam-repository-mingw.git#opam2" -c "ocaml-variants.4.14.0+mingw64c" --disable-sandboxing
Removing intermediate container 2291c28cda9d
 ---> f46e70635d21
Step 41/56 : ADD [ "https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe", "C:\\TEMP\\" ]

 ---> 10a74cc2ffce
Step 42/56 : RUN C:\TEMP\vc_redist.x64.exe /install /passive /norestart /log C:\TEMP\vc_redist.log &&   powershell -Command "Remove-Item 'C:\TEMP' -Recurse"
 ---> Running in dfc8025d3fd0
Removing intermediate container dfc8025d3fd0
 ---> c2c737b25ce2
Step 43/56 : COPY --from=winget-builder [ "C:\\Program Files\\winget-cli", "C:\\Program Files\\winget-cli" ]
 ---> 058446691977
Step 44/56 : RUN for /f "tokens=1,2,*" %a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path ^| findstr /r "^[^H]"') do         reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "C:\Program Files\winget-cli;%c"
 ---> Running in fd891155cb1b

C:\>reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "C:\Program Files\winget-cli;C:\cygwin64\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH" 
The operation completed successfully.

Removing intermediate container fd891155cb1b
 ---> 441915e04773
Step 45/56 : RUN powershell -Command "$path=(Join-Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA 'Packages\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState'); New-Item $path -ItemType Directory -Force; '{ """"$schema"""": """"https://aka.ms/winget-settings.schema.json"""", """"telemetry"""": { """"disable"""": """"true"""" } }' | Out-File -encoding ASCII (Join-Path $path 'settings.json')"
 ---> Running in 941a06b1ddeb

    Directory: C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name                          
----                -------------         ------ ----                          
d-----        4/14/2024   4:56 PM                LocalState                    

Removing intermediate container 941a06b1ddeb
 ---> d95316eecd96
Step 46/56 : COPY --from=opam-builder [ "C:\\opam.tar", "C:\\TEMP\\" ]
 ---> b5c44eb1bb6b
Step 47/56 : RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\tar.exe -xf /cygdrive/c/TEMP/opam.tar -C /usr/local/bin && del C:\TEMP\opam.tar &&   mklink C:\cygwin64\bin\opam-dev.exe C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\opam.exe &&   mklink C:\cygwin64\bin\opam-2.2.exe C:\cygwin64\bin\opam-dev.exe
 ---> Running in b19bb3e2e3b3
symbolic link created for C:\cygwin64\bin\opam-dev.exe <<===>> C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin\opam.exe
symbolic link created for C:\cygwin64\bin\opam-2.2.exe <<===>> C:\cygwin64\bin\opam-dev.exe
Removing intermediate container b19bb3e2e3b3
 ---> 0e0dd6e464e9
Step 48/56 : WORKDIR C:\cygwin64\home\opam
 ---> Running in a07be0ec0933
Removing intermediate container a07be0ec0933
 ---> 30f5e355d6be
Step 49/56 : ENV HOME="C:\cygwin64\home\opam"
 ---> Running in ce8669dc397c
Removing intermediate container ce8669dc397c
 ---> 28cbc1da96cd
Step 50/56 : RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "git config --global user.email 'docker@example.com' && git config --global user.name 'Docker' && git config --system core.longpaths true && git config --global --add safe.directory /home/opam/opam-repository"
 ---> Running in f0ec99fccec6
tzset: can't find matching POSIX timezone for Windows timezone ""
Removing intermediate container f0ec99fccec6
 ---> cef08a9b1a85
Step 51/56 : COPY [ ".", "C:\\cygwin64\\home\\opam\\opam-repository" ]
 ---> f770496bdfda
Step 52/56 : ENV OPAMROOT="C:\opam\.opam"
 ---> Running in 36fc459c2dae
Removing intermediate container 36fc459c2dae
 ---> ccb9d694518f
Step 53/56 : RUN opam init -k local -a "C:\cygwin64\home\opam\opam-repository" --bare --disable-sandboxing
 ---> Running in 3a3c3b1225f1
[NOTE] Will configure from built-in defaults.
Checking for available remotes: rsync and local, git.
  - you won't be able to use mercurial repositories unless you install the hg command on your system.
  - you won't be able to use darcs repositories unless you install the darcs command on your system.

<><> Fetching repository information ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
[default] Initialised

User configuration:
  Updating C:/cygwin64/home/opam/.profile.
[NOTE] Make sure that C:/cygwin64/home/opam/.profile is well sourced in your ~/.bashrc.

Removing intermediate container 3a3c3b1225f1
 ---> afdfcffcd5d1
Step 54/56 : RUN opam repo add ocurrent-overlay git+https://github.com/ocurrent/opam-repository-mingw#514541c9957ded860594146061738a060d3138e9 --set-default
 ---> Running in 7ec74ee5aed6
[ocurrent-overlay] Initialised
Removing intermediate container 7ec74ee5aed6
 ---> a5adfaaff294
Step 55/56 : RUN C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -c "rm -rf /cygdrive/c/opam/.opam/repo/default/.git"
 ---> Running in 5c607b16a728
tzset: can't find matching POSIX timezone for Windows timezone ""
Removing intermediate container 5c607b16a728
 ---> b7e44cf8ab2b
Step 56/56 : COPY [ "Dockerfile", "/Dockerfile.opam" ]
 ---> 5ba74708ac94
Successfully built 5ba74708ac94
Pushing "sha256:5ba74708ac94d05afae59310c4536553d0a073f1e00860d4ac36cea09d8af210" to "ocurrent/opam-staging:windows-msvc-1809-opam-amd64" as user "ocurrentbuilder"